Avatar of AngelofOctober
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  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1305 (0.38 / day)
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    1. AngelofOctober 9 yrs ago


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Current Ah yes an advertisement of an RP from three years ago perfect status quality right there. Back from the dead
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Containment Field is still looking for members; roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
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Resident Evil Fans: roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
5 yrs ago
Mahz been on vacation for half a year, I wonder if he'll come back from his Mahzquest - youtube.com/watch?v=ygI-2F8… - where could be Mahz be now? Find out next time on Mahzquest.
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All I ask is that people communicate these things.


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South London - 3 am - Lancaster’s Estate

“Oi Dawn - made it awight,” Jamie Lancaster says, he’s dripping wet from being in the pool earlier, swim trunks soaked, blonde hair swept back. Slow music is playing from his large estate, tucked away in a pocket of land near Shadelin Forest.

“Course mate,” Dawn says, though his wrist is killing him. His eyes quickly flash to the weird corpse lady who broke his wrist earlier. She shambles out the old hag that is. Jamie raises his brow.

“You in to cougars now?” Jamie ask.

“You know it,” Dawn replies with a nervous smile.

Seymora pays them no mind. She can feel herself being drawn to the female energy around here. She can sense them, a palpable scent. Powerfully alluring. Seymora rubs her body sensually in anticipation. Whether it’s the eighth of vodka Jamie had or to simply watch an old hag rub herself sensually, he bends over and spills his guts. Dawn has the same urge, but it’s repressed by his fear of dying.

Seymora slowly slips off as the men meat tend to each other’s needs. She is lured to a young female, with radiating skin. She’s young, her body is all on display for Seymora. How many years had it been that a female is dripping wet, hair in a tangled mess, her breast covered barely by a piece of cloth and her lower regions.

“Who invited their grandmum?” she ask, she looks disgusted with her, “Could you like fuck off. Cause you ruining my eyesight, ya.”

Seymora looks at the girl.

“If you knew who I was, you wouldn’t speak to me like that insolent girl,” Seymora says extending out her hand.

“Ewww I think I am gonna upchuck, really,” the girl replies.

She moves quicker than the girl can flinch, using her grip to squeeze the girls throat. Her vocal chords break before she can finish choking the life out of her. She will not tolerate being spoken to in such a manner or tone. Ripping the girls vocal chords out, blood began to splatter all over her skin and tattered robes.

“Hahahahahaa, girls who talk back should be silent and not heard,” Seymora tells the young girl, feeling her youth slowly returning to her.

Seymora slinks off blood beginning to create a trail, as another young female is wearing a dramatically revealing outfit in the back. Though the front is fully covered. What is the purpose of an outfit so ridiculous? She’s leaning of some counter, holding a blue drink in her hand.

“Shite!” the man meat behind the counter yells out, a man meat with dark skin and frizzy hair. Seymora pays him no attention.
She turns around, wet hair whips around.

“Haha, this is rich, Jamie who’s grandma is this?” she ask and looks at her too in revulsion. Why cannot the woman of this era see her beauty? How is she not winning them over with her presence?

“Your friends vocal chords were very fragile, are yours as well?” she ask extending out her hand to present the vocal chords to the young girl.

“WHAT THE FUCK!” she yells.

“CALL THE POLICE!” the man meat behind the counter starts shouting.

The young female tries to run off, she grabs her arm quickly. Her skin wet, and nearly slips Seymora’s grip. The man meat runs off though, she doesn’t necessarily care as she drags in the girl. Wrapping her other arm around her neck to hold it still, it takes merely one of her arms to snap it, when her head goes limp, she throws the body onto its knees and rips her head off with both hands. Girls in this era were so careless with their words. Then it seemed they needed an education in etiquette.

West London - 8 am - Shepherd’s Fire Station


You have been humbly invited to the New Breed Pride parade being held here in Northern London on the day of your anniversary arrival, March 9th, 2017. All active current SYNBAD members are welcomed. And we would be humbly honored if your leader would say a few words before the floats. You have provided London a great service, allow us to show our thanks.

Yours Truly,

Prime Minister Shirley Lancaster

A note had been hung up about a week ago by no other than Laura. Many were uncertain if it were a suggestion or if it were a request. Knowing Laura it most likely was them being told what to do. So many of them tiredly got out of bed with the expectation of going to the celebration today. Held a little closer to 11. Apparently there were would floats built in their honor, and Viorel was suppose to say a few words. Something like that, though no one was really certain if everyone at the parade was going to be a friendly ally.

These things to invite all kinds of character, but there would be plenty of food, other sorts of vendors, and T-Shirts. A very fetching one in one of the catalogues read: I <3 SYNBAD.

Viorel had a particular time with that, the conversation around the shirt is, “Why do they heart SYNBAD? Is this some kind of message?”

Which Angelica replied, “They aren’t going cut out hearts if that’s what you think.”

Come find me!!

#paradeday #newbreedpride #newbreed #snakeboy #cute #emo #cuteboy

Important things aside he put down his cellphone. To be truthful he felt anxious about the parade day. Parades meant a lot of people and a lot of people meant a lot of stares. He did invite them over didn’t he, he runs his finger through his hair. Is he hungry or too nervous and he’s going to puke? He cannot really tell.

Room is tight, but you get use to it. It has enough space for him to place Nagini on a dresser, it’s longwise, with six drawers. There’s a small closet tucked next to his twin size bed, only reason he can sleep on a twin size is because he’s small enough. There’s a door entrance, with cabinet space for anything else you might need to store, honestly it remind him of those small attic bedrooms in old houses. Enough room to stretch, somewhat, but still narrow compared to an ordinary bedroom.

Getting up and simply throwing the sheets onto the bed, looks done enough he walks to the closet, sliding the door open. Passing an arrangement of clothes, a kilt with too many chains, a couple pants with different types of belts on them he’ll call them belts cause calling them bondage pants makes him feel dirty, a pair of red cheetah prints pants though that might make him stand out, ah yeah these jeans will do. He’s tucked a shoe rack in the closet and took out a pair of boots he thinks might match, they have flames on them so that’s cool. And a black button up shirt.

What’s the term business casual, he guessed. Cause they had to look presentable according to Laura. Hopefully this is presentable enough. Ducking out quickly of his room, perhaps he could take a shower before anyone gets up. He checks in the bathrooms, score, no one is in the showers. Honestly it reminded him of his school locker rooms, except without the lockers. A couple showers, at least they had kind of privacy with walls that separated each shower, each toilet stall had a door. Issue was anyone walking out the stall could see you butt naked.

Angelica ignored his complaint about it, “Boo fuckin hoo. You take pictures of yourself all day. Get over it just cause someone seen your toosh.”

She could be a git sometimes. He huffs. Hanging his clothes over the towel rack. They had one cabinet with folded laundry. They were always clean. It had to be Gemina or Jensen. One day he watched the both of them try to tear a towel out of each other’s hands. He feared there was going to be blood. Luckily it turned out awight. Setting some tunes on his phone then getting the shower nice and hot before stepping in. Hopefully no one came in when he was flaking scales. Yeah he didn’t have dandruff. He had tiny tiny teeny tiny scales. God he felt like not going.

Wonder what excuse he could make to get out of it. Probably non.

He hears someone’s door open. Shite. Rushing to get soap all over his body and drying himself off quickly. He rushed getting his flame skull boxers on, then his jeans, hastily buttoning down his shirt, buttons are all shite right now. Fuck he forgot his hair dryer. At least he was dressed rushing out the bathroom he saw Nilin leaving her room. Mother fucking shitebags. That’s who it was. Probably going to get herself food before Gemina begins to force feed people.

He lazily raises a hand, “Hey.” he says as he runs to his room to get his hair dryer, his socks and shoes.

Gemina opens the white lacy curtains, sunlight beams through the window and then she frowns staring out the window. She wanted to see birds, she wanted to the forest outside her window, like the fantastic movies. Instead she was staring at a street, with tarmac, a row of trees acting like a median and several apartment flats. In the years of their existence time had really changed. She watched Viorel as he began to put the final touches on the hem of her dress. He hadn’t gotten dressed himself yet, just his undershirt and his pants. He looked handsome busy and working. She in just a chemise slip currently, watching his serious expression. Though he seemed to be enjoying himself, she could tell that much. Her dress is beautiful, she couldn’t help, but feel loved by this man staring at the white silk dress, adorned with embroidery at the end of the skirt with sequins. Shoulders with the same silvery design. His hands had the experience and knowledge, they were her favorite part, but she knew they had the softest touch. Not much about Viorel is soft, his hands always soft.

“This is like a date,” she presses the man.

Viorel smiles, well she can see his smiles, others cannot.

“I suppose that is true,” he tells her.

She happily wanders over to him.

“My dress is beautiful,” she tells him.

“I hoped you’d like it,” he responds, again she can tell the warm tones in his voice that others cannot pick up. Only she could. Could she touch him she wondered? How would he react? She places a hand tenderly on his shoulders. He pauses sewing to turn around to look at her. Something inside of her is racing.

“Viorel,” she says nervously.

“I have something else for you as well,” he tells her standing up, her hand slips down his back. He’s strong and warm. She feels pull towards him every time they have these moments. She wishes for a kiss, or for him to throw her onto the bed. She wishes for something reckless at these times. Something that would have made her mother shocked, when she were alive. He grabs her hands that have slid down his shoulder, he kisses her fingers tenderly.

“Despite the poor view outside, this day makes me happy,” she announces to him.

“I am glad,” he tells her, as he let’s go of her hands, and walks behind the mannequin bust that is exactly her size. He begins to undo the strings in the back, “Would you try this on for me?”

“I’d be honored,” Gemina finds herself giggling.

She always liked this part. Getting dressed in the clothes he makes for her. It made her feel beautiful in this world. He gently lays the dress down on the bed and smiles at her. As she grabs the dress maybe a bit too eagerly. He watches as she does so. She gets the first of the skirt on herself, he quickly helps her get her arms into the sleeves, and helps fix her slip so nothing is bunched up. She doesn’t mind when he touches her in places they should otherwise be ashamed of touching each other. He slowly begins to thread the strings in the back of her dress. She waits till he is finished threading her in. She turns around to look at him.

“Not too tight,” he ask her brush past her black hair.

“No,” she tells him, what she wanted to tell him is that he already stole her breath away.

“Ask one of the girls to do your hair,” Viorel tells her, “However, I have something more for you.” He says.

She waits. Viorel turns around to the white antique dresser they had for a while, the chipped white paint is beginning to break apart again. One of the corners is missing do to Blinky’s meddling, he opens the drawer now that can’t quite come open any more, it gets jammed, but with enough wiggling he manages to open it taking out a large velvet box.

“Close your eyes,” he says.

She does. She’s excited. She feels cold metal to her neck. What could it be? She’s scared, but his touch is tender and somehow that eases her.

“You may open them,” Viorel tells her.

She opens her eyes. This necklace. A silver embroidered necklace, with two dark sapphires. Where did he get it?

“I remember this necklace, we lost it in our house in Germany,” she tells him.

“And I found it,” Viorel replies.

She turns around excitedly and hugs him tightly.

“I love you,” she says happily.

“I as well,” he replies kissing her cheek.

“I have to find Nilin, she’ll be thrilled. Gemina says, she finds herself flying out of the bedroom too excited to bother about the cleaning.

Viorel watches her leave. She seems to be in high spirits this morning, that is good. It pleases him when he can actually get her to smile. Her leaving the room brimming, no overflowing with joy made him feel joyful too. Glad in fact that she is still happy with him after all these years. A parade then. He turns to Blinky whom they have had to lock at night in a dog crate. It has all the things Blinky could want and need. He calls it his bedroom, it’s better than nothing. A pink polka dotted throw, warm and fuzzy, some coloring books, Blinky complains about their story all the time, a cookie jar, some crayons scattered across the soft pillow they had given them. Some he had even tried to taste.

“Scary Face gavies away me precious shiny,” Blinky remarks.
“Viorel,” he corrects, “To be fair it was our before it ever belonged to you. Would you like to go to the parade or not?”

“Ooo Blinky luvs festivies,” Blinky replies, looking eager to get out of the crate.

Viorel let’s him out, Blinky stretches.

“Remember the rules,” Viorel tells Blinky.

“No manure, no pranksy, no bad bad,” Blinky replies.

“That’ll about do it, and if you follow all the rules,” Viorel says going back to the drawer, fiddling with it before taking out a pocket watch he found at a thrift store.

“I get new shiny,” Blinky looks at it, a bit of drool begins to form at his mouth.

He still wonders how he’s managed to survive this creatures habits. Most would have given up on him, though he didn’t have the heart to do something so cruel. After all these were all base instincts a Goblin had, he isn’t so sure it would be kind behavior to reprimand him for something Blinky couldn’t truly control. Viorel tried his best to keep his temper with Blinky.

“Wakey the Baby?” Blinky ask.

Why does he keep calling Jensen that? Viorel sighs.

“Jensen,” Viorel corrects, “Go on.”

Blinky scurries off to go wake Jensen, leaving Viorel to the room. Honestly he had no feeling towards or against the parade. He wished others would stop seeing him as the only voice of the New Breeds. Many of those in SYNBAD had done just as much even more. He wished to see Jensen on the stage to speak about his relations with spirits. He wished to see Nilin stand on the stage to stand before the others to show that not all New Breeds were out there eccentrics, they could be a warm bowl of comfort as well. Or Myles in order to get some confidence in the boy. Maybe Jack to crack open that shell he otherwise had. Or perhaps Giovani could speak of his experiences and entertain the crowd with a joke. Foster he’d prefer speaking another face to show the generosity of New Breeds, to put it bluntly he’d worry about Harper on stage.

He is not the source of all there is to wisdom. Wisdom came in spades. It comes from different experiences. It comes from different minds. One mind thinking for so many others is not ideal. It means putting his own thoughts in their mind. It means putting his own words for them. He didn’t like the prospect. All of God's children all had something heavenly to share.

North London - Melody Garden Flats

This didn’t feel right. Not one bit right at all.

Harper: Ay-up. Mornin’ sunshine.

Foster groans as Harper is clapping loudly in their head. Slowly comin’ ‘round it is becoming quite clear what is wrong. Foster’s staring at stunningly fit woman lying next to him, naked, messy black hair.

“Would you like to explain?” Foster mumbles tiredly.

Harper: Aye. If I ‘ave too. You see mes and her went out last night. We got home. I begin to slowly rub her shoulders….

“...I have had enough of that,” Foster replies sharply before he really goes on explaining the whole thing to ‘im.

Harper laughs.

“Fix it,” Foster demands tiredly.

Harper: Ah nah. I like to watch the struggle brotha.

Foster grumbled. Slowly as he’s beginning to come ‘round he’s slowly beginning to feel the pressure in his head. Really, why leave him with the hangover? Slowly he places his hand on the woman’s bare arm. This feels wrong in so many ways. He slowly shakes her.

“Xcuse me miss,” Foster says softly.

Harper stays quiet. The more awake he’s becoming the more sick he’s feeling. He softly shakes her again in hopes to wake her.

“‘Xcuse me miss,” Foster says louder, but still soft.

She finally opens her eyes, they are brown, and they stare at him. She smiles stroking his cheek.

“Hey you were great last night,” she says tiredly, as if she’s still asleep.

Oh this is always awkward.

“I’m not who you think I am,” Foster says, “Harper my twin. You need to leave. And I have to get ready for a parade. Right after I puke in the toilet.”

He hates waking up and feeling nauseous. Sickness when you’re waking up is one of those all or nothing things. Where one minute you feel nothing and then all the sudden you feel everything at once. First it’s the head pressure. Then it’s the spinning room. Then it’s the loopy feeling in your stomach. He doesn’t particular care that he clipped a toe on the doorway as he bends over to dry heave into the toilet.

“Why would you,” he takes a moment, “do this.”

Harper laughs: Because the hangover is the worse part.

“I know,” he says trying to recover, “I’m the one talking to nobody through a toilet bowl.”

Harper makes a sound: Ouch. I am nobody, huh.

“You know perfectly well what I mean,” Foster replies.

Harper: Ye. She must think you insane by now.

Standing up, there were times he wish Harper were in the present. So he could slug his shoulder. Cause he does things like this. Staring at their bathroom counter is like staring at a shared space with one individual present at times in the physical. Harper’s side is always messy, he could learn to clean up, his space always encroaches on his own space, then he has nowhere to place his things. Why does he bother with these things? Men’s cologne with names like; Ocean Breeze, Mountain Fresh. Neither of which smell at all what they say they smell like. Hair styling products, Harper’s comb is in the sink basin again.

“Mountain Fresh, wots’ tat like then?” Foster ask.

Harper: You wuldnnit like it. Talkin’ ‘bout not liking tings. Let’s talk ‘bout your hand soap. Cherry Blossom extract natural soups. You gottah be kidding me.

“It has a short ingredient list, and isn’t animal tested,” Foster replies, “I know what you’re going to say about it. I am already pissed I have to deal with the hangover.”

Harper: Dats is girly. Smells flowery. But it was nice. I stole a drop last night. Woman love it.

Foster shakes their head, opening the medicine cabinet their things are scattered all over the place. Why Harper insisted on having a dinosaur toothbrush was beyond him even then, taking out his toothbrush he began to go through the routine. Brushing, then flossing, mouthwash.

“What did you do use vodka as a mouthwash?” Foster asked making sure the shower temperature hit a balanced medium.

Harper laughs: Don’t be crass. I used rum.

Heading into the shower, it became painfully aware the little things they did share. His brother choosing shampoos with black bottles, which looked lethal to him, they had names like Fresh Apple, Winter Chill. While he had chosen natural shampoos, mint extract in a recycled plastic bottles. Sometimes he wondered if this difference was their divide or if it were merely a joke to Harper.

Harper: Something the matter.

“Do you think we’re too different?” Foster asked.

Harper: Not at all. Imagine if we were exactly the same. Whoddah you look up to wake you up with a hangover then? Huh.

Harper laughs, which gets Foster to smile.
“Should I go for something else?” Foster ask Harper.

Harper: Nah. Go for the mint one. Like the way it smells.

“Then why do you go for the horrible ones?” Foster ask.

Harper: Cause it gets me laid.

He’s just jerking your chain around Foster. I know, but it works.

When that was all said and done he walked into their closet. Harper’s and his taste were abundantly clear to him. Why is it bothering him so much today? Perhaps because he was bothered by the fact his head feels like it’s being put through a juicer.

“Suggestions?” Foster ask looking through his wardrobe, that seems of muted colors. While behind him were Harper’s clothes, not only obtuse, some were overzealous as well in design.

Harper: Just one.

“Lemme guess, don’t dress like a twat,” Foster mumbles.

Harper: Atta boy.

Harper says nothing else as Foster is going through his things. Cardigans and button up shirts. White, beige, blacks, navies.

Harper sighs: Go for the gray one with the nice textured pattern.

Foster puts a hand on the casual cardigan he’s talking about, it’s a bit thinner for March weather, but he takes it off its hangar.

“This one?” Foster ask.

Harper: Yes. Now go for one of the sky blue shirts or the gray one.

Foster follows his instructions, “This one then?”

Harper: Yep. Grab some jeans. And there ya go.

“Thank you,” Foster mumbles.

Harper: Uh huh. Gotta a hat to go with that.

“This” Foster picks up one of his only owned slouchy knits. When he was trying to be brave. And out there. This didn’t really scream brave and out there, did it?

Harper: Works.

“Okay,” Foster mumbles as he starts to prepare getting dressed.

Harper: Take a pair of my sunglasses too. God your goin’ need it.

“Who’s fault is that?” Foster asked.

Harper: Dunno. A poltergeist did it.

Once everything seemed in order and the stranger had vanished as he reentered their living bedroom. Moving through the open floor planned studio, he stared at a shiny waxed red box in it. Beside the hangover he was worried she might not like it.

“You think this is a horrible idea?” Foster asked.

Harper: If I was being an ass, I’d say yes. But it ain’t ‘orrible unless you think it’s ‘orrible.

“Okay,” Foster replies.

Off to SYNBAD HQ. Why was he going to this parade again? He felt like he barely made a contribution to the group usually.

*Middle name Clint if you really need to know that sort of thing

Age: 17 going on 18

Alias: Komodo

Tier: 4

Years in LHA: 2


Terribly white bleach skin, you’d think this boy is sick with something it starkly contrast with his jet black hair and severe cancer patient look. A curved, and deep slit in his mouth is the only takeaway that there may be more than meets the eye with this young man. Well that and the clear white colored irises that have a slight reflection to them in the light, like that of an animal that may be able to see in the night, and tiny black pupils. Natural black circles around his eyes only make his white irises more dramatic, though there is slight enhancement as he naturally enhances with a dramatic layer of eyeshadow and eyeliner it’s hard to determine where his natural raccoon eyes start and where he’s smeared more black under his eyes.

Many aren’t necessarily sure what the statement he’s trying to make with his dress. A white t-shirt or a white hoodie which he wears when out and about doing hero things, with a razor on a chained necklace certainly gathers attention from other people. Skinny black jeans and worn black and white canvas shoes betray the sweet kid he is. For someone who wants to be accepted, he certainly doesn’t dress in an acceptable manner.

For a boy who dresses like scenester, he actually has a smooth tone to his voice, actually possibly most of his attraction comes from the smokiness and velvet cadence to his voice. Many have suggested that most girls are simply attracted to his voice and not the rest of his severe appearance. He stands at 5’7”, 170cm, and weighs 106 pounds, 48kg.


Myles is not an unapproachable young man, actually he’s easily open for a good conversation. He’s pretty much any eighteen year old would be. Rumboxious and a little rebellious, though never really over the top with it. He’s into the latest things kids his age are into. He particularly likes meme culture and enjoys meeting his fans that follow him on his Snapgram. He’s a very active young man, who enjoys socializing with others. That doesn’t mean Myles doesn’t have anything going for him, despite seemingly like a follower who goes with what is the latest in thing and the coolest topic with kids his age underneath that surface is a gentle kid.

He’s never really sought out to hurt others and doesn’t necessarily possess the mean bone that his dress style would have others assume. Honestly probably most of his accepting, go with the crowd behavior has a lot to do with Myles want and desire to be accepted by others. He doesn’t look like other eighteen years old and he’s aware of that. Even if he didn’t dress weird, he’d still look weird. When he dresses weird it makes his weird less.

He’s not just tuning out jokes other people tune out either, he’s an extremely goofy young man who often says whatever comes to his mind. Actually many people who falsely accuse him of stealing jokes are often wrong about him. Where there is a social media following there will always be critics about what you say and he knows that.

What he cannot seem to accept is criticisms about his appearance. He’s actually, despite seemingly very confident about owning his weirdness, very insecure about the way he looks. He doesn’t always see himself as sexy as many of his photos would suggest or the things he says to impress others. He can be very sensitive about the things people say about him and he doesn’t accept rejection very well especially when it’s based on his appearance.

More importantly he wants his mother to be proud of him and maybe hopefully he can do something for her to be proud of him. He’s really just looking for somewhere that makes him feel normal. His body and his instincts are already weird and he doesn’t necessarily have anyone to talk to in those circumstances. You can’t have those conversations with kids his age despite him really wanting to. An extroverted, happy kid, who enjoys loud music, and really wants an accepting family figure in his life.


Editing and Photography -

Just because he takes selfies doesn’t mean you don’t need to know a bit about photography. Where your lighting is coming from and how to use the editing software when it’s appropriate. He’d probably be able to tell you whether something is photoshopped or not.

Marketing and Branding -

When you have an online image you have to maintain you learn a little bit about how to market and brand yourself. Too bad Angelica won’t let him brand and market London Hero Alliance online.

“I can practically do your job,” Myles tries to persuade her.

“No you can’t,” Angelica replies with a smile on her face, passing the boy off.

“I have the knowledge,” Myles remarks.

“But none of the connections beside teenage girls who practically swoon over you. You know what I found in my mailing box the other day, take a guess,” Angelica lifts up a drawn image of Myles in Chibi form with hearts floating around his head, #IloveSnakeBoys

Making Memes -

What’s in a meme? Wit, trendiness and relatable to your brand. And always respect the greats.

Informant -

Despite his appearance, Myles open and friendly nature gets people to talk. They like the sound of his voice and his personable personality and likability that they often tell him things they shouldn’t. #NoTortureNeeded


Photography - said that

Editing, graphic design basically - said that

Dancing -

Sometimes you get invited to people’s places cause they like you. And we trash the place

Loud EDM -

It isn’t good if it isn’t wasting your hearing, well for me the vibrations kind of feel nice. But I am not really talking about that kind of thin.

Weapons: None when you literally have a saw for a mouth you kind of don’t want to complicate things further.

Equipment: Nothing don’t need it. Utility belts are as bad as fanny packs.

Fighting Style: Primal Animal Mimicry - while all martial arts tend to mimic animals, this is not necessarily a style that anyone can learn. It is a style designed specifically for individuals who are highly flexible. A high level of body flexibility is needed to deliver smooth strikes that can confuse the opponent. Animals it can be seen imitating are things like insects, crawling on the ground like an insect, contorting their body to avoid hits, using flexible maneuvers to deliver hits from various angles, and so forth. Various stances are used. But this isn’t a style Myles picked up by a master, but something he naturally can do by due to his double jointed nature. Hard to determine proficiency on a made up martial skill.
Heavily inspired the idea of this style off of Zafina, I’m putting both videos down for you to see the various stances and capabilities

High Stances Part 1

Mainly Lower Stances Part 2

Strength: While Myles not have the strength to lift another person up and throw through a wall. Or may not have the strength to punch down doors, seen it happen before. He actually has peak physical strength that is utilized to picking himself up in unusual positions. Since his fighting style is all about odd stances and contorting you have to have not only great endurance, but a great sense of being able to pick yourself up in any position. Even say if you have to pick yourself up by your elbow only. Myles himself though doesn’t have a very good defense, he’s not going to take flying through a wall very well and he could easily be knocked out by someone stronger than him.

Endurance: Again contorting the way Myles does, especially in combative purposes actually takes a lot of stamina. Something which Myles is actually proficient at. His endurance is exceptional at best. With high stamina it’s hard for Myles to get exhausted, probably the reason why he can outlast friends at an all night bender. Still Myles requires sleep like any normal human being and the harder he pushes himself in the end the harder the crash later. He has been known to sleep upwards to 12 hours after pushing himself to his max level of endurance.

Willpower: For the most part Myles has always been really good at bouncing back despite terrible odds. He’s always willing to carry on through thick and thin. Though where Myles fails at is actual mental strength. Sure when something bad happens, he’s hopeful the adults know what to do to fix the situation. However, when it comes to direct mental attacks Myles at times can be significantly weakened. His greatest weakness is probably the security insecurities he has about himself. Not finding himself attractive, sometimes really hating his body. A mentalist with strong powers can attack these insecurities and Myles would fall. It would be something that crushes him.

Speed: Myles is quick and efficient. Where he lacks in strength he makes up in speed. He may not hit hard and have to work for his damage, but that’s quickly picked up by his swiftness. Myles is quick to pick up the pace. And while he might be the fastest man alive, Myles is certainly a lot faster than some meatier adversaries.

Reaction Speed: Myles is also very quick to notice sudden changes and react with swift efficiency. His reaction speed is definitely something natural, as he can pick up the most subtle of changes in the air. Via be it vibrations, a change in the direction a smell may be coming from, or in someone’s body posture. Myles is quick to pick it up and notice and react appropriately.

Name of Ability: Dragon Blooded

Class: Physical - Biology

Character Theme: So somewhere in history was a tribe of New Breeds who had physical capabilities like myself. They called themselves Dragon Blooded or the Dragon Warriors. Not sure why when we have more in common with snakes, spiders, and a whole bunch of other mess. Anyway they died out. People forgot who they were, they became a myth. I am not actually sure what the point of this was, because it’s not like I want to be some badass Dragon Warrior with gauges in my ear. I just want to be accepted. Guess that’s my theme, I don’t know cause nothing I do is normal.I guess being accepted through abnormalities is my theme. Ah fuck. Maybe I just want to figure it out.

Ability Capabilities: This ability changes Myles basic biology. He’s for all intensive purposes a human chimera with the capability of several animals in one. Mainly he shares things in common with spiders, snakes, and other reptiles.

Qualities of Abilities:

Cranial Kinesis - Fancy way of saying I have a big mouth -

The first thing Myles shares in common more with reptiles than humans is that he has the same cranial kinesis they have, which means he has a kinetic skull that possesses both meta and meso kinetic joints. In layman's terms, it means he has the bite grip strength of a reptile and the ability to open his jaw rather wide. Wider than typical human being could open their jaw. This doesn’t mean Myles is going to be eating prey whole, first off eww, second off, it just means he has a bigger surface area he can bite when it comes down to it.

Another noted thing about Myles mouth, which is his main weaponry, is that he has an extra muscle between the slits of his mouth. When he opens his mouth wider this muscle is extended and more visible. It showcases that the slit in his mouth is not a simple cut, but more like a seam. Myles also has somewhere between 60 teeth in his mouth. Though his secondary set of teeth are not as large as his primary teeth. Because his teeth are serrated, they are actually tinier teeth behind the bigger ones to create the serrated action. Many toothbrushes have died to keep his teeth clean, RIP toothbrushes.

Necrotic Venom -

While Myles shares a mouth with reptiles he shares the venom of several spiders. It’s highly potent. When he injects an individual with his bite the individual experiences numbness in the affected area. Most who get bitten by what they mistakenly name a shark mouth don’t really consider the possibility that the individual biting them could be venomous as well. Within the next twenty four hours that mistake could cost them a limb. As it starts off with radiating pain throughout the limb, like fire. The individual begins to experience a fever, without proper hydration they can experience dizziness and nausea. Honestly that’s most likely what kills most people who are bitten by the Komodo is lack of hydration. Necrotic tissue begins to set in the wound eventually, the venom causes gangrene in the infected wound mixed with his venom. Most people can recover with lost of limb. Others die due to lack of proper self care.

Double Jointed -

Myles is double jointed in every joint of his body. Which means he can often be crazy flexible in ways other people cannot. He rarely shows off this unique ability unless in combat, because as he puts it, a guy who goes into a pretzel shape is not going to be considered fuckable by a lot of woman.

Strong Stomach Acid -

Myles also has the ability to err vomit out his guts in order to spread an AOE spray of acidic vomit that can melt through cement, most clothes, and burn the surface area of skin. A range of 10ft. This is not necessarily a fun thing to do and Myles really does it as a last resort thing because it makes him feel queasy and it taste extra gross.

Night Vision/Heat Vision-

Myles has a pretty good night vision, he can see most things other humans could not in the dark, upwards to 60ft. He probably shares the night vision most common in your house cat. He also can see hot spots, especially by lingering heat leftover by others. He cannot really see through walls with this ability, it’s just impressions.


He can also experience vibrations with great intensity compared to other people. It allows him to track individuals who may be trying to hide or enemies who may be fleeing. This sense only last upwards to 30ft before he loses their trail.
Strengths of Ability:

He basically gets a whole difference sense of a person. An effective middle of the range fighter, with the capabilities of many reptiles and arachnids gives him a good range of capabilities. While his abilities are not directly a single power instead they are the mutations his body has obtained as he grows up.

Weaknesses of Ability:

There comes some drawbacks to his mutations. Effective Night Vision means he’s blind in the light the way we’re blinded to the dark. Say you’ve been working all night in the dark and his eyes are seeing in the dark, then suddenly a blinding flash of light comes out of nowhere. He’s blinded for a few seconds afterward. And while he shares an ordinarily amount with reptilian like animals, not all the downsides of his ability are as harmless as lights in your eyes. He has trouble regulating colder temperatures and suffers hypothermia much faster than other human beings, it’s why he seen mostly wearing long sleeves often. While also dealing with a heart arrhythmia that has caused complications in the past, though he hasn’t said anything to anybody. Sometimes he experiences lightheadedness or dizziness to it. In truth he has a complicated health history that needed more close monitoring when he was a child, though seems to be getting stronger as he got older. Though there is concern at least by his mother that his problems could come back. Beyond that Myles deals with his instincts, being part animal mimicry sort of gives you a hyperdrive predator instincts.

Limitations of Ability:

What Myles can do is dependent on what evolves in Myles. The abilities or really mutations Myles has acquired has been throughout his lifetime as he develops. There will of course be a natural stopping point of his progression as all animals stop growing at a certain age. Myles mutations are based on his natural limitations of age. More than likely he’ll stop developing powers at the age of 25 or 26. When he’d be considered fully an adult.


Quote: "We go through life never really wanting the things given us to us. You think my mother wanted me to come out this way? Congratulations your child is part human part freak. Probably not. But I make do with what I have. I didn't want to be her nightmare, I don't want to be the world's nightmare. I just happen to look this way and it's weird, but it's who I am."


Whether it is for better or for worse Komodo is highly known on social media. Many young girls follow his Snapgram, while many young boys his age also follow for advice. While he may not record the location of the LHA, he’s often seen with a selfie stick or his phone to take a photo out with his fans or his friends. Among the younger crowd he is very popular and well loved, despite err the lack of heroics in many of his post.

While the older generation still hasn’t quite gotten Komodo’s role in LHA. Is he a hero or a cheerleader? He has to work on that.


X, fixing his shades, sighs as they walked their the new opening. Traverse Town then, was it. Trying kill his eyesight with these horrible neon lights. He listened to Viper’s directions, Wayfinder will glow more brightly once their new their objective got it. X cracks his knuckles and stretches out his back, listening, but pretending not to.

"Well...at least its a city, and not a jungle. That's a start. People means we get to ask questions."

“Are you saying jungle people can’t talk, Abel? That’s highly judgmental of you,” X throws a passing jab at Abel, just to see what his reaction might be, “When we find ourselves in a jungle and find people can talk. I’ll tell them you don’t understand jungle people for you.”

X smirks. He knew how Abel could get sometimes, there was nothing more fun than trying to press his buttons.

Abel continues speaking. Directions. Clearly nervous about trying to take charge.

“Well a good rule of thumb,” X replies, “is not asking for the magical dude or the historian. Hypothetically speaking if the others came on the opposite side of Traverse Town, what’s the very first question they’d ask? Have you seen some folks asking about magical people and historian dudes.”

X pauses staring at the direction Viper had walked off.

“It’s better then to gather information more naturally,” X continues, “Read poster boards, if any. Hear what people are saying and try to making questions about magical things, I don’t know seem less suspicious than where’s some historian.”

X shrugged “Just my thoughts,”

^Foster and Harper more specifically

Age: 27/28

Tier: 3/2

Alias: Remedy - Foster, Wreckage - Harper

Years in SYNBAD: 6


“There’s a lot to unpack. It’s like a shitty Christmas present within a box is in another box is a tinier box is a tinier box. Fuck. I still want a backsy,”

“I am not sure you can get backsy for something that happened when we were eight,”

“Foster, I’ll find a way”


On the surface there may be no difference to these brothers, they appear as a young man in his late twenties though hard to gauge whether that is on the younger or older side of late twenties. As one brother looks a little younger than the other brother, though that’s getting ahead of ourselves. This young man appears on one hand to be a young man with red auburn hair, with heterochromia. As one eye appears always milky or cloudy in color, until one eye switches color. One eye when active is a deep, sapphire blue. While the other eye when active is a deep golden. A sharp triangular face,with wide cheekbones, their differences subtle and often go unnoticed. Both brothers stand at 5’10”, 177cm, and weigh roughly 135lbs, 61kg. Though the brothers vary slightly in their physicality.

Foster is the “younger” of the two brothers. He has a singular blue iris, his brother’s eye is the golden iris. Of the two Foster is the “slimmer” of the brothers, he isn’t as athletic as Harper, and doesn’t gain muscle as easily. Foster’s wardrobe is often business casual attire or business professional attire, though he’s a bit relaxed at times with what he wears. Often Foster can be seen pairing cardigans with his different colored button up shirts. He doesn’t necessarily prefer a bright wardrobe or a dark wardrobe, instead he prefers something in between pairing dark colored sweaters, with soft muted toned shirts and dark bottoms, he often wears a pair of comfortable tennis shoes, rather than dress shoes due to the nature of his job and his preference of comfortability. Harper tends to tease Foster dress and call it “Mr. Roger Chic”. Foster likes to keep his hair neatly combed, often with a good part creating a curtain or sweeping bangs over his forehead and likes to keep his hair professional. Beyond the cowlic that refuses to stay down.

His voice is often more even toned than Harper’s who is brash, and loud. Foster’s voice is mellow and usually more even tone, as he tries to control the volume of his voice often keeping it in a range that make it come off soothing, caring, and earnest. Harper comments “it’s like he’s trying to lull everybody to their demise and that’s his funeral director voice” Both brothers have a strong cockney accent, though Foster pays more attention to his pronunciation of words and often tries to imitate strongly the Standard London accent with a odd flair.

Harper is the “older” of the two brothers. He has a singular golden iris, his brother’s eye being the blue one. Harper is more athletic than Foster, he can gain muscle easily, he’s compact, but lean and muscular. Of the two brothers, he slightly weighs more than Foster, but we’re not going to get into those kind of technicals. Harper is the more flashy of the brothers, which is a bit ironic considering that he also is not a fan of bright colors. Yet, he is the one who likes to style his hair, often in a more spiky manner, swept up, or just natural bed head. He doesn’t necessarily give a damn about appearing clean cut and professional, despite his own wardrobe being that of suits. Difference is they are often used in some way to flaunt something of Harper.

Be it his nice body, or his neck, Harper likes to show himself off more. Despite not liking brighter colors, he’s often choosing strong bold prime colors, like prime reds or blues because he doesn’t necessarily see them as color. While Foster’s wardrobe is monochrome, not meant to grab attention, Harper’s style is to grab attention. He’ll wear any manner of shoe style, dress shoes, boots. And while he has suits, Harper is seen to experiment with style, like mesh shirts, and pleather pants. Designer torn jeans. He comes off very metrosexual.

Harper has a strong cockney accent he doesn’t seem to want to correct, nor does he care. His voice is harsher, a bit rougher than Foster’s voice. He’s also louder, brasher, and a bit….interruptive to say the least. While he demands attention with his body, he also demands attention with his presence, with an attitude of I am Harper I have entered the room you will pay attention to me and behold me as the subject. Foster tells the tale of Harper being heard from their house down the corner of their neighbors street. Harper denies any of this actually true.


What the brothers share is a sharp sense of intelligence and wit. Both of them are are very quick on their mental legs so to speak and are easily able to comeback with a snappy retort. While Foster may be the more mild mannered or softer of the two doesn’t mean that he cannot come up with snappy, quick lines without much thought.

Harper always been brash, blunt and straightforward so he’ll say it if it comes to mind with a shrug of his shoulders. Both brothers carry a strong bond for each other despite what seems like bickering, it’s just give them each other brotherly love and acting like the anchor to make sure one is kept grounded.

Both are deeply honest about what they feel, though Foster has a tendency to sugar coat or try to dance around the bush so to speak. While Harper dives head deep into the deep end of the pool even sometimes when neither of them are prepared to do so. They’re both agreeable, even if Harper gives someone a hard time the reality is that he’s just joking and will do anything for anyone he truly, deeply cares about. While Foster is more along the lines of saying yes without the trouble.

Foster is the mild mannered, softer of the two personalities. Softer doesn’t necessarily mean Foster is simply going to get steamrolled over. He’s not a pushover. Simply Foster tends to be less than Harper. Having Harper is all the extra he really needs. When his brother is shouting a man down the street for ripping him off Foster is the one who tries to keep the most sensibility of the two. Though he doesn’t necessarily care for that kind of conflict. He sometimes feels slightly embarrassed watching how Harper’s experiences and interacts with life.
Foster is an emotionally honest person. He’s very intune with the things he wants and what he’ll accept from others when it comes to relationships. No one would say say that Foster has more empathy than Harper, because it’s clear Harper has empathy just a different way of expressing it than Foster does.

With that said the task and things that interest Foster starkly contrast with his brother. Foster likes to do volunteer work, he thoroughly enjoys helping the poor and those less fortunate and tries his best to make others life as comfortable. It’s not that Harper won’t, he understands the moral importance, but he rather spend his Saturday afternoon having a good time hiking, going to the gym, hanging with the lads, that sort of thing. Than feeding the homeless or doing work stuff on non work days.

Foster likes classical music, though he’ll listen to just about anything under the sun, he is kind and often likes to keep his mind open. He is up to experiencing new experiences and more importantly he seeks someone else he can have a close bond with. See Foster, unlike Harper, never possessed the traits that make Harper’s personality magnetic, made others gravitate towards him, so Foster didn’t have very many people close in his life beside family.

He loves Harper, if he were to lose Harper in anyway shape or form it would kill Foster emotionally. He wouldn’t be able to handle it. But he wants to share that strong bond he has with Harper with others. They have spent a great amount of time alone with themselves, that he wants to open a door of opportunity for them to shape new relationships with others, accepting what they are.

With that said Foster is afraid of the dark and he doesn’t like the sensation of drowning, he’ll swim, but he doesn’t like feeling the sensation of going under. The brothers have the ability to mind sleep in their heads, but Foster describes the experience as disorientating, like he’s falling and he panics whenever he wakes up in that space of their mind. Because of that Harper let’s Foster sleep normally, on a bed in reality.


Harper on the other hand is the more blunt, charismatic of the two. He’s well liked because of his no nonsense attitude. No one pushes Harper over, no one. Harper is a harsher personality, though harsher doesn’t necessarily mean or cruel, it just means that he has a tendency to get carried away. If you thought his personal sense of dress was loud, well so is Harper’s personality. Sometimes he seems practically self absorbed in himself.

Hiking, fishing, boating, skiing, Harper likes to enjoy whatever life throws at him and accepts life as a challenge, which conflicts with Foster’s non conflict philosophy that Harper ignores when he’s the active brother. Harper is generally very outgoing and maybe even more social than Myles. He demands that the rooms attention is on him at all times, with a sort of intellectual superiority. Believing himself to be the genuine center of nature. Forgetting compared to Foster he’s a plastic surgeon and most people don’t see plastic surgeon as a bastion of knowledge.

Harper is not less empathetic than Foster even if it comes off that way. Harper is able to recognize moral higher importance and will make decisions based on what seems like the right thing to do. Deciding to go skinny dipping with a hot super model who you gave a breast augmentation surgery doesn’t seem on the list of important to man literally dying of cancer. While he gets that, he tries to convince Foster to loosen up a bit instead of spending his weekends with depressing hobbies he calls them. Homeless people on the street, squatting and barely holding on. You have had some me time.

Harper cares for others and he’ll do anything for them, though he’ll never do it nicely without poking the individual asking him for the favor first. Mainly because he likes to keep people on their toes and also because he worries about people clinging onto him. In essence what Harper fears is the thing Foster craves. A bonding relationship with another individual is worrisome for Harper. How much of them can they accept? Do they really understand what Foster and Harper go through each day? Do they believe them? Harper is concerned that Foster’s ideal will end up hurting Foster deeply and he simply is trying to protect him from that.

Harper is an extremely loving older brother, of course he has to give his little brother a bit of trouble from time to time. But he’d do anything to protect Foster and wants nothing, but the best for his baby brother to be happy.

Harper is less genuine about his emotions and less honest about how he feels. He tends to push others away and won’t let others in. He holds in a lot of how he feels even from Foster because he knows how sensitive Foster can be. With that said Harper has also has disgust for slimy creatures, squids, octopus, and jellyfish really creep him out.

He’s not really into music or musicals, or bright colors. He likes to be active and go out and do something. He likes going on dates with woman and likes to fill his time with thrills. Acceptable thrills. He would never have it any other way. Unless the right person showed up he may reconsider it, but he doubt that will ever happen in their lifetime.

Foster Skills:

Violon -

Both Foster and Harper as kids were musically inclined though the instruments they gravitate were different from each other. Foster preferred the somber embrace of a violin's near human like harmonics, his brother less inclined for something sweet and softening and instead something loud and obtuse.

Crockpot Cooking -

Foster and Harper both have busy jobs and busy lives. While Foster may not be the greatest chef in the kitchen, he can cook up a pretty mean 8 hour meal in a crockpot. He may not know how to cook on a stove or skillet, but he knows flavor composition and combining different ingredients together.

Identifying Rocks -

Foster got err interesting hobbies say to the least. Since he was a young kid he has been collecting rocks of interest. And can identify where they come from. For the most part Foster knows a lot of things about rocks. Which Harper thinks is a boring hobby and no wonder woman are not interested in him once he shows his pet rock collection. Foster retorts they aren’t pet rocks because pet rocks disrespect the glory and beauty of mother nature.

Remembering Details -

It’s hard to pull the wool over his eyes, Foster can easily identify details and he remembers them quite well. Not quite an eidetic memory, but if something stands out to Foster he’ll remember it well enough.
Harper’s Skills:

Electric Guitar -

What’s there to say. So Metal. So Rock n Roll. So much better than that instrument Foster calls a violin that sounds like a dying cat.

Smooth Talking -

Harper has a great way of smoothing things over, it is his magnetic and charismatic presence that demands the attention of others. He’s so beautiful and so handsome, so of course he has the right idea. It doesn’t work on everybody, but that’s fine it works on most. Smoothly persuading and convincing people that his ideas a good ideas.

Lip Reading -

What it is a very useful tool to figuring out what woman are talking about at a distance, so when you go in for the flirt you know how to trigger them with the right things to say.

Wrapping Presents -

Look you don’t want Foster doing it, he has twenty pieces of tape so it looks like he’s packaged a bomb.

Shared Skills”

Human Anatomy -

While Foster and Harper work in two different clinical fields, you still need to understand how human anatomy works. How skin works. How the body works, how the body is shaped, etc. To do what Harper does, as a plastic surgeon to get the most natural look is by understanding the natural body. While Foster uses it to diagnosis broken bones or if something is out of place he can otherwise point it out.

Doctorate of Diagnostic Medicine -

Both brothers graduated with a shared doctorate, try explaining on the graduation ceremony went. While Foster uses his doctorate to treat and diagnosis conditions. Harper uses his doctorate as a surgeon for vanity surgery as Foster puts it. Though both brother have shared experiences of what both actually does. So I mean Harper could tell you, you have cancer buddy bummer, but it’s not necessarily his job to do so.

Foster’s Hobbies:

Storm Watching -

Again Foster has an odd idea of fun. He’s secretly a bit of a storm chaser in his past time. He can tell you where a storm is brewing, how fast it is moving, in what direction it is moving. Sometimes he likes to simply watch lighting strike across the sky, other times he likes to chase the storm to see where it takes him.

Gardening -

Foster likes the natural and holistic approach, understanding the importance of a balanced diet. He’s grown his own mini vegetable garden to cut cost. It’s something that relaxes him and makes him feel at peace.

Harpers’ Hobbies:

Restaurant Reviews -

I have Yelp Review Elite status my followers are counting on me to steer them into the right culinary direction.

Going to the Gym -

There is something relaxing about lifting weights and doing a little kickboxing in the morning. Wakes you up more than Foster’s avocado toast. What is even that shite.

Hiking -

Nothing is more fun than seeing how far you can climb up a mountain. You become in tune with nature a lot more than collecting some rocks. Fuck why am I still picking up rocks for him!! I am trying to make a point.


Weapons: None as it stands because Foster’s ability doesn’t allow him to actual injure anyone he doesn’t use any weaponry.

Equipment: Advance Medical Kit, when Foster is out and about on calls to houses or indeed simply working on the field with SYNBAD he takes with him his advance medical bag which has a range of equipment for him to use for emergency trauma care. Something he combines with his abilities in order to deal with the best care he can. Unless a condition is too advance for him to handle.

Fighting Style: None. He relies on the bruisers and beaters to do their job so he doesn’t have to. He’s squishy and prefers to be kept out of battle as much as possible. He didn’t take several pounds of medical equipment with him to punch some guy in the face.

Strength: Average. He’s not going to be throwing people through walls any time soon and he’s definitely not going to be taking being thrown into a wall fairly well. Just because he can slightly heal his injuries doesn’t mean he wants to beaten into a pulp or can take being beaten into a pulp.

Endurance: This is slightly above average mainly because healing people requires the use of his own psychic energy which means that it requires his reserves of stamina. He can sustain a rather impressive amount of energy in this circumstance. Usually his max limit being upwards to thirty minutes of sustaining another with his gifts. And while yes he cannot be take a beating. Because he can heal his own wounds he has a higher chance of surviving fatal injuries compared to other people. Foster is strong standing in this case.

Willpower: Superior to Most. There is something about the twins that makes it hard for anyone to get into their mind. Neither of them are shaken and even if one may be on the verge of being shaken, the other is there to ground the other individual back. Perhaps it’s their strong twin powers, for whatever reason it is fairly difficult to read both brothers or manipulate them in anyway that would shake them mentally. They have each other’s Minds.

Speed: Average. Foster is human, he can only go as fast as a human goes. He’s not going to be running any marathons that’s for certain and he definitely doesn’t necessarily care too much of the idea. He unfortunately can be outsped by most things that outspeed other things. So Foster tries to keep hidden. Even if his speed physically is less than impressive, he is definitely “fast” when it comes to treating his patients as quickly and efficiently as he can.

Reaction Speed: Average. Foster is human he can only react as fast as a human can react to a certain action. Which is slightly delayed.


Weapons: Anything and everything. He may not be proficient in any type of weaponry, but due to Harper’s abilities he’ll use just about anything as an opportunity. Even his other fellow New Breeds abilities just to make someone hurt. Harper pretty much good at picking up anything and using it as a weapon. A chair leg is the most impressive thing he can mention.

Equipment: Hand wraps, have to protect those knuckles when you’re going out rough on someone else. Otherwise nothing else. Foster brings a heavy bag and that’s kind of enough to make me not want to bring anything else. Then it just looks like we’re moving in or something.

Fighting Style: No actual style, everything is up for grabs a dirty street fighting brawler, Harper takes the best of what he knows from his kickboxing class and watching classic street fights on the telly to incorporate into a style about just roughhousing and getting in enough cracks and snaps to take advantage with his ability.

I present Miguel as a good example of just a style about dirty pokes, rough housing, and clearly we’re keeping it grounded so the ridiculous juggles are not quite a thing considering Harper and Fosters err humanness.

Strength: “Above” Average, than his brother. Harper possess an insane amount of weight to his punches that you wouldn’t really quite assume from him considering that both him and his brother are quite possibly human. However, Harper can dish it out with the strongest, and take a couple of hits before going down. His fighting style is all about pokes and disruptive shakes into pretty abusive hits with elbows and anything that does a lot of pain. He has no problem swinging your face into the wall either if he has to. While he may be human and might not take a punch say from an ogroid, most people who are slightly above average are going to have a hefty dirty fight with Harper because of his determination and inability to give up. He’s going to hurt you and he’s going to make sure you feel the pain.

Endurance: Average. Harper cannot last as long as Foster, and get your mind out of the gutter, his abilities are quick decisive and get the job done. While his fighting style is affected by peak human condition. He doesn’t have a whole lot of insane amounts of stamina that Foster somehow possesses and he might likely be able to sustain his own abilities for fifteen minutes. He also doesn’t heal or regenerate wounds like Foster does, so he does after a while succumb to physical fatigue, mental fatigue, and pain.

Willpower: Read Foster

Speed: Average. Harper is not exactly the fastest New Breed out there, but it gets the job done. While he’s not deliberately fast, his punches do come at a faster speed than his relaxed, slow, casual fighting stance would make you believe. While he may have prime human in peak condition speed, it shouldn’t be underestimated. Of course he couldn’t go tango to tango with a Drake, he’d tell Jack to make sushi out of it, for the most part Harper is deceptively fast.

Reaction Speed: “Above” Average than his brother. Being physically active and in kickboxing class, and taking other gym classes, while Harper’s reactionary speed may not technically be above average of another human being, he can react faster than most human beings. While it make take human being to recognize something with a 4 second delay, that 4 second may be a slight 2 second delay for him.


Name of Ability: Life support

Class: Psychic

Character Theme: Not all healers are miracle workers who instanously cure someone of all disease or make the blind see again. Some healers work in more subtle ways, they sustain you and nurture you to a state of normalcy that may raise your capability of survivability. I am no miracle worker, but I am a machine that sustains you when your body can no longer. I hope I am enough, I hope that I can help and you can carry on living.

Ability Capabilities: Foster psychic signature reads as healing energy and thusly his psychic energy works in order to sustain cells or other functions of life. As human beings technically have electric currents this is what allows Foster to connect or sustain his power to encourage your body to heal in inhuman ways.

Qualities Capabilities:

Self Mending -

Foster possess the capabilities of regeneration, though there is a lot more than simply regenerating a wound. To be perfectly honest Foster just has a better resilience to injury with minor self healing capabilities. Further defined in the weaknesses and limitations of this ability. Since his ability affects cells than it does affect direct wounds, Foster’s secret to his younger appearance is probably because he has less cell damage to his aging cells. Since his ability recovers on the micro level himself mending affects him internally. Though slightly. He’s not going to be near as long live as Viorel, just look nice in his sixties.

External Cell Rejuvenation -

Foster doesn’t have a “true” healing power. He’s not going to make wounds magic away, it’s technically impossible for anyone to actually possess that sort of healing, no one has ever possessed some form of instant healing factor before. It’s just Foster is a lot better at it than some. Not only with his extreme stamina, considering how long some wounds take depending on the damage sustained. Minor wounds like light scratches he could easily recover, but Foster has made a policy that no one is to come to him just because Killer Queen scritched them. It seems silly and waste of energy, you’ll live unless he sees some kind of bacteria.

Foster psychic healing encourages wounds to recover faster than they ordinarily would. Broken ribs that take upwards to six weeks, would instead take three. He has the capability to save limbs from becoming infectious or being completely lost by extending the amount of time it can remain detached or slightly detached. His ability encourages healing at the cellular and never directly affects the wound itself.

Preventative Symbiosis -

Lastly Foster bulk of his ability is the ability to “save someone from death” though that’s not quite the most accurate description. In a lamemens terms by his touch, Foster has the ability to link himself to someone’s else electronic pulse and synchronize their irregular body with the regularity of his body. For example say someone has heart failure, and is dying, Foster could grab their hand or wrist and synchronize their irregular heart rhythm with his regular heart rhythm. This requires total concentration and focus though and while he has insane reserves of stamina and energy this link can be easily ripped apart if he is somehow pulled out of the trance that this requires.

Strength of Abilities:

It seems sort of obvious the strengths of Foster’s abilities, while he may not work on instant miracle healing in the long run he extends other people’s rates of recoverability, or survivability. In the long run he makes others around him healthier and stronger.

Weakness of Abilities:

There’s an issue with having psychic healing energy, anyone he injures he ends up just healing their wound in a self defeating cycle. Beside that Foster’s abilities do put a toll on him eventually while he may have a ridiculous amount of stamina reserves, his abilities can make him sort of sick feeling, depending on how long the healing is. While he may not be exhausted he may experience burnout or rundown in a rut. See Foster and Harper are half a mind. One half of the mind is Foster’s the other is Harper, so it’s difficult to use one quarter of your energy with one half the brain power. It just means in the end Foster ends up having to focus harder on daily task afterward. Some after an intense healing session find him mumbling to himself the steps he needs to take to make coffee for example or the steps he needs to take to get out the door properly.

Limitation of Abilities:

Foster doesn’t have instant regeneration and it’s not infinite. The ability only makes wounds less less. Say if he get stabbed or shot, all his regeneration ability does is clot his blood a little faster in keeping him from wholeheartedly bleeding out. Making a big hole, a tinier hole. That and Foster’s abilities are limited with the amount of focus, concentration and energy he has. Foster cannot regenerate Harper’s wounds. In fact both brothers share one ability together, and one limit together. But he cannot dip into his brothers abilities and Harper cannot dip in Foster’s ability.

Both brothers when they switch personalities, takes up to 30 seconds for their brain to fully activate upon switch. This means for 30 seconds neither brother has their power right away when they switch personality.


Name of Ability:

Class: Psychic

Character Theme: There is always an opposite to something that exist. If Foster and I are each other’s opposites then that would make him the healer, the doctor, and I the infection, the disease. While I may not directly deal specifically with diseases, he repairs, and I damage. I wouldn’t have it any other way, to be his opposite. As long as it means I get to protect those I made a promise or oath to protect.

Ability Capabilities: While Foster ability heals cell damage, Harper’s ability damages cells and accelerates their growth rate as well. He worsens all preexisting wounds or conditions. Harper own psychic energy is that of damaging energy not healing.

Qualities of Capabilities:

Damaged Cell Acceleration -

While Foster healing energy can recover his aging cells in his self mending capabilities. Harper’s abilities don’t necessarily allow him to recovered damage cells in the same way, but his abilities don’t seem to damage him much either. If anything Harper’s abilities “reset” him to a manufacture default setting. Harper ages at an average rate like an ordinary person, but doesn’t at the same time. With his DCA, he can encourage the growth of someone’s else cells to worsen their illnesses or conditions. To do this he is transferring his damaged cells into them to act like psychic cancer. Thus a reset.

Wound Ravaging -

While Foster’s healing energy encourages wounds to heal at an above average rate. Harper’s damaging energy festers wounds and has them worsen over time. The more he directly influences their wounds, the worse their wounds become. While Foster’s ability affect clotting to happen faster, Harper’s ability stops clotting and encourages wounds to bleed out faster. While in some aspect this ability is affected by touch, that’s something easily fixed by his brawling and combat he mixes with his abilities.

Strengths of Abilities:

Again the strengths seem relatively obvious damaging people’s wounds to worsen or making their disease flare up seem like kind of an obvious advantage in battle. However, unlike Fosters’ ability Harper has more choice on what he wants to do with his energy unlike his brother.


While Foster cannot injure others, Harper cannot heal other people he’ll merely damage them worse than what they were before. Harper probably relies on the abilities of others more than his brother, he waits for others to provide a wound of opportunity in order to be able to do anything. He’s a relatively support player despite his skills and combat.


DCA affects the illnesses and diseases of another individual. Wound affects the blood and the cells of an injury. Felt like that needed more clarification.

Shared Ability:

Both brothers have the ability to see someone’s internal wounds and illnesses that they would not otherwise be privy to.

Foster cannot really do much with this information, beside probably finding ways to lower their risk of making their diseases worse with general advice, eat healthy, exercise more, or telling them early with fake CTs that cannot pick up what he can.

While Harper uses this information in combination with his DCA.

Foster Quotes:

“Just doing my best. Have nothing profound to say. Honestly, I think Viorel does enough motivational speeches for the rest of us to get away without doing so,”

“The next time someone comes to me about Killer Queen scritching them, I am going to have Harper give them something to complain about,”

“Someone asked me why I pack Hello Kitty sticky plaster into my kit, first off they have antibacterial ointment to them and no one said adults cannot have cute adhesive,”

“I love Harper, I don’t know what my life would have been like if my twin had died in the womb and I would have been alone. I am never alone, when I need someone I have someone to lean on. I know Harper doesn’t mean ill, I just wish sometimes he was more honest about the way he feels about things because he desires to protect me from harm, I desire to make sure his inner needs are being met,”

Harpers Quotes:

“Ay-up, people are kind of amazing to me. Woman want the attention, but only when they initiate it. What ever happened to a good pick up line?”

“Pay the bloody fuck attention, I just got this suit on discount for 75 pounds. This ordinarily a 300 pound shirt. Talk about thrifting,”

“Bloody handsome dats what I am,”

"Foster, I wish there were a way I could leap out in front of you and protect you. I wish there were other ways to hold you and keep you safe. But I'll tell you none of this because you're my precious little brother and no matter how I am beside you, I will be at your side"

Reputation: In the medical field Foster William Harris is highly respected, the small family clinic that hired him knowing his unique position feel themselves are lucky to have him. In the New Breed community is more of a mixed relationship considering how human Foster and his brother Harper look, though also because neither Foster nor his elder brother Harper ever faced the isolation that they did. A caution that has faded over the six years they have been working with SYNBAD though there were some concerns when Angelica first brought them over. Beyond that both brothers are err well known though not necessarily for any particular reason they like.

Harper is actually a highly respected plastic surgeon as well. With his obtuse personality some would find that difficult to believe, but Harper does have a heart of gold. While he may seem like he doesn’t care or doesn’t have any higher ground morality that simply isn’t the case. Harper has convinced teenage girls quite often why they don’t need a surgery now and promises them if they feel that way in 5 years when they are twenty then he’ll consider the surgery. He keeps the clinic he works at clean, tries to be body positive. None of those things some people see when he’s in a casual setting or would believe, but Harper is actually quite the moral support when he chooses to be.


Foster's Themes:

Harper's Themes:


You're in good company. I'm on the spectrum as well. Go ahead and plug him in.

Go ahead and put your characters in the tab. :)
@Zoey White

Come join us - discord.gg/6UYsBMN

Ask me questions. Sip cocktails.
@Polaris North

All right Jensen may go up.
I'll bite...what could it hurt.
Look I hate to be the one who does something like this. But I am going to be dropping this RP. It's not as I imagined it to be and I am really struggling to find motivation to participate in this bank heist. To be frank, the setup was boring and the lack of information and details will just be a continued problem in this RP it seems.
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