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6 yrs ago
Current First post after nearly a month of inactivity. Here's hoping I can get back into a good post routine before long.
6 yrs ago
“Just put on anything by Enya. No, not anything. 'Orinoco Flow.' On repeat.”
6 yrs ago
Managed to burn both my thumbs and index fingers pulling a tray of cookies out of the oven. I trusted you, oven mitts, and you betrayed me.
6 yrs ago
Thanks to having to move earlier this year, I finally get to experience snow for the first time since my early childhood. It's absolutely wonderful :)
7 yrs ago
RP’s that amass a good player base and have a good start only to suddenly die are why I have trust issues.


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Circe's safety isn't actually at risk here. If they escape with her, she'll most likely break out and slaughter them all. The really worry is if she then comes after us for letting them get away.
*A new entry has been added to the codex*

Speaking of Circe, did those imps poke air holes into that container?

For Roland it's mostly that he's been studying monsters all week so that's what is on his mind. Unless they had come across something that said "Humans did it." he would have kept thinking of monsters he'd read about.

However, monsters on forklifts were not something covered in those books.
Roland Nightbreaker

Roland shrugged at Ceiran’s comment about Circe, “Eh, don’t sweat it. She’s not exactly one to ask permission for anything.” Roland said. Ceiran continued asking the paladin’s thoughts on what they were up against considering some of the evidence before them. The white haired boy did have a good point. Blocking all but one entrance and using paint to obscure any outside vision was not something wild monsters could do. However, not even the best thieves could steal such large items without being noticed.

Thinking back to his studies, Roland tried to piece together what creature this could be. He walked past Ceiran to get a closer look at the building. They had to be small to go unnoticed, intelligent enough to carry out simple plans, and able to work in teams. His first thought was goblins, but they weren’t exactly the most subtle in their dealings. It could be boggarts, but those usually stuck to one building rather than a whole district. What about imps? They certainly fit the criteria, but they usually stuck to cheap trickery than outright theft.

“I doubt any of this is human.” Roland stated turning back to the others. “I’ve got some ideas, but I can’t say anything for sure.” As he finished talking, Circe appeared in the doorway and motioned for them to come. “I guess we’re gonna find out.” Roland stated drawing his sword.

As he approached the door, the rumbling of engines suddenly filled the air. “What the-” Roland took a step back giving him barely enough room to jump out of the way as three forklifts driven by imps barged through. The middle lift was the odd one out as it had another imp on top of it, no doubt she was their leader. Though he noticed she was holding a container of sorts, he had no idea what, or who, was inside.

While it was certainly not expected, the shock of seeing the road raging imps passed and Roland quickly began thinking of a plan. They imps themselves weren’t really threat, but the forklifts were. All they had to do was disable them, or commandeer them.

“HEY! YOU MISSED ME!” He yelled to the imps bangging his sword against his shield attempting to get their attention. His idea was extremely risky, but if it worked it would make things a lot easier.

Player Opinion: Not to nerf your spell, but it might also help if you narrowed the options a little too. I know you said you ran the simulations of "saving and attacking" but each path then splits into two, creating four different outcomes the GMs have to answer. Maybe make them more definitive like with Owldin and the rope. Don't have him tie it around the monster at all, just do the path of tying it around the victim and go from there. It'll still ask the question of "What if" but won't require all the answers needed to consider every variation.
Roland Nightbreaker

With a shield on his arm and sword on his hip, Roland readily took point as he and the others searched the industrial district. As they approached a suspicious building, Lumen spoke up expressing his concerns about what they were facing and suggesting they stay on guard. Lumen then quickly apologized for potentially giving orders while Roland was the one in charge. It hadn’t actually bothered the paladin who had taken what Lumen said as more of a suggestion than anything.

What did bother him was that immediately after, the white haired mage started asking for help from the teachers. Really? They hadn’t even been here ten minutes and he was already asking for help? Roland had a few choice things to say about that, but strangely enough, the teachers said it for him. It wasn’t everyday he and the staff agreed on something, but today must have been one of those days.

Refocusing on the mission, Roland turned back to the warehouse after hearing metal shutters slam shut. Looking over the front of the building, he too came to the same conclusion as everyone else; the front door was not to be trusted. The windows, however, could be accessed by Circe if she shifted. They could have her scout and if the front door was indeed a trap, they could remove the wood panels blocking the side entrance with a controlled burn and enter through there.

As he opened his mouth to explain his plan, Ceiran instead piped up and told Circe exactly what he was about to. He didn’t even get a chance to confirm to Circe if that was the plan they were indeed going with or not.

“I guess 'team captain' is mostly a symbolic title.” Roland said a bit disgruntled shaking his head. On the brightside, at least the plan they were going with was the same as his.

Kromric Battlebrow

The cramped darkness of the sewers reminded Kromric of home, all but the rank smell of sewage that dominated the air. Once they had all piled in, Tholl went over their assignment one more time before turning it over to the students. Without much hesitation, it was Sonia who quickly took charge. She ordered the group to split up, giving them room to work while giving them specific tasks to focus on. Not bad for a first year.

Kromric was placed on the vanguard team. While Lotte took the front with a lantern, Kromric brought up the rear. He mainly wanted stand back and observe the students as this was their mission. But that didn’t mean he couldn’t keep an eye on their backs. The last thing they needed was a sewer monster sneaking up on them.

They didn’t get very far before a scream echoed through sewer. The students acted fast. Sonia casted a Portent spell to see what her options were while Duncan ushered Lotte forward so they could get a better view of the situation. Not bad, but they would need to act faster if they wanted to save this person. Kromric placed his hand on his hammer as he continued to watch the students work. Should things take a bad turn he would be ready, though he trusted they had things under control.
Trying to get a post up but the internet has decided it doesn't want to work with me. Hopefully I can have this up sometime soon.

Yeah he's doomed.

Fiiiine. Guess he'll have to develop and grow as a person on his own like a normal character. Unless... *glances at the wolf.* Nah, save that for any werewolf characters.

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