Avatar of Cao the Exiled


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7 mos ago
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9 mos ago
= _= *grunts grumpily*
9 mos ago
*Finds a nice ditch to lay down and die in*
1 like
9 mos ago
Please tell me there is a way to save my new brain friend in the beginning of Balder's Gate 3...
2 yrs ago
Now that the holidays and crippling depression has subsided (for now), guess I should get off my ass and do shit.


Most Recent Posts

I am very much interested in this competition but I need to know first. Is it allowed that we use copy write protected topics like D&D? I have a few characters I could easily write this about.
My oc, Dreeda, is aiming for an artificer
"Dire Wolf cheese?!"

"You can say it's a hard cheese with a sharp bite to it"
I already love this character idea XD
I'm starting to think I should rewrite my post and take Dreeda to the tavern or dwarf
Hope that's okay, hard to type a ton on a phone...
Dreeda was grumbling at themselves as the they walked away from the "Ignorant fool" who were subjecting their distant genetic kin to being "humiliated" with the dunk tank. "I'm no monster... Prick..." Dreeda growled as they walked through the town square, changing their demeanor for the better. For the sixteen years that Dreeda had lived in Swampmuck, their home never looked as beautiful as it did during the harvest festival, at least in their eyes. Dreeda would wonder through the village, admiring the scene before having their eyes catch the curious visiting dwarf. Dreeda would study him from a distance before waving a dismissive and and continuing to the magic bookstore . "Why would anyone ever want to become an adventure? Those lunatics do nothing but put their lives in danger, simply for the greedy prospect of loot and Fame..." Dreeda would approach the bookshop, stepping in eagerly. "Top of the morn'in to ya, hope you're getting plenty of business with this festival and all" she would call out as she stepped in. Dreeda would walk amongst the shelves, looking at every spine and novel. "Adventuring is just foolish..."
@Mae Dreeda's Passive Perception check is 10 and initiative is +0
@Mae Can I use this instead?! It fit's much better then I originally planned!
Sorry, Mae had asked me to post this so you guys can see it and I kinda forgot

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