Avatar of Cerces22
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  • Posts: 982 (0.39 / day)
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    1. Cerces22 7 yrs ago
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6 yrs ago
Current There are reasons why I don't let people get to close, and the world has to constantly remind me why 😡
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7 yrs ago
The darkness serves me to protect the light I will never see.
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My family, mess with them you answer to me!!

@soufflegirl123: One of my sister's, she's not evil like me, but she's not an angel either.

@haleytherandom: My other sister, who is as evil as I am. Together we make dad's life a living hell!!

@jakeb1993: Sigh, hi Dad. What is there I can say about you, other than your my favorite punching bag, you make it to easy.

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I was planning on hitting a landmark around my next gym but good luck, member there is an Aggron non route 2

I wanted to so bad too!! But I figured it was more end game content

You. Forgot your badge
Thrown off Pidove fell to the ground, Liz was already bored with the drunkard and his attempts to battle successfully.

"Enyo, let's end this quickly please, we have places to go. Use Swift for me dear?? His Pidove stands no chance at all." She said to the equally bored looking Mienfoo.


Excellent, I hope I get that 1 in 100 shot lol

Liz was beep bopping on he way, enjoy ing the rush of a newly evolved pokemon. A drunk guy stumbled up to her and issued a challenge to any pokemon that wasn't her new Maganium. Liz thought about it for a moment and decided she knew the perfect little home wrecker.

"Are you sure you want to take little old me on?? A big strong man like yourself attacking a poor little girl?? My, my what ever shall I do" Liz said sarcastically, she tossed a pokeball out and a light shot out. "Enyo, be a sweetie, Fake Out this gentleman's Pidove." Liz stood back with a sickly sweet smile on her face, knowing her act would fly over the drunkards head.

It may seem trivial to you, but are there shiney pokemon in this RP??
Yes I am heading to bed now DAD see ya guys morrow

Liz stood there with a deadpan expression on her face. As the dad's took the boy away she thanked them for the rare candy. As she put it away Chloris began glowing, she looked on with a slight content smile on her face. Chloris grew and got a bit bulkier the leaf became two antenna. Her color became a darker green, and her flower blossomed. As the light faded a brand new Maganium stood before her.

"And you wanted to fight me catching you, look at you now!!
A big strong Maganium!!"
She hugged the Pokemon and recalled it, with a new power hitter she knew nothing would stop her.

True we will have to see what happens in the future with Liz being who she is, right now she's to focused to really be to attracted to anyone, and she's not completely trusting, I think atm she only trusts her mom and Rin
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