Avatar of BurningDaisies
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    1. BurningDaisies 10 yrs ago


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I'm taking a break from RpG for awhile. Apologies to all my roleplay partners.
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School starts later this month, so I may randomly not respond for a couple days at a time after that
7 yrs ago
Sorry for the delay mein fruends, I'll be sending out replies this weekend sometime
7 yrs ago
I have a 60 hr week ahead of me. Replies will be sparse~


Daisy here!

Thanks for stopping by.

Most Recent Posts

@Quaint Quasar

We'll talk about it in PM. =]

@Nerdy Reference@Shiyonichi@BKburke@Mag Lev

I should have the IC intro post ready later tonight. And probably a couple NPC sheets.

And since we have so few people at the moment, I'm making the connections thing purely optional. I would love it, if you guys tried to outline the personal connections anyway. <3

Edit; For those of you whose character sheets have been approved, post them to the Characters tab.
Overlord dragons are only loosely based on D&D. The well-known rivalries between chromatic and metallic doesn't really exist here.
However, they are still haughty, greedy, scaly bastards that can cast spells and have breath weapons, so your mileage may vary.

Worth nothing:
The only fully-fledged Dragon hanging around Norden is Gungnir, the guardian of the Sea Elves's sacred island. There are some thieving rascals lindwyrms elsewhere, but they can't really compare to a Dragon Lord.

Gonna get my cs up tonight after work. Wanna be a draganoid but there isn't much info on them.

Didn't see this until a second ago.

If there isn't a lot of info to go on, you can just make up the race. @Shiyonichi had some good suggestions.
Just be forewarned that dragons (and by extension dragonkin) don't usually play nice with other dragons in Norden. Or giants for that matter. And there are a LOT of giants. In fact, giants and half-giants make up a significant portion of the Norden population (ballpark estimate? like... 10-12%).
Dovah Bear for anyone who hasn't seen it.

Yeah, I'm hand-waving a lot of the finer details about Wild Magic at this point.

I also need to make a mental note in the future not listen to Terry Pratchett audiobooks before I started writing posts for this RP. I was getting started on the intro post, and I had this expectation that the grimdark atmosphere would be reflected in the writing. But somehow Terry's playful, tongue-in-cheek writing style infected mine.

Anyway, it doesn't quite fit the atmospheric setting I was going with, but what I've written so far is still good (and kinda funny).
It's a real dilemma. I guess that's what I get for not listening to thematically appropriate viking war chants or the Highlander soundtrack.
Yeah... I always interpreted Wild Magic as being the precursor of more modern Tier Magic, but I'm admittedly fuzzy on how that works out.

Skyrim is totally in my list of things that inspired this, if you couldn't tell. xD
I swear to Odin, I will turn into a puddle of giggles if someone makes an intelligent bear that can shout people death. #Dovahbear
I'll probably also deny that character on principle, but I will definitely laugh. ;3
@Mag Lev
Looks good so far. Approved.

Same as a above.

We'll hash out the connections part as more people post their CS.

@Nerdy Reference
I really like the detailing on the rifle in your character's image.

On a related note, I have mixed feelings about allowing guns. I know CZ2128 Delta had an assault rifle or something, but that was a rarity, even in Yggdrasil as I understand it (@Shiyonichi feel free to correct me on this). Magic could probably enhance bows and crossbows to be as powerful or more powerful than guns.
On the flip side, I don't really see much of a problem with it. Power scaling is pretty arbitrary considering that players and immortals are insanely strong. The existence of guns matter about as much as the existence of salad dressing, and I'm capable enough to include it in the lore.

Fuck it. Keep the rifle. We'll say it's about as advanced as a musket or something. It looks cool anyway.

Oh yeah. And your character is approved.
Notable NPCs:

King of Osthold - 《 Snorri Sevenfinger 》 (Human, known Immortal)
Jarl of Steinngrimm, "Witchtaker" - 《 Ylfur Scaurusdottir 》 (Human, known Immortal)
Jarl of Fimbulberg - 《 Ullr Rjurikson 》 (Half-giant)
Jarl of the Hungry Downs - 《 Ægir Hrathnar 》 (Human)
Regent of Singing Tarn - 《 Our Silent Lady 》 (Race Unknown)
Fennlord of Brionac - 《 Nihil Oxgutter 》 (Dusk Elf, known Immortal)
Huntmaster of Skagen's Reach - 《 Lóthagrun 》 (Dwarf, known Immortal)
Elder Wendigo, Father of Grendels - 《 Grábakr 》 (Wendigo, Demigod)
The Stone Titan, Mountain Father, The Blind Imam - 《 Kulhugott 》 (Stone Giant, Demigod)
The Frost Titan, Chieftan of the Frost Giants - 《 Eddrúng Vetrvader 》 (Frost Giant, known Immortal)
The Fire Titan, Matriarch of the Fire Giants - 《 Ymeri Feuerschwert 》 (Fire Giant, known Immortal)
Khan of the Steaming Sea - 《 Volkr Uholdrson 》 (Sea Elf, known Immortal)
Tyrant of the Forgotten Deep, Guardian of Vol Isle - 《 Gungnir 》 (Deep Sea Dragon Lord)
Twin Serpents of Askan Fjord - 《 Scæfang 》 and 《 Thýrfex 》 (Lindwyrms)
Witch Queen of Sundgaard - 《 Heleva 》(Human, known Immortal)

My Characters

You are now my duly appointed Lore Nazi.

In other news:
I'll be looking over character sheets later tonight.

I know the connections requirement is hard to fulfill when we don't have a lot of characters made, so I expect that will take a bit more time.
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