Avatar of BladeSS4
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    1. BladeSS4 8 yrs ago


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James Walker AKA Sliver

Location: Boston

"You take the ones upstairs!" Ava yelled to James “I'll take care of the bastards down here.”

James runs upstairs to deal with the threat up stairs, hearing gun fire he gets up stairs and sees two men armed with guns. James then yells at them, "Stop! I know what you are thinking! Shoot and kill this guy then kill everyone else, but let me tell you this. You strike me down now, and I will come back stronger than you will ever imagine!"

The closest guy to James answers by smashing the butt of the gun into the face of James knocking him down and out then says, "Hail Hydra" Him and his buddy go to leave but his friend gets grabbed by the leg by a silvery arm he looks down and sees a the sight ofhalf of Jame's face covered in a weird silvery mask.

"You die now!" says in an inhuman high pitch voice the symbiote now possessing James speaks. Once it says that it then throws forward his other arm that turned the arm into a silvery spear. Stabbing the spear like hand through the thigh of the soldier. The soldier yelled in terror and pain. Sliver silences him as the symbiote yanks the man by the ankle and throws him out the window.

Standing up all the way he man's partner opens fire on the silver colored symbiote, the bullets hit the silver coat and it only laughs. "You shoot us! We shoot you!" Right then the bullets fire back out the holes they came and hits the man in the shoulder. The symbiote grabs the man by his arm then swings him into the wall, ceiling, floor anything that it can smash the man into then tossed him into the middle of the room. Then the symbiote starts to walk slowly around the man as iftoying with its prey, "You hurted us. You hit James in his soft head. We will make you pay..."

The man yells in terror, "What are you!!!!?" "We are your death!" The Sliver Symbiote stombs onto the chest of the man its foot turned into a spike and impaled the man to his death. All while the symbiote lets out a cackling laugh, its laugh was interrupted by the sound of gunshots down below. Its arms turn back into normal human like arms and made its way to the stairs. Its appearances getting bigger on the way down the stairs. The symbiote taking a more monstrous form the more in control it takes.

Walking down the stairs, making them creek under its weight. It goes down stairs to see the woman that told James to go upstairs is knocked out. He also sees a man fighting with white haired women. The symbiote recognized her from the bar.

Letting out a high pitch roar then it speaks in a shrill high pitch tone,"We don't like you. You leave and ladies stay. Maybe you live, stay and we end you." After speaking the Sliver symbiote's arms turn into a pair swords for arms, preparing for combat should the Winter Soldier decide to take on the symbiote. The symbiote not having much time to do much as it feels James waking up using the big threat to coax his man into retreat before James takes back over.
Interested if there is room. If not still throwing my interest in if there is room later.
James Walker AKA Sliver

Location: Manhattan New York

Zipping through the air Sliver swings on his webbing trying to keep up with the car and bike that was going to boston. Looking down at the cops following them, with very little he could do from the air he decided it was best to try a find a way to help from the air. Looking around Sliver smiled looking at a helicopter. "I believe I found us a ride." The symbiote voice in his head responses, 'We take...' Laughing James responds, "Yeah we are going to take it."

Slinging out a web Sliver hits the bottom of the chopper with a web. Using his own strength Sliver pulls himself up the webbing until he touches the bottom of the police helicopter. James then says to himself, "No killing, we knock them out and restrain them then we simply take the helicopter. Simple let's do this!"

Sliver crawls from the bottom of the helicopter and knocks on one side of the chopper. Before any answer could be made he slides to the other side of chopper and opens the door then yells, "Surprise!" Sliver throws a silver glob ball of web into the face of the cop in the back. Quickly misjudging how many were inside as there were two in the back and two in the cockpit of the chopper. The cop in the back goes for his gun. Sliver quickly slaps the gun to the side and makes the comment, "Careful with that you'll shoot your eye out with that!"

Bang! Bang! Two bullets into the back of Sliver the copilot shot Sliver in the back. Silvery liquid and blood flows down his suit two holes that would normally drop a normal individuals At first he didn't move than his shoulders rolled forward then let out a groan that sounded in a mix of pain and annoyance, "Owwwww! Didnt I just saw you will put out an eye with that!" Sliver turns then pokes the copilot in the eye and his hand then envelops the entire head with a massive head size glob. He then pulls the copilot forward then into the cops in the back throwing the glob with them it springs out trapping the three men in the back of the chopper.

Once down Sliver quickly takes a seat next to the pilot then says, "You want to stay there or with your buddies in the back? You are going to follow my instructions and some people for me. First let me borrow your radio. Stay quiet now this is important."

First clearing his throat then speaking into the microphone over the radio, "Bravo, bravo, this chopper nine. We have eyes on the suspects. They are last seen heading back to the Rum house going through some residential areas. They maybe hiding down back alleyways." Lying over the radio to get the cops off the girl's backs. Sitting back in the seat the holes in his back slowly fad away and the bullets pop back out of his body as the holes close. Giving slight orders to the pilot as they made their way to boston.

Location: Boston
Interactions: @Almalthia@TwilightShadow

After a flight follow those down below. Quickly being thankful he took the chopper as he wouldn't have been able to follow as far as he had. Looking a the pilot he says, "Thanks for the ride. Sorry about your friends in the back but they shot me and got into the sticky situation they are in."

Seeing not much he ordered the pilot to land a bit away from where they were going. Then says, "Thanks for the ride, when you wake up you can go home." Before the pilot could ask what he meant Sliver quickly punches the pilot in the jaw knocking him out with one punch. Quickly making his way to where he saw the bikes stopped, his suit changed from again. Going from the silvery super suit into his casual business suit.

Once there he noticed one starting up one of the bikes and driving away. James then spoke, almost yelling trying to talk over the engine of the motorcycle, "Nice driving back there! You gave the boys in blue the slip pretty nicely! Don't worry about their chopper, they are busy stuck in their current situation!"
Apparently discord doesn't leave the kick message for you to see when you log on, this is what I sent you last night and currently cannot message you on discord;

After having a two hour conversation with you, and compromising with you on your post. I am still not satisfied with the quality of the post. I asked you yesterday what steps you'd take to develop Carver and you told me "I know how to develop him". Well that's not steps and that doesn't tell me how you know. I am tired of trying to fix people's post. I am not asking for advanced quality. But I am asking that people know how to write.


I'm sorry, but I just cannot keep trying to fix post. It's going to drive me insane and you're not going to have a fun time with this RP if I continue doing so. I cannot continue to accept subpar post. Or the narrative falls apart.

Well, I guess I am out of this because of this PM I got from the GM. If those who are in this didnt know yet. I did enjoy this rp and I am a bit reluctant to leave but if the Head GM wants a certain quailty of posts then I guess I have to go.

I guess actually trying to fix my posts doesnt matter but oh well. I had a great time with evryone in this rp, hopefully I will see a few of you in any other rp in the guild.

I wish this rp the best of luck and all those who are or was still in this.
Did the discord server get disabled or did the GM shut it down?
Carver Edwards and Hopmon

Location:Lost Forest Interactions: Everyone and everything in the forest

Everything moving so quickly in Carver's eyes. At one moment Hopmon was constantly trying to play eye spy, the next moment they are under attack. An orange dinosaur that is very much different to Dorumon came out and attack along with rock things and orange spiky badger things.

Carver heard Dorumon say get to safety, Carver wanted to help and he even says to Hopmon, "Hopmon! Time to help...Any idea what are these things?" Hopmon says, "Gotsumon, Gizamon, Petitmamon and Dracmon!" Carver looks at Hopmon, "And they are?" Hopmon laughs, "They are digimon. Maybe use your digivice!"

Carver tapped around on his wrist watch digivice trying to figure it out. Facing one of the digimon the rock things he shows a small screen with it. The digivice with a digital voice reads out, "Gotsumom is a Rock Digimon. An ore type Digimon with powerful defensive abilities. It acquired the data of ore, improving its defense. It is mischievous with a cheerful personality. It is a little selfish, and once it gets angry it seems to have the raging temper of an erupting volcano. The ore that makes it up changes depending on environment and conceals the possibility of evolution."

Looking at the digivice Carver says, "Wow cool, this thing is super awesome! Lets see the others," He then points his wrist at the orange spiky badgers, Digivce, "Gizamon is a Sea Animal Digimon. It grew fins on its hands and feet in order to paddle through water. It is more suited for life in the water than on land, and although it swims about quickly in the water with its fins and strong hind-legs, on the ground it moves about with weak, frog-like hops. When on land it has a very timid disposition, but when in the water it displays its natural, ferocious personality."

Carver reads more stuff off it, "Rookie uh Hopmon your not a rookie are you?" Hopmon says, "Nope I am still in my in training form..." Carver was going to check the other two digimon but in the distance Carver sees Tristan goes down.

Carver for once is speechless he looks in that direction trying to process what he just saw. As Tristan lied there lifeless Carver's eyes were wide. Never before had he seen someone die, let alone someone who knew die. The Gotsumon killed someone he just got to know. Starting to tremble slightly as he stares right at Tristan's body. Emotions running through Carver going quickly he did feel sadness for a moment. He turns towards the Gotsumon Hopmon first spoke near Carver, "I can't believe it...he's dead..."

Carver just watched someone not that much younger than him just die. He had just met the guy. He might not have known him for long, but just to see someone his age...die. Carver looks to Hopmon, “This is wrong...this is all wrong. Kids aren’t supposed to die like that. If we were faster we could have helped and he might not be dead...these digimon aren't going to get away with this. They aren’t going to kill anyone else! We are going to stop them! None of us is going to die again! I wont allow it!” Carver voice crack, he speaks in a hurried tone, his shock and confusion only fueling the flames of this burning inside Until he just rushes towards the Gotsumon without thinking, “AAA take this!” A big right hook. Crack! Instantly regretting it as white pain went right through his arm and fist. Now he was in pain, but he had to stop this somehow. Somehow he needed to find a way to stop this. He needed to protect the others. He needed to, he needed to defeat this creature. Cutting his knuckles on the rock faced digimon he clenches his fist as blood drips from his hand. The digivice turns on a blinding white light. Hopmon starts fidgeting and says, "So much power! Time to Digivolve!"

"Hopmon digivolve too!" Hopmon surrounded in light as he changes shape. Growing legs and arms turning into its next form. He then speaks when it finally done transforming. "Monodramon!"

Carver then says, "Let's rock them!" Monodramon runs forward and yells, "Beat Knuckle!" Monodramon starts punching Gotsumon left and right. Carver says, "Left, right! Beat them like a drum! This is for Tristan you rock monsters!" Monodramon turns and yells, "Cracking bite!" Monodramon bites down on a Gizamon then let's go and gives it a big punch. Once again Carver starts punching at the Gotsumon with no regard for his own hands. Rage filled him and Monodramon acting the same way trying avenge the fallen digidestined and let off some of their anger off on the digimon around them. Trying to work their way to the Agumon to help Dorumon in a rather aggressive way of doing so as their anger controls them.

Agumon gets blasted away, and the Gotsumon with the Gizamon began their retreat. Carver yells to Monodramon, “We cannot let them get away! They will not be allowed to hurt anyone ever again. We catch one and make them tell us why did they do this! Lets go get them!”


Carver gives chase and followed by Monodramon begins to go the direction the Gotsumon were going. Full intent to keep fighting until they tell them what they want to know. Carver isn't going to be satisfied until he has caught the digimon and learned everything it knows or until he is no longer angry at this little digimon Not caring who is behind him Carver gives chase with the full intent to catch Gotsumon by any means necessary.

Carver Edwards and Hopmon

Location:Lost Forest Interactions: Dorumon and the digidestined in the Forest

Leaving the inital area rather was easy. Carver didn't have anything here other than a house that wasnt really his so it was easy for him to leave. Carver looking forward to this adventure he likes to explore and this is new to him. So off to follow Dorumon Carver went followed by Hopmon.

Entering the Lost Forest and a bit after entering...

"Ooo I got another one, I spy with my little eyes something..." says Hopmon bounce around as he follows the rest of the group. Quickly interrupting him, "Is it a tree?" Hopmon cheerfully answers, "Yep, yep, yep, it is a tree because that is all I see. Tree, trees and more trees."

Shaking his head Carver puts his hand in his face and shakes it side to side slowly sighing. Hopmon then says, "Another one! I..." Carver then says annoyed, "Tree...lets play a different game Hopmon. Let's play the quiet game. The first one to talk loses lets start now..."

Trying to keep his eyes on Dorumon making very sure not to stray too far from the group or to get separated from everybody else. Doing this while taking in his surroundings, he likes the forest. Although it could be a bit quieter for Carver instead of having Hopmon constantly spying the same thing over and over. Carver even with the slight annoyance of Hopmon found himself smiling. Being at peace within the forest something his dad prepared him for. Being a survivalist he was at home in a forest even if it is a digital forest in the digital world.

Carver then asks ahead of him addressing a question to Dorumon missing what he said before because of Hopmon, "Dorumon where are we going? As much as I enjoy this ripe green forest, I'd like to know where is that destination that we are going." The moment Carver spoke Hopmon burst into laughter and says loudly, "I won! I won!! I won!!! New Game! I spy with my eyes..." Carver quickly answers, "Tree, back to the quiet game again." Hopmon then says annoyed, "Come on! That is boooorrring!" Carver quickly replies, "It's better then playing eye spy with the same thing over a thousand times!" Hopmon laughs, "It wasnt a thousand, maybe fifty...but still if I see something else I will be sure to tell you!" Once again Carver's palm goes to his face as he sighs from his hyper digimon's antics.
James Walker aka Sliver

Location: Rum House or Bar Manhattan New York
Interactions: People in the Rum House. @Almalthia@Draku69@Sewer Rat@webboysurf@jorcool@TwilightShadow

James stands up out of his bar stool and stretches a bit. He then says to Slingshot, "You still spilled my drink sir, and I expect you to make up for it but for now gotta run!" Laughing a bit jokingly as he made his way to the door before opening it quickly and running out the door.

Getting up and heading out of the Rum House instead of following those who are leaving James makes his way to the nearest and darkest alleyway. Once there he looks around to make sure he is in the clear. His business looking suit turns from black into a chrome like silver color and envelopes te rest of James's body. Then he looks as a bike speeds away as he prepares himself thinking what is he going to do. 'Follow the bike or follow the cars...choices...' Not waiting for the voice in his head to answer James says out loud, "The bike, Gotta follow that!

James taken on his hero persona Sliver he runs up the wall next to him and jumps out over the rum house. Moving his arm out quickly he shoots out a silvery web from his hand and grabs on and takes off. Repeatedly shooting out a new web once he swings to the max height. Using forward momentum to propel him forward. Looking down making sure to keep an eye on the girl who left the bar The voice in his head speaks to James, 'Why are we following? We go anywhere, why follow?' James laughs as he flips through the air and answers the voice in his head allowed, "Why not! We aren't doing anything besides this seems interesting enough to keep our interests for a while! If anything this could be a bit of fun!"

Flipping forward and looking at the bike seeing blue and red lights James says to himself, "Well looks like the cops are giving them a chase! Won't be getting far if they get caught by our former friends in blue Maybe we should lend a hand? What do you say buddy?" The voice in his head answers, 'We do this!'

While mid James turns and then a small glob turned from his silver suit similar to the webbing that he is using the swing through the air. James chucks the ball down at the 47th street down below him. A sticky web like ball meant to slow down or keeps things stuck to anything that runs into it. Throwing it right behind the bike riders looking to slow down the cops pursuing them. The voice in James's head speaks up, 'Careful, we are not unlimited. We need feed to sustain using this much biomass. We either swing or help bike not both for very long..." James interrupts the voice in his head throwing down a second web ball then says, "I know this my symbiote friend, helping a bit wont hurt us though."

James knows his own limits, this webbing isnt infinite but for now he can lend a little hand, although he can only imagine down below what they are seeing as silver web balls starts hitting the road behind them as He keeps swinging throughout the air trying to keep up with a speeding bike
Carver Edwards

Location:Beach Resort Interactions: Everyone in the Beach resort

Digital World? Digimon? What? Carver listened to Dorumon speak but he didn't understand where they were. This is the digital world? Like the internet? Carver had some many questions until he say the digivices. One caught his attention without Dorumon even saying much of anything.

Reaching over and taking wrist watching looking device without even thinking about what Dorumon . 'This is so cool' is the thought in Carver's head about the device. He then says out loud while looking at the device with most of attention of the digvice and not who is around him, "I don't know what is this digital world or what are digimon or why am I here, but if this is mine I guess I'll take your word at it and that we are important."

Without thinking Carver slaps the digivice onto his wrist and straps it on. Not thinking of conqunses or normal thoughts. Looking at his wrist he asks, "So now what..." A blinding light from the digivice stops Carver from talking as he is shining the light into his face, "What the..." moving it away from his face out comes a small purple and yellow ball like creature with a horn like spike on its head.

"Woooweee so glad to be free! You do not know what it is like being stuck in that thing." the purple thing speaks and bounces around in a circle a bit hyper active. It spins and turns then jumps at Carver then asks, "You have any snacks? Been in there for a while and I am hungry!"

Carver being confused asks, "What and who are you!?"

The little purple thing laughs and hops around, "I am Hopmon silly! We are partners! Nice to meet you Carver!" Hopmon hops around really quickly looking all over the place after introducing himself rather loudly to Carver. He turns around and then asks, "Anyone have any snacks! A hungry digimon isn't a happy digimon..."

"How do you know my name? Also settle down a bit no need to go all wild." Carver asks and looks at Hopmon as Hopmon hops around looking at everyone. Hopmon replies, "Silly Carver I told you we are partners!" Hopmon turns and looks at Dorumon then says, "Dorumon! Where are the snacks?!" Hopmon hops side to side after asking the same question to the first digimon he saw. Still being very energetic and hyperactive. Carver goes around trying to catch Hopmon but Hopmon keeps moving away as if playing a game while waiting for Dorumon's answer or until something else happens.
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