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5 mos ago
Current Star Wars Persistent World, that was a thing that was sort of a thing. Kind of.
8 mos ago
LongSword is objectively the best main. Objectively.
10 mos ago
The ones from Calle are usually monthly. I tried to start another one a few years back.
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11 mos ago
If you feel like you need help no shame in going out there and getting it. Take care of yourself.
11 mos ago
I think you can develop a flair. A personal style. Words and phrases you like. That's why I don't get using Grammarly for word suggestions.


I be Bango.

Most Recent Posts

Shel Applewood

A scouting party, what fun!

But just as the halfling turned toward Zeke and Rhen he felt his tiny tummy a'rumbling. He turned to look at the mountains, the seemingly best place to set up camp. Oh wouldn't it be ever so much nicer to head out on such an expedition with a fully belly, and perhaps a bit of a snack packed up and ready for the nibbling? He certainly thought so. Always thought better with a full stomach he did.

"Perhaps," he began uncertainly, "perhaps after we set up camp?"

He reached in to his shirt and pulled out his mapping book, stuffed as it was with cheap paper sticking out of it every which way, holding his treasure in his left hand, then reached in to his bag and pulled out his Chef's Knife with his right. Gesticulating with the book he explained,

"A second point of interest, our cozy little camp in the mountains, makes it easier for us to map out whatever we might find. We could use dead ahead," he pointed in the direction they'd been facing as they left the portal, "as North for now, but..." He wiggled the Chef's Knife ever so slightly, "Might'nt it be good to get a bit of a stew going in the pot a'fore we set out? Why, I've got meat and potatoes and herbs and all in my bag packed away."

He smiled at the notion of a proper halfling stew, "A party is never better formed than about a good roaring fire with bellies full they say. Could get it going a'fore we leave and put the finishing touches on her when we get back."
Maybe Pagan Elves could be in either Athel Loren (with Bretonnia to the North West and The Empire to the North East) or The Forest of Gloom (South East of The Empire)
Are you operating just in Bretonnia lands?

I ask because Skaven, in general WF canon, operate in Mousillon in Bretonnia, but more importantly under a number of Tilean towns.
I like the overtly sexual thing. I don't do Fantasy stuff much so I haven't been in one with a changeling before but it seems like a logical aspect of their character.

Shel will be pleased as punch to have two fellow travelers out there scouting and mapping and whatnot, if they choose to form up as Esalia suggested.

Could check trees near the tree line for moss to try to determine where the sun rises from, or just wait until sunset assuming it's a relatively Earth-like orbit. If day lasts for 72 hours the moss thing may be a better shot. Maybe coloration of bark too, if days last super long.
Shel Applewood

Shel had rather hoped that everyone would just get along swimmingly from the beginning, so much more pleasant that way really. They still seemed to be a rather good sort though. Not uncommon for such a diverse group to bump heads. He'd traveled with enough strangers to know the difference between decent folk with a rough start and just all around bad company. This was most certainly the former. No one had pulled any weapons in anger, that wasn't always the case. Heavens, there was even a dwarf!

Shel loved dwarfs he did. They were often ever so grumpy and ever so fond of beer, so they always had one thing in common right from the start. More importantly they were about the same size as him so he could talk to them face to face without craning his neck at an angle until he was afeared it would get stuck like that. What's more he had packed away a Dwarfish delicacy somewhere or other. Oh wouldn't Treekle be happy when Shel gave him a nice thick strip of Traggot, boiled wolf hide that, just a little piece would last for an awful long time it was so tough.

But Esalia seemed to be about to speak, moving about slightly she was...doubtless soon to get things moving again, which was just as well to him. He had a bit of a tendency to let his mind just wander off aimlessly on one tangent or another. Thinking about Traggot at the moment. Such a strange thing to be a delicacy really, nothing to it once you knew how to make it. An old Dwarfen souse deep into has last bottle of brew had explained it to him once as they were traveling through hill and valley to his mountain hide out. Never made it. Got sidetracked by a broken down carriage and the farmer's daughter trying to get it back together. They'd had to lend a hand. Oh, he'd lost his train of thought, that's right it was peat. Peat was the secret to good Dwarfen Traggot, what you had to do was...

"Anyone who is skilled at scouting, get to it. Anyone not able to fight, come to me. Rintor..." the Mithra addressed the veteran human, "Would you like to pick a direction?"

"Might I suggest behind us," Shel chimed in in his high voice to the pair of them, Rintor and Esalia, "it seems only natural to move thata way," he said pointing in the direction they'd come out facing, "but near as I can figure this spot isn't anywhere significant in this land. One ways as good as the other I'd suppose."

I'd be interested in RPing as the Skaven. Seems like a rather unique experience.
Could make for a pretty cool character arc though and it's a pretty logical situation.

What can Esalia learn from Rintor? What can she teach him? Is the 5 years between Cinnia and Esalia enough to keep them from being friends? What's for dinner?

Anyway only two characters seemed to have any issue and both ended up repeating points she'd made. They need to find a place to set up, but not here because it's susceptible to flooding, and they should make some quick introductions.
Glad you pointed that out, I did the same thing except instead of adding content I just fixed grammar issues and bits that annoyed me.
Preparing for the journey ahead Shel had begun to reflect on the many steps behind. He'd adventured about with other parties before, he thought as he carefully packed foodstuffs about his pot, but when he thought back he always ended up focusing on his youth. It seemed so long ago now; he missed them sometimes, his family, but there was nothing like the unknown to get your blood a-pumping.

He'd set out to join the party and no sooner had he arrived then they were departing with a few jolly words, "All set! We wish you the best of luck, travelers! May naught but good fortune await you."

Following behind his new, much larger, companions he got only a rather brief look at the portal as it pulsed, or swirled, or something along those lines and then they were all through and the portal was closing. Verdant plains, a bright orange sunset except the sun wasn't setting, clouds racing across the sky yet no discernible breeze. A new world.

The changeling, having taken an aspect Shel found rather charming, was speaking softly nearby having noticed the same things. This place was familiar at first but quite different upon further examination. Shel pulled out his book and a sheet of cheap paper, scribbling a small circular gate in it's center. Absorbed in his work he hardly heard the half-elf say something about settling down for the night though he certainly heard the befreckled redhead (for the moment) responding.

"She's right you know," he replied, "the sky is orange like our sunset but the Sun, well this Sun, it's still way up there....hmmmmm," he'd have to think about that more later, perhaps over a nice baked potato. Right now a lot was happening all at once.

The Mithra of the group, Esalia as he would soon learn, was setting things in motion; getting them organized starting with introductions. She seemed to have a good head on her shoulders so he happily bounced to the center of the group beside her and pulled out his pot and pan.

"Hey everyone, I'm Shel, Shel Applewood, Adventurer, though I guess we're all that. I'm a damn good cook," he said pulling on his belt and rocking forward on his feet, "and a map maker. Pretty good at avoiding notice when I want to. That's about it. That's me."

His introduction complete he smiled, nodded, and sat down cross legged to begin rearranging his bag, looking up to the sky intermittently. Wherever the sun went down, he supposed, that would be West at least for now.
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