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gin a body catch a body
comin thro' the rye,
gin a body catch a body,
need a body cry?


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The Fed Zone
▆ : ▆ am, Saturday
November 6th
@DJAtomika@lady horatio@Not Fishing

"Maddie Wilson is the... woman, now?" D nodded in approval; her frown stayed as serious. Broken clocks are right twice a day as they say, she thought to herself. It was a saying her father usually said when Normies started making sense. Her head cocked to the side, keeping her gun steady as the restaurant employee went into Hyper-Drive. He was speaking quickly, making unnecessary plans. If Dad were here, we'd have this tiger on a leash by now.

"... Venkman, get the woman and Maddie out, assuming she's still in there and not the tiger itself! Also, take the fire extinguisher, just in case I accidentally set the vines on fire! Negan, you've got the easy job. All you need to do is shut the door as we come back out, so Glasses and I don't need to take our attention off the tiger. Now unless someone has a better plan, let's do what I said before, and get this shit done!"

"How do w--..." She paused and fired her gun at the vine. A blue and purple electric laser came out and zapped the growing phantom vines, along with a strange voltage noise, Have any Zoos reported missing tigers in the area? How do we even know the lady isn't a red herring or Maddie Wilson and this lady who could or whatever something might be Maddie Wilson aren't some rabbits to get us to run towards some unknown portal, as exciting as that sounds? She wanted to say this all out loud, but then she felt badly if there really was an innocent lady stranded in a restroom with some seemingly ferocious, large, wild animal. "Don't get me wrong, Normies, I'm game for this makeshift plan, as long as no one becomes a sore loser because they accidentally disappear." She imagined her mother was probably somewhere lost in a parallel universe, still kicking ass. Her mom was special, though. There was no way she could expect any of the people here, maybe besides herself, to be that awesome or cool. Then again, what do I care if they get themselves into trouble...? Her father had a thing about Social Responsibility, and she supposed all those mentions were starting to come out just a little bit.

Straightening herself D continued, "Ready after I get myself situated with the fire extinguisher," Her gun was pointing at some more of the vines, watching them as they grew and studying the area she had just shot.

The Fed Zone
▆ : ▆ am, Saturday
November 6th
@DJAtomika@lady horatio@Not Fishing

This is for you, Mom! D thought as she began sprinting towards the door, gaining her momentum. There was a strange hope that this disappearing act would be a some clue to her mother's whereabouts. Her hope rose with her speed, but right as she let out a shout, the restaurant employee stepped in her way. "Ahh -- wh...a?"

"Alright, fine. Let's get this shit done then. Venkman, I was really hoping the fancy gadgets meant you knew what was going on. Now that's a pretty crazy looking gun, so please don't point it at me while I open the door. Tall Guy, keep on that door, and thanks for the help! Negan, I appreciate the help, really, I do, but I work in a kitchen, where hearing people over noise and chaos is very important. I can hear her. And Glasses..."

She immediately stopped herself, frazzled and unsure if she should be relieved that she stopped without losing balance or embarrassed that she was interrupted. Her body swayed a little as she re-positioned herself, teeth pressing non-visibly over her bottom lip. He had the key.... D swallowed, feeling a bitterness in how much she really wanted to break down the door. Using a key was definitely more logical than breaking the bloody door down, though. Maybe, Normies weren't that dumb, after all. Well, I feel stupid, now.

She stared at Jeremy, again for a brief second, He doesn't even know the difference between a barrel and a stock of a gun is... She slowly began lowering her weapon, admiring it apologetically and ignoring whatever he was saying to Mr. Hotshot. I take back what I said about Normies. His intelligence was a fluke.

As Jeremy unlocked the door and opened it, D took a step forward cautiously, "Ok, so I don't quite know how to say this, but there is a very big tiger in there..."

"Tiger?" D repeated in question. Heck yes. Her shoulders straightened.

"Venkman, how likely will that gun be to work on a fucking tiger?" The name sounded familiar, like maybe she had seen a commercial for whatever series he was in, but thinking too hard on it seemed like a waste of a task and a half at the moment. She wasn't even a man, but the foreign nickname was decidedly taken as a compliment.

"I don't know who this V-man is, but -," D raised her gun again, taking a side step towards the restaurant employee again, "What are the odds the tiger is Maddie Wilson?" A small frown set on her face as she began re-positioning her gun for more tactile use. There was no clear evidence the tiger was the girl, but there was also no clear evidence that tiger was not the girl. When it came to the paranormal, the gambling algorithm was not nearly as useful as it was when playing Blackjack, and Normies don't typically think about those kinds of things. It was the least she could do before taking any action.
The Fed Zone
▆ : ▆ am, Saturday
November 6th
@DJAtomika@lady horatio@Not Fishing

Too preoccupied with the current situation, D ignored the restaurant worker, not quite able to tear herself from the on-goings to stop and explain things to him. Clearly, there was some paranormal activity going on, "You tell me!" Her hand extended as Mr. Hotshot tossed his mobile device at her. His quick use of electronics was refreshing. His use of everyday object, on the other hand, was questionably insane looking and messy.

His device was pushed into a side pouch of her Mecha-GO Suit. Maybe he would not notice it was gone by the time she made all the commotion necessary to get whoever was on the other side of the door free. A grin managed D's face, underneath her gear. The whole lot seemed crazy. Normies never knew how to act when the paranormal was about. It was like their rational thinking skills just automatically shut off. She shook her head slightly, getting ready to make her move.

"You better listen to what the good boy says and leave!" She looked around at the people who were leaving and the people who were still standing around. There were only a couple who seemed to be lingering, and by the looks of her Goggles, there were elements of something else, as well -- not just the decrepit vines growing. Honestly, it was easier working when there wasn't an audience, but D didn't particularly mind either way, "Mind yourself, Hotshot. I'm coming through," Her boots scraped against the tile flooring. Her shoulders rolled, once each, and she began running towards the door, holding her gun with both hands, ready to buttstroke the door open, as Attempt Number One. She was definitely ready for whatever was behind the door, because well, she had no other option. To relieve the tension, she exhaled a kihap.
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