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6 yrs ago
6 yrs ago
Justice is like an orgasm. It can never come to late.
6 yrs ago
A super powered individual who doesn't fight against super villains is a super villain.
1 like


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Is trans race and trans age a social construct thing to?
Don't forget about trans species, trans race, etc.

And for anyone who thinks I believe that, I have a beach front condo in the middle of the Sahara to sell you.
If I can root for the villain he/she is a good villain. I love rooting for the villain. They should win more.
Personality section is always optional as far as I am concerned. If a GM says I have to fill it out, I will but I never go by it. The personality develops as I play not before.
I quit rping.
Advanced: I read through one once, the writing was way to flowery as in long winded descriptions about details that have absolutely no meaning, like the floor tile. The only time floor tile needs to be described if it is slippery or sticky or whatever I don't need details about the the dents, knicks, etc.

Casual: Where I formally spent all my time. Gotten way to fucking slow.

Free: I rather shoot myself in the face than put up with that juvenile crap fest.

1X1: Tried it once, way to fucking slow.

Nation: Never did it here.
As in?

RPing in general (for the time being)
I've lost interest.
I'm done.
@Grec Dropping
@Burning Kitty Iron Man's side is working with the government, why would they be thrown in jail for something the government organized?

Just because the government sanctions it doesn't mean every agent agrees with it, doesn't mean the agent won't lie her ass off.


Just because the government sanctions it doesn't mean the Director agrees with it and didn't send a mutant who was sympathetic to his leanings.

Either way Talon was sent there to guarantee the battle didn't leave Utopia. Kidnapping a mutant under the protection of two X-Men teams (as far as I know the Jean Grey school has a team and Utopia has a team, might be wrong) will guarantee the battle will leave Utopia. Talon will accomplish the mission she will not let a playboy with a God complex ruin her record.
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