Avatar of Alisdragon911


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6 mos ago
Current Looking for male partner to do a Assassin/Spy Rp.
12 mos ago
Looking for male partner to rp a Batman Rp.


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Jen is patern with Mike as she walks in a direction following Maui as he sniffs the ground searching for Okami. Jen sees the auras of different Pokémon as she continue to walk past them.
Jen open her rotomdex to mark the Pokémon center on the pokemonnav app, she nods in agreement to meet up there.
We are tracking down Okami as she is about to evolve soon andMooney elvole into Midnight form Lycanroc.
“This is only a suggestion but Liam and Shiranui or Mike and Shiranui.” Jen says as the reason that Mooney and Okami been friends for awhile. Jen did not put Maui in a situation if Mooney and Okami are mates.
Jen just listens to her friends as Maui howls and listens. It is a way for Lycanroc or rockruff to communicate long distance through their howls.
“You have to use diffrent means to find out their gender,” Jen says to Mike as she whistles as Maui stands by her side. “About we go back to the Pokémon center to rest and look for Okami in the morning.”
“Okami is a female Rockruff, Maui can you pick up her scent?” Jen ask as Dusk or Mooney can sniff Okami out. Maui gets up and starts sniffing as he follows Okami scent hoping to find her.
Maui growls softly as he like being nip like that and rolls onto his side. He notices a few sprinkles of rain falling from the night sky.
Jen softly pets Ryu as Maui howls join in with Moony’s howl. He gaze at the moon Dusk is gazing at as he is excited that Moony evolve into midnight form Lycanroc as his tail wags tickling Dusk.
Maui notices Ryu helping Jen see clearer with his aura, Maui could run freely without worrying about Jen. He catch up to Dusk and the others quickly. He stops as he sees a Mid dayand a midnight Lycanroc. He enjoys the moon light as he watch what will happen. Jen listens on the conversation wonder what kind of Pokémon her friends encounter. “Thanks Ryu,” Jen says as she is grateful for the help hoping Aura will get stronger everyday.
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