Avatar of Cerces22
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    1. Cerces22 7 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Current There are reasons why I don't let people get to close, and the world has to constantly remind me why 😡
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7 yrs ago
The darkness serves me to protect the light I will never see.
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My family, mess with them you answer to me!!

@soufflegirl123: One of my sister's, she's not evil like me, but she's not an angel either.

@haleytherandom: My other sister, who is as evil as I am. Together we make dad's life a living hell!!

@jakeb1993: Sigh, hi Dad. What is there I can say about you, other than your my favorite punching bag, you make it to easy.

Most Recent Posts


I am going to bring Hephaestus, a female Snorlax Adephagia and a male Duskull named Hades. She would never have left Monferno since he was her first pokemon, and the other two she was training when brought over

I like his character, seems the series stoic type and would love for him to be teamed up with Liz, it's a classic cliche the very serious guy partnered up with an easy going energetic girl, it's bound to be endless comedy lmfao Blader reminds me of Rorona Zoro from One Piece honestly lol

Boy, your lucky you run these things fucking amazingly else I would if ripped my hair out by now lol, but no it's fine, and I am not changing Smeagle again!! Lmao but lmk about my three choices

I want Ghastly to be here main partner obviously, I mean it's only my favorite Pokemon in all 7 gens, Chimchar is my fav started but Liz has that one I don't want to double up on it, I would like Elekid and Magby if possible, I do favor the Gen one and two pokemon, but if I had to choose a starter pokemon that will need time to think on cuz I don't really have an absolute favorite one next to Chin lol
As for what Pokemon are in Idaho, that's a Balthy question lol
Ok, so I have my trainer I am "importing" as well, the way Balthy explained imports is you can change up the Pokemon on your team (he restricted legends of course) but you have 120 level points to distribute between them all with a lvl cap of 35


Changed to Smeagle, and added the location to initial post, sorry I took chance in assuming Ratata would be in a heavily populated area, and Meowth was just a blind Stab as well lol
February 18th Catherine "Circe" Lin Philidelphoa, P.A.

Catherine woke up a little on the late side, but she has been tired.lately ever since the incident she has gotten very little sleep. She sat up in bed and looked over at her girlfriend asleep next to her. She lit a cigarette and got dressed for work. The green in her hair was slightly faded, she would have to retouch it after the shop closed. She gave her girl a small kiss so as not to disturb her and went on her way.

She walked her way to the shop but had to stop at an alley as she saw a Pidgey blast sand at an approaching cat. Catherine went on her way, shaking her head. A month and a half ago Pokemon were just manga, video games, and cartoon characters. The little girl in her would just lose her shit if she knew this would happen one day. She didn't believe it herself for a few days after the first reports came in. Now she like the rest of the Earth had the Pokemon Go they were promised when it was announced. She was expecting the call any day now, constantly checking her phone for the call that could change her life.

Work was the same busy body it was everyday, just off of 9th and Locus a lot of the LGBTQ community, mostly the drag Queen's, came to her shop. She had been a hairstylist at Liberty Spikes for a couple years now, she was the shops go to colorist. Many of the customers were still gossiping about wanting to be trainers, this was perfect nostalgia for millennials. Some even pointed out that a Meowth was spotted around the block. And everyone marveled at Catherine's Gengar tattoo.

"Hey boss, I am going to touch up my hair than head home for the night kay??" She said to Denise, who nodded her thanks to the young goth. After having one of the other girls color her hair Catherine left the shop and headed home. She walked in the door and her girlfriend walked out the bathroom and gave each other a quick kiss.

"Off to work babe??" She asked as she lit up an other smoke.

"Yes I am, they say WMMR is going to be there tonight, hopefully they think we will be the new Halestorm!! Wish me luck, I will be home late,
so don't have to wait up."
She said as she went back in the bathroom to finish dressing. Shortly after Catherine's girlfriend walked out the door, and the phone rang.


"Hello, Catherine "Circe" Lin?? This is Professor Oak, we have reviewed your application, we want to select you to take the test to become a Pokemon trainer!!" Circe's cigarette fell from her mouth as she was given the details on when she was leaving for the test.


It's a work weekend for me, I have be in bed by nine, but I will have a post up after i eat

I misunderstood, and shall make the proper corrections
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