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The elven woman never lifted the crossbow, despite reaching for it. Instead she sat transfixed, half turned on her bench to regard the man behidn her. A demon touched roguish sort, moving with stealth, and practically dripping in death volunteering directions. The elven woman wasn't entirely convinced. Directions, to a place even this demon touched man admitted was along the path she was on and would come to eventually on her own. Such decried an ulterior motive. Men such as he were normally chased out of towns with torches and pitchforks at first sight. She rather imagined a deformed creature such as he was might be eager for a little companionship but you could never trust one. The woman didn't trust demon touched folk. They had a tendency to go insane and those that didn't go insane were worse.

Giving a slight tug on the reigns to slow the horse pulling the wagon to slow him down and hopefully keep him from running them into a ditch the woman kept her blue eyes on his unnatural yellow ones. This one was definitely a second story man. He'd be useless as a proper assassin, too many bits he couldn't hide, too much magic. He'd have difficulty hiding in plain sight. This man was more of a blunt instrument than a scalpel and the last thing you wanted to do was have an argument with a hammer. They always won.

"By Myrkul's black and shriveled balls", she said as she turned to face the intruder, seemingly seeking to hitch a ride on her wagon, "What are you doing out this late at night?"
The assassin's feet landed silently amidst the uneven assemblage of boxes and supplies that adorned the top of the wagon. The woman guiding the wagon, despite her own excellent hearing, was far too engrossed in the trail ahead and ensuring the horse didn't run off the path to pay any attention to him. She was leaning forwards, ebony tipped toes curled around the foot board as she strained to see ahead. She couldn't see him creeping up behind her.

Then he spoke, softy in her ear. Her head spun, golden tresses splaying outwards. She squealed in fright, one hand immediately shooting out towards the loaded crossbow leaning up against the bench for just such an emergency. It was reflex. It wasn't particularly a smart move and she regretted it as her finger tips brushed the smooth wood of the crossbow's haft.
The vardo wagon slowly meandered down the forest path. It was garishly painted in crimson and limned in gold. It's oaken shutters sealed against the possibility of an errant branch shattering the valuable glass windows. A brass pole rose up above the wagon, from which hung the single gas lamp that illuminated the path so that the horse could see.

Beneath that lamp, atop the wagon a beautiful woman guided the horse drawn wagon. She was pale of skin, the pale alabaster washed with the warm glow of the overhead lamp. She leaned forwards, her blue elven eyes peering through the darkness, attempting to spot upraised roots or anything else that might unshoe her horse. She was certain that there was an inn ahead. The old man she had run across had assured her of it but she could see no sign of it.

"By Sharess' bountiful tits," the woman cursed, complaining about not seeing the inn, "Where the bloody hell is this place?"

The woman didn't like moving at night. Normally she pulled her wagon over, barred the doors and windows, cast an illusory spell to hide her and the wagon and slept straight through until morning. The only reason she was still going was because the old man had stated there was that inn ahead. In an inn she could do some dancing, sell some drugs, sell some fake magical trinkets, or even entertain a paramour- anything for a little coin. Instead she was wandering through the dark.

Assallya Kressair

Age: 84
Gender: Female
Species: Elf
Status: DEAD, killed by a Terminator

Powers: Assallya was a skilled sorceress specializing in illusion and enchantment.

Skills: Assallya was a skilled confidence artist, dancer and actress.

Weakness(es): Assallya was definitely weak in physical combat. She preferred to make her enemies fight each other or avoid conflict altogether. Combat was, in her opinon, entirely not worth the return on investment.

Crush: Some would argue that Assallya was completely incapable of love. This was not exactly true.

From: Dungeons and Dragons

Personality: Assallya was normally very friendly but was in reality a complete selfish bitch. After all, people like helping friendly people. Why bother alienating those that would help you? She's was even somewhat loyal, unless there was a good reason to stab someone in the back like a chest full of jewels or something else of value.

Bio: Assallya is dead. After accidentally stumbling through a rift she was in another world and journeyed through a dark forest on the way towards an inn she'd heard about from an old man. On the way she encountered the disabled form of a Terminator from the far future. It was severely damaged. She reactivated only for it to reach out with it's one good arm and strangle her. Though she possessed a ring that healed her of all wounds, even the most mortal, suffocation is not a wound and the ring proved useless. Thus, Assallya died.

Assallya Kressair was born in the autumn in a small village on the outskirts of Evereska. At the young age of 26 (aprox. 11 or 12 in human years) Zhentish slavers attacked and killed her entire village except for those taken as slaves. Assallya, her sister Saeliah, and several others were transported far across Faerun in order to avoid the elven wrath sure to follow. In the city of Calimshan Assallya and Saeliah were separated when Assallya was purchased be Pasha Alkiel. Head of a powerful group of rogues, Alkiel purchased her as a dancer and concubine for both personal use and for information gathering and blackmail. She then served in Alkiel's bedchamber for the next eight years while being trained in dance, seduction and other roguish arts in order to perform her duties.

She was treated as an object and was given to allies and employees of the Pasha who performed exceptional services. Soon enough, she learned about the many different types of power and discovered that even as a slave she was far from powerless. Succeeding in seducing one of the Pasha's magicians she bid him teach her magic. At first he balked until Assallya cast for him the only thing her father had taught her at that young age, a cantrip. A small thing, it changed the colour of his fingernails, but it was magic none the less. He agreed then, for he was a lonely uncomely man who rarely received a woman to his bed. However, he placed conditions on his tutorial; refusing to train her in combative magics and warning her that should he ever target him with her spells it would mean her death. She surprised all of them by inventing an inferior version of the invisibility spell which allowed her to sneak away from the Pasha's clutches and return undetected. In this way, by filching jewels and prostituting herself she built up savings with a money lender.

It was with the aide of the Pasha's son that she succeeded in poisoning the Pasha, planning on becoming a partner to the successor instead of a slave. With her manipulative mind behind him to advise his passionate power they were sure to bring their competitors to their knees. What she was not expecting was the Pasha's extended family to hire a necromancer to speak with their departed kinsman. He quickly named his murderer and Assallya regretted bragging as he died.

She ran, the Pasha's son giving her a few moments to escape, fearing that she would claim his involvement which would lead to his family asking him uncomfortable questions. The next few months she moved slowly north, the sands left behind her and the lands becoming more lush and green.

Likes: Wealth and Power. Having servants. Lording it over her enemies. Drugs.

Dislikes: Hardship, abstinence, forests, animals and anything related to nature. The undead. The poor.

  • Assallya is dead, killed by a T-800 Terminator unit
  • Assallya's sister, Saeliah, is now a druid somewhere. I never really anticipate them ever meeting again.
  • There is a bounty on Assallya's head in Calimshan. It is highly unlikely anyone would chase her this far north.
  • Assallya wears a lot of jewelry. However, most with a critical eye will note that most of the gems are semi-precious. They're still worth quite a bit but not a noble's ransom.
I was being polite and looking for approval before posting it into the character section. I wouldn't want to assume.
All righty... Here's a character then!

Name: Assallya Kressair
Nickname: None vocalized in polite company

Age: 84
Gender: Female
Species: Elf

Powers: A skilled sorceress specializing in illusion and enchantment.

Skills: Assallya is a skilled confidence artist, dancer and actress.

Weakness(es): Assallya is definitely weak in physical combat. She prefers to make her enemies fight each other or avoid conflict altogether. Combat is, in her opinon, entirely not worth the return on investment.

Crush: Some would argue that Assallya is completely incapable of love. This is not exactly true.

From: Dungeons and Dragons

Personality: Assallya is normally very friendly but is in reality a complete selfish bitch. After all, people like helping friendly people. Why bother alienating those that would help you? She's even somewhat loyal, unless there's a good reason to stab someone in the back like a chest full of jewels or something else of value.

Bio(optional): Assallya Kressair was born in the autumn in a small village on the outskirts of Evereska. At the young age of 26 (aprox. 11 or 12 in human years) Zhentish slavers attacked and killed her entire village except for those taken as slaves. Assallya, her sister Saeliah, and several others were transported far across Faerun in order to avoid the elven wrath sure to follow. In the city of Calimshan Assallya and Saeliah were separated when Assallya was purchased be Pasha Alkiel. Head of a powerful group of rogues, Alkiel purchased her as a dancer and concubine for both personal use and for information gathering and blackmail. She then served in Alkiel's bedchamber for the next eight years while being trained in dance, seduction and other roguish arts in order to perform her duties.

She was treated as an object and was given to allies and employees of the Pasha who performed exceptional services. Soon enough, she learned about the many different types of power and discovered that even as a slave she was far from powerless. Succeeding in seducing one of the Pasha's magicians she bid him teach her magic. At first he balked until Assallya cast for him the only thing her father had taught her at that young age, a cantrip. A small thing, it changed the colour of his fingernails, but it was magic none the less. He agreed then, for he was a lonely uncomely man who rarely received a woman to his bed. However, he placed conditions on his tutorial; refusing to train her in combative magics and warning her that should he ever target him with her spells it would mean her death. She surprised all of them by inventing an inferior version of the invisibility spell which allowed her to sneak away from the Pasha's clutches and return undetected. In this way, by filching jewels and prostituting herself she built up savings with a money lender.

It was with the aide of the Pasha's son that she succeeded in poisoning the Pasha, planning on becoming a partner to the successor instead of a slave. With her manipulative mind behind him to advise his passionate power they were sure to bring their competitors to their knees. What she was not expecting was the Pasha's extended family to hire a necromancer to speak with their departed kinsman. He quickly named his murderer and Assallya regretted bragging as he died.

She ran, the Pasha's son giving her a few moments to escape, fearing that she would claim his involvement which would lead to his family asking him uncomfortable questions. The next few months she moved slowly north, the sands left behind her and the lands becoming more lush and green.

Likes: Wealth and Power. Having servants. Lording it over her enemies. Drugs.

Dislikes: Hardship, abstinence, forests, animals and anything related to nature. The undead. The poor.


  • Assallya's sister, Saeliah, is now a druid somewhere. I never really anticipate them ever meeting again.
  • There is a bounty on Assallya's head in Calimshan. It is highly unlikely anyone would chase her this far north.
  • Assallya wears a lot of jewelry. However, most with a critical eye will note that most of the gems are semi-precious. They're still worth quite a bit but not a noble's ransom.
The claws slowly drawing themselves across the dancing girl's lithe body sped her heart, causing her blood to race. The ripple of fear slipping through her form. Then came the rabbit's reaction. The dancing girl simply couldn't figure it out. The only thing she was sure of at the moment was that disappearing alone into a room with the fox probably wasn't a good idea given his claw play. After all, men usually didn't try and terrify their prospective paramours.

The bead then was a bit of a surprise. What was it? Was it a peace offering? Was it patronage? She accepted his gift humbly.

"My thanks," she said as she carefully moved from a crouch to descend from the table upon which she danced.

She moved carefully, keeping her eyes on the fox like he was some sort of threat because, very rightly, he likely was. Then she made her way towards the back towards the kitchen and, more importantly, the stables that contained her vardo wagon.

Yes, she was going to have to change her avenue of attack with these two. She was going to have to revert back to scrying. See just what was under those masks and what their relationship was. She probably should prepare a spell from the books involving translation just in case the pair spoke in an exotic tongue.

1) What is this group's Creed? What brings them together? Are they bloodthirsty villains? What is their goal?
2) How do they avoid attracting the attention of the Jedi?
3) How does the esteemed leader have a lightsaber when only the Jedi and Sith know how to make them?
Absolutely right. I'd be watching guard positions, counting how long it takes them to make their rounds, learning when and where the supply ships dock, any information of possible value.

Realistically if I were there myself I wouldn't see a point in even thinking about escaping for at least a week. What if the best chance to escape happens only once a month? After all, if you try and escape there likely won't be a second opportunity if you catch my meaning.
The redheaded dancing girl was having difficulty deciding. Tapping gently at her lower lip she returned the appraising of the fox masked man using only the corner of her eye. What was his interest? Was it simply lust? Lust of that magnitude often paid quite well and what was that coin? Could it be? It appeared to be celestial jade.

The girl's desire rose up inside her. She wanted that gem. It may not be what she thought it was but she could tell it was valuable and very likely magical. However, what if it was a trap? She didn't recognize the attire. She couldn't identify which lands specifically this pair came from. They weren't of the Shining Sands, nor the Sun Washed Anvil so she rather suspected they weren't after her for the bounty on her head.

Hips swaying, the dancing girl descended the stair case, caressing the railing as she carefully floated down the staircase into the tavern. That was when she turned her attention on the fox masked man, delivering the full weight of her illusionary green eyes on him. Walking directly towards his seat, never once breaking eye contact. She didn't even look away when she placed one bare foot upon the empty chair and used it as a stool to ascend to the top of the fox's table.

Then she began to dance, first raising one forearm, hand help limply until the wrist caressed her own cheek and pressed her head backwards into a roll across her shoulders even as she lifted one of her bare feet to follow the motion. She stepped and moved, slipping deftly between the crockery, her hips beginning to sway, her many anklets clinking together like a sequence of bells. Her skirt slipped across a bottle, washing its surface as it passed over like a teal shadow before she began undulating her hip, the muscles rippling, the low slung skirt and silver embroidery bouncing.

She danced in silence, eyes fixated on the man, she danced ever lower, fingers occassionally reaching for his mask but always shying away, lest she scare him off, her knees bending but her hips and arms moving to a silent rhythm until finally she fell to her knees on the table before him and slipped backed into the dancer's repose, arching her lower back over several pieces of crockery.

Then she rose, lifting herself at the hips, and looked into the eyes of his mask again.
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