Avatar of Blu
  • Last Seen: 1 yr ago
  • Old Guild Username: Blu the Creator
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    1. Blu 10 yrs ago
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Wrap up that fast? :S

You need extra time? It's just that mostly everyone seems wrapped up already so that's why I was going to move on.
@Rune_Alchemist Aww, been looking to RPing with you again but hey, if the feeling isn't there then it isn't there.

As to everyone else, I'll try starting the IC tomorrow but it may be delayed to Sunday.
100 posts already. Pacing's been pretty good. I'll be posting tomorrow afternoon to start chapter 2. Feel free to wrap up any side stuff before then cause we will be time skipping.
@Blu As much as I wanted to join this, I am afraid I just don't have a concrete idea for a character. Sorry but given this unfortunate development, I'm going to withdraw my interest. Good luck with the roleplay!

Sad to hear, but I understand. Thanks for showing an interest, Metanoia!
I like how everyone's referencing the frog now.

@Dezuel @Chezka *gasps* Will we finally discover Mandi's true gender?
Ey Blu, could you drop down the basic dorm layout under Dorm Assignments in the Character Tabs? For good ol' ease of access.

Sure, I'll get to that when I can. Right now it's on page 29, third post.

@Matsuri Just a little correction, but it's one big bedroom not individual bedrooms. A wooden partition divides the boys' side from the girls'.
@Rune_Alchemist Yeah that sounds fine as long as they don't use any damage-dealing Curses.
A little midway story update. This doesn't affect the usual deadline which is this Saturday.

Headmaster's Office | Interactions: None

"This is entirely unacceptable! You can't just expel the majority of Class-C on a whim! I demand an explanation!" A furious Lanza shouts at Nyx. The two of them are joined by Lanza's frequent companion, the silent Fifth Seat. They stand within the Headmaster's office: a room decorated wall-to-wall with a virtual library of magic tomes and strange artifacts. Nyx, who has been casually leaning against a wall this entire time, opens his eyes and glares at Lanza. "And you are?" he says with nonchalance. It's as if he hadn't heard a single word uttered by the Seventh Seat, much to the latter's annoyance. "I'm Lanza Lamielle, Seventh Seat of the Miracle Seven!" he responds; his voice, a mixture of anger and pride.

"Seventh? I don't need to explain myself to my inferiors." Nyx brushes him off. Lanza grits his teeth; his body language shifting to a position as if readying to pounce. "What was that?" Before Nyx could say anything else, the northern doors of the colossal office swing open. "I'm not fond of having to work after hours, but I was told of urgent matters, so here I am." In walks a tiny mandrake with aster flowers blooming out of its head followed by a young man with long hair seemingly in his twenties; he's carrying a smoking pipe. The young man takes a seat behind the Headmaster's desk and takes a puff of his pipe. The little mandrake scurries onto the table with impressive agility. "Pew, pew~" the mandrake calls out in a rather adorable voice.

"What seems to be the problem?" the young man asks.

Both Nyx and Lanza are perplexed by this stranger. "Who are you?" they asked in unison.

"Oh right. Neither of you have seen me in the evening before. I'm Headmaster Augustine, of course." he proclaims as he pets the mandrake. "H-Headmaster Augustine? What happened to you?" Lanza asks, worried. "It's a long story I'd rather not get into. Anywho... I heard you wanted to discuss something urgent?"

Lanza points at Nyx. "This professor has expelled most of his class in a single day, disrupted peace and order by sanctioning some mass brawl in the Class-C courtyard, and ignored the standard curriculum given to all classes by myself and the other members of the Miracle Seven. Oh, and apparently he turned one of the janitorial staff into a frog. We're still trying to find that frog- err, man." A hefty list of infractions indeed, and all on day one.

Augustine takes another puff of his pipe while contemplating the charges. "A busy day for our young instructor. In my recruitment of Professor Nyx, I did promised him leniency in how he is allowed to teach his class, seeing as how Class-C has been struggling under the same guidelines for a decade now. Perhaps a new methodology will force things to change. So in that vein, I see no issue in him using his own curriculum. As for the students he expelled: we already came to a prior agreement that they would be redistributed to the other classes at my discretion." Augustine explains.

"Y-You did?" Lanza is quite surprised to hear that the 'expelled' students would be taken care of.

"It would be foolish to refund all of that tuition money. I have to get paid somehow. Besides, revenge is a powerful motivator. Perhaps now those students will actually work hard to prove themselves. It just won't be under my tutelage." Nyx muses.

"So that's it? He's just going to get away with his cavalier behavior?" Lanza asks, still attempting to seek some justice.

"Well, I never approved of turning one of our staff into a frog... Nyx's first month pay will be docked accordingly and added to this janitor's wages as an informal apology. I see little hope of getting Nyx to actually apologize for his transgression. In addition, he'll join you and the Fifth Seat in searching for our polymorphed fellow, even if it takes all night." Augustine declares.

"Hey! Wait just a damn minut-"

"The matter is settled." Augustine gets up from his chair. "Pew, pew~" His mandrake companion leaps onto the ground beside him. "Time for some shut eye. Nyx, do keep things quiet this evening or I'm afraid your pay will be docked again. Well, 'night." Augustine waves before exiting the office.

Without another word, Nyx walks toward the exit on the opposite end. "Where are you going?" Lanza inquires.

"To find that damn frog, what else? He's probably still somewhere on Class-C grounds. It's better if we split up. More so for me so I don't have to listen to your annoying voice." Nyx turns around slightly to face Lanza, an unamused expression on his face. "Listen well so that you can tell the rest of your crew. Keep those seats of yours warm, but don't get too comfortable. By the end of the year, my students will be occupying them. That's Class-C's revenge." Challenge issued, Nyx goes on his way, leaving behind Lanza and the Fifth Seat to contemplate his message.
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