Avatar of Aisling


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current I need a good RP with some substance in it. Prefer magic of some kind.
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2 yrs ago
I am lost without my Muse and Inspiration.
4 yrs ago
Looking for Players for a new RP line.
4 yrs ago
Hello to One and All!
4 yrs ago
Hello World and All Who Inhabit it!
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I am a widow as of June 6, 2022. I was married for 40 great and not so great years as well as many wonderful years. RIP My Sir.
I have no live muse (Sir was my muse upon which I bounced many ideas off of and he even named a few creatures and potions for me when I ran out of ideas.) but hopefully I will find a new muse -RL or RP.
I have 1 daughter who has given me 3 wonderful grandchildren with the help of her husband. They are my joy and reason for living otherwise I would be just existing.
I have 2 cats that keep me entertained.
I started RPing because I could no longer 'throw' my voice. My daughter and coworker told me to try RPing because it is like acting except that you write it and make up your own lines/responses. I was hooked on it after I started my 1st RP.

My current RP is one that is full of learning a new way of Magick. It is found here:


Come and visit me!

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This is a great place to place to put your notes and tests.
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TBA for student grades
This is for those who have joined Academy of Draconic Arts. If you like what you see here, feel free to join in at:
Hope to see you soon!

Please do not write in the IC area. If you wish to get credit for any homework (it is not required but will give you some advantages and able to be promoted to higher positions.) write a post here and tag me in it so I can credit it to you.

Thank you!
I will be back tomorrow. Good Night World and All Who Inhabit It.
Name: Amodavia Fleuretta Aisling DeForrest-
Age: 27
Race: You will be a non Magickal Human. There are no other races.
Background or what you want us to know: Mentor Amodavia trained with other competitive females for 7 years to be one of the Candidates for the Selected One. 3 more were spent learning the lore of Dragon Riders and how to raise a dragon. During that time Amodavia was given a Miniature Dragon egg to raise. She was the best at raising her dragon. This is the reason why she was chosen to lead a new group of Dragon Riders.
She has lived in Hidden Valley for a year by herself except for her two horses and miniature dragon.
Miniature Dragon: Xenica
Type of dragon: Illusion Dragon- makes illusions and dreams
What you and your dragon will look like. Picture or words.

Pictures are being made at this time.
@DraconiWarlord / Za'nuhul, Fire Dragonkind:
Sure. just go to the OCC and apply.
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