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9 yrs ago
Alright status update: I have started a new job and am currently in the process of getting used to said job. To all the games I'm currently in I will starting work on responses this weekend
9 yrs ago
Due to a misplacement of my laptop I will unlikely be able to post until Friday or there abouts. My apologies for those waiting on me.


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While I don't have much experience with rwby could I throw my hat in the ring?


The Moon

July 17th, 2017 - 15:00 | Martha Wayne Apartment Complex - Lunar Colony

The temperature controlled environment felt stale as Wally gazed out among the colony where those exposed "side-kicks" came to live after their careers as heroes had come to and end. Surprisingly there were more than Wally would have thought, then again what kid nowadays wouldn't want to live on the moon. He had been here for years now, hell he even has an apartment that he has been in for the past few years. Taking in a deep breath, Wally ran his fingers through his bright ginger hair his mind slip back to the days when he was a hero.

Him and the Flash, the speedster duo. Between them there wasn't nothing that couldn't be done; fighting the Rogues, other metas, and even spending sometime with the League (although Wally never got to do too much with them). Suddenly his heart sank remembering how his once mentor now leaving behind the one thing that he said he loved doing the most for a "normal" life. Reaching into his pocket and gabbed his phone and looked at the single word sent by an unknown number which stated Gotham. Barry may have given up, but Wally was not going to let this world fall to chaos.


July 17th, 2017 - 16:30 | Abandoned Mill House - Gotham City, New Jersey

Wally had almost forgotten how grimy Gotham actually was, the smog of industrial life had certainally taken its toll on the air to the point that it tasted like factory smog. As tempted as Wally was to use his speed to get to the location he opted to take a cab to the mill house. It was rather unassuming to look at although the same could be said about Wally as a hero. Upon entering the mill house he came across dressed in what appeared to be magician's robes and to be honest it made him a bit uneasy.

"Hey there cult leader? Is this where were supposed to meet up?"

He figured that would probably get under Albert's skin or at least Wally assumed that a practitioner of magic would get bothered by being called a cult leader. If Wally was one thing he was a sarcastic friend.
So should I go ahead and start posting or do I need to wait for a prompt or something?
Here is my submission for Wally. I am willing and ready to make any necessary changes to make this acceptable, and I want to apologise for my bio/writing. I hit a writers block about half way through and Im not sure how good it is lol

Name: Wally West

Super Name: Zoom


Speed Force Conduit - Wally is directly connected to the

Speed Force and having been trained by the former Flash, Barry

Allen, on how to attune himself to it Wally has become one of the

fastest people alive. Rivaled only by Barry himself.

Superhuman Speed - The bread and butter of Wally's abilities,

he has been able to comfortably run up to Mach 6 with little to no

negitive effects. While it is possible for him to reach higher

speeds Wally isn't sure the damage that he would incure should he

hit speeds any higher.

Aero and Electrokinesis - Wally can run at a certain speed

and create and control gusts of wind. On the same token when Wally

runs his body creates a massive amount of electricity that he can

then redirect as a projectile against his enemies.

NOTE:The abilities listed are those that Wally has completely

mastered and has perfect control over. As the story progresses I am

planning to have Wally learn more abilities that the Speed Force can



Iris West-Allen - Wally's sister and

married to his mentor, Barry Allen. Wally loves his sister and has

shown that he has a particular weakness when it comes to her. He

will do most anything to protect her.

The Flash - Barry Allen - Wally's mentor and

brother-in-law. Wally has flourished under Barry's teaching and

grown into a proper hero in his own accord. Since Anarchy captured

and exposed the Justice League and Barry's subsequent retirement

from being a hero, Wally sees Barry with disdain and as a coward and

has since stopped talking to him.

Personality: Wally is a kind and caring individual who has

taken to being a hero with relative grace and skill, his big heart

makes him the perfect candidate for such a job. Barry has

consistently said that Wally reminds him of himself when he was

starting out; slightly arrogant, confident, and a natural runner.

Since the collapse, however, Wally has become a bit more brooding

and serious much to the displeasure of those that know him best.


Before the collapse, everything was perfect. Everything was as it

should be, heroes took down badguys and the badguys went to jail.

With Team Flash there was nothing that couldn't be done, Barry and

Wally were more than partners in crime fighting, they were family.

All those years after Wally gained his powers he looked up to Barry

to teach and guide him, he was only a kid after all and this world

of monsters and bad guys was something new to him.

Time grants experience and in time Wally became a thriving hero in

his own accord and the mrore he ran the faster he became. He would

spend days training and getting faster and he was taking down

villians alone and finally stepping into his own. Everything was

fine until Anarchy showed up. The League tried to fight, to do

everything that was in their power to make peace a lasting reality

until the day that he killed Superman. That was the day that

everything changed for Wally.

Everything that happened after that was straight down hill. The

League captured and had their identity revieled which included their

sidekicks and everyone knew who he was. After it's completion Wally

attended the Lunar University and eventually moved into an

apartment there as provided by Wayne Industries. There is still a part of him that wants to go back, to avenge the death of the Man of Steel but every time he tries to bring it up to Barry he shrugs it off saying that he's retired now. To Wally Barry has become a coward choosing the easy way out...now Wally is out to prove that the Flash family are not cowards.
Cool I just wanted to check before I took those liberties, thanks.
One more question and Im sorry for so many dumb sounding questions @TheUnknowable, but are we keeping the same history for the cannon characters? Meaning is Wally still the cousin of Iris or would it be possible to change the dynamic (i.e. would it be possible to make Wally Iris' brother instead?)
So a question to verify, the Justice League has been exposed and subsequently disbanded (?) And would that include their "sidekicks" as well or could their identity still be hidden?
Would there be any room for a speedster?
Tentatively I would like to inquire about the possibility about playing Xavier?
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