Avatar of Attesa
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    1. Attesa 3 yrs ago


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In ArcRift 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay


"On it!"

Grey wastes no time and dispels his sword as he steps up beside Joel. While Sougo helps to lift the rubble, he stoops low and carefully begins to pull the lady out, carrying her gently in his arms.

"It's okay. We've got you. Anything broken?"

@Thatguyinastore @Kagebaka
In ArcRift 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay


"Alright, go, go! We've got this under control!" Grey shouts as he helps herd civilians past the team. "Go and hide! We'll get everyone out of the building! Don't worry!" The fox turns back to the burning building with a serious look in his eyes, the orange tint of the flames reflecting off the visor. He then looks back at the rest of the people Lex had assembled. "I'm going in to rescue as many of the residents as I can. I'll catch up with the rest of you soon."

His blue sword forming in his hands, Grey dashes inside after Joel, using his sword to slice apart any rubble in his way and remaining vigilant for the first disgruntled civilian he might come across.

@Thatguyinastore and anyone else who heard Grey
In ArcRift 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay


"I'm not actually here yet. Store just wants his update to be at the top of the next page so here I am."

In ArcRift 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay


Grey gives Ben an odd look before realizing what he's talking about. "Huh? Oh!" His ears perk up. "I... guess? I don't really know where else to fit in all of this. Sounds like you guys are missing some members on the Information team, though. Maybe I should join that one, but I don't know if I'll be useful there..."

What a conundrum.

@Crow @Second2Last
In ArcRift 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay


Grey nods in approval of Lilith's doubt. "This guy's giving off a creepy vibe to me, too. I don't know what his real plans are, but I feel like he wants something more than just some super-powerful alien dead. But I wouldn't team up with some freak using his powers to destroy the city out there, either." The fox sighs, resting his head on his fist. "Man... it feels like we can't trust anyone here. For all we know, both Superman and Lex are evil. Even some of the people we're teaming up with might have other things in mind," he grimaces.

But in a moment, Grey's face turns from serious to somewhat cheerful. "I guess we'll all have to learn to trust each other." He reaches out a paw. "I'm Grey. Real original, I know. A friend named me that, 'cause I don't have any other name I can remember."

In ArcRift 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay


Grey's about to talk to someone about joining one of the proposed teams when a ghost girl comes up to him and asks if she can talk to him. We're doing ghosts now? Okay, yeah, sure, we're doing ghosts now. Somehow this night keeps finding new ways to surprise him.

"Uhh... sure!" he smiles at her warmly, walking off to the side of the room out of earshot of everyone else and motioning for her to follow. "What did you want to talk about? And... who are you, anyway?"

In ArcRift 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay


The fox listens curiously, his tail flicking idly behind him. From the relief of Sarah being okay- apparently- to the newly provided information of Superman's strength and the description of the watches, he feels a bit more satisfied with this mission briefing. Of course, he still has yet to find a reason to trust this Luthor apart from a bigger threat at hand, but that motivation's seem to come up a lot in the past day.

"Okay. So we're being sent on a mission to take down a super-powerful alien who's killing everyone he comes across with only these watches and a few minutes of getting to know each other?" Grey recaps with a raised brow, the plan becoming more and more ridiculous as he puts it into words.

"Guess we've got a long night ahead."

From above Grey's nose comes a blue spark, and without warning, a transparent energy, with texture that seems identical to glass forms around his eyes like a visor.

"Let's gear up, everybody!"

@Thatguyinastore and technically everyone else but i'm not pinging everyone for that that's just rude
In ArcRift 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay


Grey's question goes unanswered for the moment as he turns his attention towards the little girl who had just disappeared in a puff of smoke. The sight was enough to stun Grey for a second before he turns once again to Luthor, ready to ask her where she'd been taken. Fortunately- or perhaps unfortunately- more threatening folks had already gotten to doing that, with one of them even knocking the crowd gathered in front of Luthor's desk and potentially Luthor himself away. The billionaire probably wouldn't take kind to being knocked on his keister twice in a row today, but with all the points everyone's bringing up, Grey can't help but admit that he does deserve it. Still, though, they need to defuse this situation, fast, before things get messy.

"Whoa! Hey! Hairless dude! The one with the powers, I mean! Calm down a little! This guy's got some crazy security measures in place, and who knows if he'll start using them on us again if we keep getting too close!" the fox shouts at Cole, though his voice is laced more with worry than any actual anger. Grey then turns to Luthor once again to address this. "Look, Luthor, sir," he starts, unable to keep a slight sarcastic sneer from creeping into his tone. "These guys have a point. We need more info- and we need to know where you took that kid."

The fox keeps watch for any security detail that might be moving into the room after that stunt. Again, an understandable reaction from Cole, but it might not go over so well with Mr. Big over here.

@FactionGuerilla @Thatguyinastore
In ArcRift 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay


Grey's been taking this all in. So this Mister Luthor guy wants them here to stop some tyrannical overlord with powers from terrorizing the city? Sounds familiar, the dumbfounded fox thinks to himself. But apart from the name and the footage, the group, Grey included, don't seem like they have any clue about what this Superman is capable of. So when Luthor asks for any other questions, the fox is quick to speak.

"Sir?" he starts and steps forward. "I've got a question. What else do we need to know about this... 'Superman' guy?"

He would be lying if Grey said he didn't get some bad vibes from the billionaire, but this alien seems to be the bigger fish to fry right now. He'd have to ask more about why Luthor was keeping them under such scrutiny later- when they weren't being threatened with brain-frying frequencies and guns.

In ArcRift 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay


"I'm not a... nevermind," Grey begins to object before realizing that this guy probably wouldn't even care for the difference. The fox then raises a brow as he looks between Sanford and Thomas. "So... what are you guys supposed to be? I've never seen anything like you in my life. All... twenty-four hours of it I can remember."

Grey rubs the back of his neck idly. Out of all the things that have happened today, this has got to be one of the weirdest. He's dreaming, right? This has to be a dream.

@Yamperzzz @darkred
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