Avatar of Aristocles


Recent Statuses

9 mos ago
Current Still alive. Sorry for the delays. Still have that new job, but I'm (gradually) getting another one. Current one is too slow.
1 yr ago
Starting a new job in June. Wish me luck!
2 yrs ago
I truly wish I didn't have to type this, but RIP Jason David Frank.
2 yrs ago
Still a little sick. Some sort of cold. Hopefully not the flu. Getting better but it's slowed me down.
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2 yrs ago
That's a good point. Classics like The Little Mermaid were basically perfect the first time around and any remakes can only be worse. Remakes of the bad Disney movies are a second chance for them.
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Hi there! I've been roleplaying for years, mostly in fantasy-type RPs. I don't like giving out too much about myself, but I am a man living in New York City (that's in the Eastern time zone, if you don't already know), over 18. Recently, I have been busy working, although I graduated from college and grad school a while back.

Most Recent Posts


Adykon nodded, not knowing that Smith had issues with his father. "He sounds like a fine soldier and you'd do well to follow in his footsteps. My father is a farmer, not a fighter. Still, he taught me a few things about self-defense. He could have been more tactful in it, I suppose. One day he came up to me and said 'Hey, Adykon. I'm gonna teach you how to fight', and he did. Not that was very good at it. I'm not really like him. Anyway, I'm gonna teach you how to parry." He paused for a moment, noting the similarity between his speech and that of his father, Cayosin.

Ophion helped his wife clean up after dinner. Once she was satisfied that all was in order, she took him by the hand and tugged on it, as if to lead him straight to bed. Normally, he didn't resist her playful mood, but he had work to do.

"Not now, my love. I've got to check our inventory. And no, it can't wait 'till tomorrow. I expect I'll be out all day."

"Aww, can't we-?"

"I'm sorry, dear. I'll make it up to you later in the week. You know I will."

Aurescia sighed. "Alright. That's fine. If I may ask, just what's going to keep you so busy?"

"For one thing, I've got to practice with Fasuto. If he wants to help us, I've got to get a better grasp of what he can and cannot do. I've only seen him in action one time, and only briefly."
(Sorry for the delay!)


The red-skinned dracon carefully observed the swing. It was much better. "Hmm. That was good, Smith. Nice form. Maybe you could follow through a bit better, but that was a solid swing. Now, do you know how to use any other weapons? Spears? Axes? A mace, perhaps? I've got them all here, pretty much."


"A job? Well, I could use his help" Ophion replied.

"Once he wakes up" Aurescia mentioned.

"Well, yes. He's asleep like a log. I won't bother him now." Ophion added.

"We should turn in for the night, and you too, Ennave. We can speak more in the morning" Aurescia explained.


"I think that attacking it is suicide. Their walls are strong, their army is larger than all of our forces combined, and even if we catch them off-guard, they will likely be able to recall their military way before we can breach their fortifications. And this assumes that we can spare every warrior we have to besiege them and that we don't leave a single one behind to protect Traeton" Rama explained.

"My lord, I beg you, don't attack anything else. We need time to consolidate our power, gather allies, and repair the city. Heck, we need time just to collect enough food to prevent starvation." Rama looked Rughoi in the eye, realizing that this was not working. He decided to change his strategy.

"You know... there's more to be gained by being a builder than a destroyer. This continent sees plenty of conquerors and marauders. Even if you conquer another city or two, you'll be less than a footnote in history. But how many kobolds actually create anything worthwhile? We can fix this place up better than its own founders, and it'll still be here a thousand years from now. There will be statues of you carved from the finest marble, and if you play your cards right, you'll have a dynasty in charge of this city centuries down the line. Now, what do you want to do, sire?"

Ophion gave up on trying to wake the fox. "Guess he's really out of it" he said to himself, walking down the stairs. Half an hour later, they had finished dinner, and Aurescia had gotten some tea for the three of them. Ennave was given a shot glass for her tea.

"Perhaps we should all get some rest soon" Ophion suggested. "I'll have more to say to Fasuto tomorrow, when he's awake."


"Hmm, good swing, but your form could use some work." Adykon demonstrated a few sword strokes, slicing the sharpened steel blade clean through the air with a loud whooshing noise. "You should also roll up those sleeves. They're getting in your way."


"I can try that second one, my lady, although he might see through it given enough time. Hmm. Seems like I'm the one playing the role of father to him lately. Or conscience. Someone has to stop him from getting himself killed, and all of us along with him. This conquest is on very shaky ground, you know. We're exposed to counterattack." Rama sat next to Krakas. "We're both stuck in this boat together, you know? If I try to leave, your son will probably order me killed. I may not be locked in a room, but I am trapped much as you are." He put a hand on her's, trying to comfort the female kobold.

Orna thought about it. "So, all of the children. Could be interesting. We should collaborate on these things. Share notes" she lifted her right foot out of the water and began to massage it, starting with her clawed toes. "We're all relatively new at this mother thing. It would be best to compare what we do, see the results, try new things. Gotta raise our kids right, you know."


"That sword? It's a fine blade. Good for stabbing" Adykon explained. "Now, take a few swings at the air. I'd like to see how well you handle it." The dracon stood a few feet away from Smith, waiting to see how he would do.


"I haven't known him for very long" Rama admitted. "In fact, this whole thing has unfolded very quickly." The kobold paused for a moment to scratch his left leg with his right claws. "You say he used to be nicer? I imagine he must have had a hard childhood. I mean, your son is half-dracon, right? There's no way that he's entirely kobold; much too large for that. Was his father abusive?"


Ophon nodded as he heard Ennave's words. He knocked on the door. "Fasuto? Are you awake? Is everything alright? I was hoping to show you some magic spells later."

PM'd you.

If you want to post pictures for that purpose, you can do that here. You don't have to, though.

Should I PM you about a game?

Hi there!

You can establish the character either in an in-character post or under a characters tab in the public forums.

I'd be up for a Ratchet and Clank roleplay or an Elder Scrolls one if you like.
Would human x species be good? Probably not a goblin this time.
Are you up for a fantasy RP? I can write detailed posts if I have to. I am over 18, and male. Should I PM you?

And yes, my characters will be male and assertive.
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