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7 yrs ago
Current Sorry for my lack of posts lately. I've just... been struggling to get the energy to write something up. I'm trying some new meds through so hopefully that will change soon.


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@RC3 Hope I'm not too late to join.
Aww... That's a shame. Oh well. My bad for being a bit to late.

The Mustaqilun Tribe [Turn 6]

Rukdug sat on the 'throne' that had been made for the Warchief with a thoughtful look so deep that it was dark, the only sign of movement being that of his hand; Without even looking towards it, his fingers fiddled with the strange iron disk that was so far the only hint of an outside presence...

The fact that the item was made of iron in and of itself confirmed that there was iron somewhere in this land, as well as a people who could mine and work it. But this was just a minor distraction; A mere attempt to find some kind of bright side to a situation that seemed to be getting worse by the moment.

Fifteen orcs, just... gone. No signs of struggle, no witnesses to anything strange... it was just as if something had snapped its fingers and fifteen living, breathing orcs had ceased to exist silently while no one was looking. Wolves that no one had been able to find any evidence for apart from the burnt bones located down in the tunnels and theories spreading about how this whole turn of events came about. The suggestion that it was his decision to bring back the bones of the two child like creatures had caught his interest; He doubted it, but out of frustration and a desire to try and cross it off the list just in case, he had ended up yelling at the stupid things to knock it off if they actually were haunting them because he had plans to send people out to try and find where they originally came from and hopefully make a good first impression by returning their bones to 'em.

While his thoughts ran deep and drew most of the Warchief's attention, he occasionally focused on the matters that were being discussed around him; Orcs who didn't know what was happening who were just talking loudly, fearful orcs panicking about the disappearances... some of the craftsmen asking for permission to use the firestones once again. Even as he continued to fiddle with the iron disc, Rukdug couldn't help but feel his thoughts drift back to those bloody stones...

Only to stop playing with the disc as an idea poked its head out of the depths of his mind; He remained deathly still as he followed the thought completely, carefully investigating branching paths in order to ensure it was a sound idea without any flaws that could be uncovered with a small amount of logical thinking. The volcano had erupted around the same time as the stones were found... and tasted the blood of one of the prospectors. Before they disappeared, the shamans had thrown around the theory that the stones were of a demonic nature...

The caves of the mountains hadn't caved in on their own... Someone had intentionally sealed them in order to try and lock these things away. If the stones were demonic (and there was strong evidence that this was the case), they likely were connected to the demon that made them... a demon who's awaking was announced by the eruption of a volcano... and the people who originally sealed the caves were trying to stop it from getting stronger because some stupid outsiders had dug up the demonic stones and started feeding them blood...

Several plans rose in his mind with how to use this information... through several were quickly either discarded or simply put on hold; As much as he would had wanted to gather as many troops as he could together to go and visit the volcano to try and locate the being connected to the firestones and destroy it, Riverforge wasn't in a position where he could do that... his people weren't in a position where he could do that.

That needed to change.

Taking a deep breath, Rukdug silenced his 'court' by raising from his chair to his feet, silencing the current speakers as he looked around to see who was actually present. Spying one of the better builders and one of the more veteran miners, he quickly gestured for them to come forward as he started his announcement loud enough for all present to hear. "Ever since we unearthed those demonic, blood loving fraking gems they've been nothing but trouble. The fact that a volcano went off when we found the stupid things should have been enough of a omen, but we allowed ourselves to be blinded by the promise of power. We've paid enough for this mistake... now it's time to correct it."

"Get a couple of miners and builders together, take some guards with you and go down to the firestone tunnels... I want you to collapse them. Not just the entrance either, I want those wretched bloody gems to be crushed and shattered under a literally shrak ton of rock. Once it's done, wall the entrance to that tunnel off. Engrave a freaking warning for all I care, but I want it clear that those damn things remain buried."

He knew that there were going to be orcs who would object to his announcement to destroy and seal away the firestones. Even as they objected, he drew his sword from his side to make it clear just how serious this decision was. If anyone failed to get the hint and back down, he was going to kill them; Better to execute them now than let them undermine his authority and risk them doing something stupid like trying to unearth the firestones again. Fate would tell if he needed to spill orcish blood today... and if so, how much of it.


Even as teams went down to collapse the firestone tunnel, Rukdug moved on to other matters that Riverforge needed done to strengthen their position. Since the disappearances had began because of the Firestone, hopefully sealing those tunnels and making it clear that there was no intention of messing with them again would make them stop. As much as he wanted to get several things done at once, until they learned one way or the other that whatever was making them disappear wasn't doing it anymore he couldn't risk spreading out his people to work several projects at once.

Gathering all his remaining hunters together, he split them up into groups of ten and gave them a clear command. "I want you to go out there and gather us a herd of goats. The boars are a pain in the ass to tame and I want us to have a second, hopefully easier to work with source of meat and milk. Hell, having a steady supply of wool alone would be worth it. Gear up and and don't do something stupid like wander off alone."


With orders given and the course set, Rukdug did the only thing that he could do. Taking one of the larger, more agressive boars that was selected for slaughter, he had it brought before the totem of the Rut Unuabu (Silent Skullcrusher) before having some of his militant orcs hold the boar steady as he raised a club to cave its skull in, much like the large feline beast might have attempted to do. The offering made, Rukdug respectfully knelt before the totem that he had ordered made: Designed as a banner made from the hide of the Rut Unuabu, the beast's skull sat at the top, while the crushed skulls of both the bear in its cave and Morog's own dangled from its lower arms.

In complete silence, he asked the spirit of the Rut Unuabu for insight into finding those who stalked his people so that he could stalk them in turn in the event that sealing the tunnels wasn't enough... and simply to be a better hunter in general.

The Mustaqilun Tribe [Turn 5]

There were lesser ways to return home than to the sound and shaking of the ground beneath you as the fury of the land itself vented unleashed its fiery, toxic rage into the distant sky; Thankfully, it seemed to be far enough away that while it was something to note and maybe try to locate sometime down the road it wasn't an imminent threat to Riverforge.

After handing some of the spoils of the hunt over to the leather workers in order to properly treat the skin to forge a banner from, placing the two collections of 'children' bones somewhere safe for later use and offering Morog's remains to to claimed by whomever gave enough of a damn, Rukdug took his time in checking up on the statues of the fortress and the improvements that had been made in his absence.

While the boar pens were of interest (and the suggestion of gathering some goats as well was quickly given the go ahead), it was the mining efforts that had caught the Hunter's interest... the presence of the 'firestones' most of all. Back in the old country, the discovery of such a find would have resulted in immediate attempts at weaponize regardless of the cost... but witnessing the connection to the volcano as well as the remains of the wolves in the caves, Rukdug decided to air on the side of caution. Since the firestones were clearly magical in nature, he sent in the shamans to investigate them properly to get a better grasp on them...

For a moment he considered experimenting with one of the Firestones, attempting to infuse it with one of the smelters to see they could be used to enhance the heat of the smelters and thus help with melting down stronger ores, but the charred bones of the wolves and the howls of the orc who had touched one of them had caused him to...lean on the side of caution. Let the crazy magic men poke and prod the things first before trying to do anything with them...

Besides, his attention was going to be elsewhere. Melting down ore was going to be important in the days to come: With the ability to produce copper, brass and bronze at hand it was time to get mining operations started! Granted it wasn't as good as iron or steel, but industry was industry and bronze was better then nothing.

The Mustaqilun Tribe [Turn 4]

It had truly been a worthy hunt.

Even if it had almost resulted in his own death, Rukdug couldn't help but feel admiration for the deadly cat that they had brought down after the brief but deadly fight. Looking over the amount of kills it had made over its life here and witnessing not just its stealth first hand, but the speed and strength it wielded to tear down foes whom managed to either avoid or somehow survive its deadly first strike... Even the fact that even as it was dying it refused to go quietly, fighting until he stabbed it though the heart and it couldn't cling to life anymore.

This was even considering that since it was in its lair during the day and the time that it had attacked Morog, it seemed like it was normally a nocturnal hunter; He suspected it had been awoken earlier then normal by their arrival and forced into a fight on unfavorable terms... and despite the number disadvantage, had it been going up against something weaker or less trained than orcs he wasn't sure who would have won.

However his plans for the skin of the great cat was going to have to wait; there were a few other concerns that needed to be addressed.

Morog's bones weren't difficult to gather up, through the remaining flesh and meat had to be stripped away and left behind; Nothing like rotting meat to not only attract predators, but annoyances like insects as well. Plus on a hot day it just smelt awful and ever kilo of meat that was left behind was a kilo they didn't have to carry back. Normally he would have just left the body as was for whatever scavenger could find it, but that was the old ways talking. He didn't know if there was anyone back at Riverforge that gave enough of a damn about Morog to do something with his bones, but at least the chance was provided. At any rate, he had plans for his skull... As well as that of the dead bear nearby.

The child like bodies caused him to pause; There before him was evidence that they were not the only people in this new land. As he stared at the tiny bones, ideas born of pragmatism that would likely have never been considered by an orc before presented themselves to him to be considered... and after a few moments he gathered them up, placing them in separate packs to be carried back as well. They might prove useful later on... after he sent out scouts to locate the people that they originally came from.

With the beast skinned, it's meat properly collected and the various collections of bones gathered up, the trek back to Riverforge could begin. As they walked through, Rukdug glanced towards Glomp... and offered the orc a rare smile. "Congratulations Glomp... when we get back home, you've earned yourself a promotion as my bodyguard."


The discovery of Copper (alongside some gems of questionable value) wasn't exactly earth shattering, but it was a start. Nyorgha easily gave the orcs who had done the prospecting permission to clear out the rubble blocking the entrance of one of the caves, but her personal attention had to be focused elsewhere. Namely, towards the boars.

The boars they had captured proved to be surprising easy to feed because they ate just about anything they gave them; Roots, leaves, bark, bones or meat.... Didn't matter what you offered to 'em they ate it happily. However, if she wanted them to prove a stable food source in the long run then as a people they needed to understand the animals better. Thus she had gathered some of the very hunters that had gone out and captured the boars in the first place to go out again... though this time with a different goal in mind.

They would -not- hunt the boars or try to capture them. Instead, the task she wanted them to perform was that of scouting and observation; She wanted them to spy on the wild boars and discover as much about how they functioned in the wild as both an individual animal and as a species so that they could refine not just their domestication efforts, but also alter their pens to make them more comfortable and thus easier to both manage and breed when the time came. What they ate, how they interacted with each other, where they tended to live and what their lairs were like alongside any other details that might prove important.

Granted if they saw a chance to capture or kill other animals to help them keep Riverforge fed they were more then welcome to do so, but they needed to understand the boars better.

The Mustaqilun Tribe [Turn 3]

If the hunt for Morog's corpse had proven anything, it was that Luza and Glomp were likely innocent of his death... at least as far as killing him was concerned. Some softer race might have taken the view that because they allowed him to wander off on his own made them somewhat responsible for his death, but Rukdug wasn't going to punish anyone because someone else did something stupid that got themselves killed.

However, this didn't mean the hunt was over. There was something living out here that was either stealthy enough or strong enough (possibly both) to take an orc on and win... something they didn't know the identity of. Hunting it down was partly to discover what it was and possibly learn a bit more about the local predators in the process, but it was also his duty as Warchief to see it die; It had claimed the life of one of his orcs and while a part of his was disgusted to admit it, Morog's disappearance had caused a level of unease among his followers that needed to be dealt with. Mounting its head above the gate of their home would more then solve that little problem.

Of course, they would first have to find it. Chasing after a predator that had proven itself at least somewhat strong or clever they knew nothing about in the dark on its own turf would have been a foolish idea, so camp would be struck for the night to prepare for the chase to continue at dawn. With seven in their group, having at least three people on watch at a given time while taking shifts would ensure that the whole group got some rest without fear of being attacked in their sleep.


With the food situation at least looking somewhat promising, Nyorgha decided to turn her attention towards something that was important to do but they had been forced to delay due to more pressing matters; She organized a team of miners to investigate the mountain and caves that they had decided to settle their first fort in this strange new land in order to find what metals and resources that it could offer them. Any other discoveries they made would simply been a boon.

The possibility of getting some forges built and getting some proper industry going again made her smile to herself as she went about her tasks as regent.
Just posting here to let people know this isn't dead.
The Mustaqilun Tribe [Turn 2]

"For farks sake! I didn't think gathering everyone here to have this talk was needed because it was basic common sense, but clearly I was wrong because... what was his name?" Rukdug's angry rant was briefly put on hold as the name of the exact target of his ire had briefly escaped him. Shortly after one of the hunters had gone missing and the two 'survivors' of the group returned, the Warchief had taken the time to gather everyone who was currently in camp in order to have a little chat...

Even as the crowd had been gathered it was clear that there was some degree of concern in the air; Not fear, but between an idiot wandering off on his own and disappearing and the dwindling food stores, the possibility of a bad future was drifting into view like a dark storm cloud. Action had to be taken and taken now, before the situation had the chance to spiral out of control.

Shaking his head and making a dismissive gesture big enough to be seen by most of the crowd, Rukdug swung back into irritated leader mode before anyone else in the crowd had a chance to actually call out Morog's stupid name. "Bah! Doesn't matter what his name was, if he's still alive when I find him his name is going to be changed to shithole digger; His punishment for stupidly going into unknown and hostile terrain alone will be to dig and clean out cesspits until the day he farking dies!"

Even as the beginnings of a murmur started to raise in the crowd, Rukdug brought his hands together in a thunderous clap to silence his listeners and keep the focus on him and what he was saying. "We're going to be going back to basics here people! The very stuff that was beaten into your skulls since the day you were able to crawl. Until further notice, the following is to be considered law until we are in a position where we can change them."

Taking a deep breath, he began. "Rule number one: At all times, all orcs able to wield a weapon is to have one close at hand, if not on their body at all times. Simple enough, most of you do it anyway already. It's just common sense."

"Rule number two: Until we have a better lay of the land and knowledge of what lives here, all hunting parties heading out into the wilderness are to be made up of no less then five hunters. Forming a hunting party larger then five requires my personal blessing with a reasonably valid reason for the extra bodies. Now before any of you start whining, I did the math; There is little in this world that could survive five orc hunters working together to bring it down and five hunters is the perfect mix of safety in numbers while still being quick and stealthy enough to actually catch something. You're not coddled humans or prissy elves, you're orcs so act like it!"

For the first time since his commanding rant had started, Rukdug actually paused long enough to let the crowd absorb what he was saying. Taking the chance to catch his breath fully, when he started shouting again it lacked the angry bite that it had while he was explaining the rules of common sense. "Now that's out of the way... Luza, Glomp, get your asses out here front and center!"

Luza and Glomp, the two orcs from the hunting trip that Morog was lost on, scrambled out of their spots at the front of the crowd and stood ridgy at attention; A hold over from Warchief Pash the Glutten, whom was prone to arbitrarily killing those who didn't show enough respect when he had deemed fit to give them an audience. The two were sweating, nerves eating them from the inside out as Rukdug looked from one to the other.

Then he smiled. They started to sweat more. "Luza, Glomp... I'm going to give you something that would never have happened across the sea. I'm going to give you the chance to prove yourselves innocent." The crowd went deathly quiet, staring at history in the making before them as Luza and Glomp stood there, stunned before Rukdug explained what was going to happen. "The two of you, myself and four hunters and trackers of my choice are going to find the spot were Morog parted ways from your group to go off on his own and then follow his trail to discover his fate. If your story checks out you will be found innocent; If we cannot find Morog or enough evidence to rule out foul play on your parts... well, the rest of your short lives are going to be frightfully interesting..."

Watching as the two 'hunters' gulped in fear, Rukdug turned his attention away from them for one final announcement. "Until my return, Captain Nyorgha is in charge. Nyorgha, I would speak with you before my departure. Everyone else, you're dismissed. We've all got work to do."


Once it was just Rukdug and Nyorgha, the Warchief felt himself relax a little. There were few orcs in his life before they crossing that he trusted and Nyorgha the Liberator was one of them. She had just been a grunt when he had first met her and took her on as one of his squad. Through at times she annoyed the hell out of him, she had proven herself time and time again to be competent and loyal; attributes that had helped her rise to be the youngest captain in the known history of Nomar during the removal of of that fat fool Pash.

Attributes that would serve him well still.

"What do you need me to do Rukdug?" She asked, getting straight to the point for once due to the seriousness of the situation.

"I need you to find and secure some kind of stable food source... or at least stable enough that we can get some farms going. Send out hunting parties, gather and pen animals, forage for fruits and roots... hell, if you can somehow manage it make some nets that we can stick in the river to catch fish. I don't care what you get or how you get it, just make it happen."

Nyorgha smirked at the request. "That all? Consider it done."
The Mustaqilun Tribe [Turn 1]

The decision of where to set up their home was a challenging one and it was one that bothered Rukdug during his journey down Hardship's Respite. After his scouts had made their reports, he had briefly considered selecting the place where the two forks met in order to secure both resources that the forks offered before casting it aside. Some many have called it paranoia, but the possibility of the Dark One taking enough of an interest in them to actually send an attack to punish them...

One didn't raise up the ranks to Warchief by being naive. Paranoia was healthy when the shadows often held knives waiting for a moment to strike. There was only one answer that he could give as Warchief that would allow him some measure of rest at night.

His decision made, he quickly delegated tasks out to subordinates to spread the news and prepare them for the final stage of the trek. They were going to follow the eastern fork towards the mountains and make full use of its defensive position and the ease in which stone could be gathered to build themselves a secure power base.

Rukdug took pride in the fact that he was the leader of some of the best and brightest wall breakers the world had to offer and it didn't take much thought to consider that the same know how that could bring down enemy walls could be used to build walls that were much more challenging to breach, but he wasn't expecting the greatest fortress the world had ever seen. That would take time and planning that could be done later on. Right now, he needed somewhere safe and secure that his people could call their own.

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