Avatar of Aristocles


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8 mos ago
Current Still alive. Sorry for the delays. Still have that new job, but I'm (gradually) getting another one. Current one is too slow.
1 yr ago
Starting a new job in June. Wish me luck!
2 yrs ago
I truly wish I didn't have to type this, but RIP Jason David Frank.
2 yrs ago
Still a little sick. Some sort of cold. Hopefully not the flu. Getting better but it's slowed me down.
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2 yrs ago
That's a good point. Classics like The Little Mermaid were basically perfect the first time around and any remakes can only be worse. Remakes of the bad Disney movies are a second chance for them.
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Hi there! I've been roleplaying for years, mostly in fantasy-type RPs. I don't like giving out too much about myself, but I am a man living in New York City (that's in the Eastern time zone, if you don't already know), over 18. Recently, I have been busy working, although I graduated from college and grad school a while back.

Most Recent Posts


It's good. I'm just surprised that this RP has so many Canadians. Not that that's a problem. :)
@Blackmist16 Not sure why that was so funny, but okay.

It's a good post. I'll have Breden interact with Twig as soon as I can.

And the social organization of the Forest Tribe is normal for goblins, but if your character is part of a circle of druids or something which live out in the woods and have their own code, that's fine.

Yes, although there are grassy fields and some farmland around the village before the trees, and a river nearby, in the woods.

And what did you mean by that with the Blue Feet tribe?

Go ahead. You can have your character approach the village, maybe near where the crowd around the recently-returned patrol has gathered. It might help if your character was tracking the owlbear or had something to do with it, to make his sudden arrival not be a complete coincidence.
Breden's ears perked up for a moment when he heard the loud gobliness shout at Griz. A few months ago, this would have startled him. Now, he took one look at the gobliness and felt pity for her. She was a self-styled warrior and he didn't doubt that she had some skill with the stone knives she had on a belt around her waist. Her loud manner and average looks told him that her "brave warrior" routine was a way of getting attention from the stronger males, who would normally pass over a plain-looking gobliness in favor of the more attractive females. The poor lady had probably gone a while without a mate, and even if her looks didn't turn off her desired mates, her eccentric behavior certainly would. As it was, females were too important as mothers to send off to a battle, and the tribe would have to be very desperate indeed to risk them in combat. One male and several females would work just as well as an equal number of each after taking serious losses in a war, but the reverse wouldn't do anything to help replace losses as fast.

The younger hunter and newly-minted warrior cut off a part of the owlbear and delivered it to the granary, as he had promised. He took his share of the meat in a sack the granary guard had been nice enough to give him. It was no wonder why the guard had been kind; she was the only female on duty protecting the granary. It was a volunteer position and a rather boring one at that, assigned only to goblins trusted by the chief. Older goblins and females who wanted to take up arms often had that role, and Breden suspected that the ladies assigned to the easiest job in the tribe were the same who the chief took a fancy to. Were Breden a human, he might have thought that it was a rather questionable thing to do, handing out tasks based on favors in bed. Goblins didn't see it that way, though. It wasn't a favor for the chief, nor was it a favor for the females; it was just something they did when they were relaxed, well-fed, and safe. Only hunger, age, or illness would dull that flame in an adult of their species, mostly.

That said, there were exceptions, Breden had heard tales of goblins taking up the lives of a druid, living in the wilderness apart from a tribe and operating on a different set of norms, as if they were an entire tribe of shamans. Before anyone could consider any of that, they had one more issue to resolve.

"Griz, you don't think there's a connection between the Blue Foot... Blue Feet...? Th-the tribe who's causing us trouble and the owlbear we just killed, do you? And- excuse me, I don't need any of that salve, please. How about we meet tomorrow? I've got to deal with this for now. I-I don't mean to sound rude, but it is important." The shaman's daughter backed off from Breden, giving him a naughty look. She hadn't been laying hands on him to help his wounds.

"So, Griz. Blue Feet tribe. You think they're gonna cause trouble this winter?" Winters in this land tended to be mild, but there were exceptions, and this season was shaping up to be one of them. There might even be snow this time around, something the goblins of the Forest Tribe hadn't prepared for.

I'm glad you're busy, at least. Things are picking up again for me IRL, but slowly.

Oh. My mistake. I'm glad you enjoyed it last month, then.

I'm glad to see all of you here and I hope you all had a good Thanksgiving.
@Aristocles I added a picture couldn't get HF to work but I can imagine he looks similar, actually I'll make his eyes normal sized, I just thew that in anyways.

Looks good, even if the wolf if perhaps a bit big. Feel free to put him under the character's tab. Welcome to the RP!

That's fine. It's also a good idea to explain how Twig's eyes got that way, although you can keep it a mystery for a while if you like.
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