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Ghosts of Saltmarsh it is.

In retrorespect, it seemed more likely, since there's a lot of inexperienced players here.

@Mistiel , when do you think you could start running?
I had this idea for a House Elf, in this case an Elf (or a member of some other Race) who is tied to a building or an organization (in this case White Rose) through a magical Household Pact.

According to the Pact, in exchange for an offering, the Household Guardian performs tasks for the order (such as mending clothes, cleaning and taking care of the horses). The Pact also grants the Guardian magical powers to aid in performing the given tasks, such as speed and invisibility.

A rather unorthodox idea, I admit, but I thought it would be a nice twist to the Household Spirit archetype.

But, what do you think?
The crossover plan is still open.

Or would you prefer something else?
I'm not sure if there's going to be extra tables as of yet, but thanks for the offer, nonetheless.
5E, yes. Though other editions are used for inspiration. And maybe 3rd party

By the way, shall I describe any details of the Dungeon or how different Planetos looks like in "Years have passed" scenario? I mean, I will when I post the RP and these scenarios are chosen, but would you like to read about them here and now?


I myself would prefer point buy, but if you folks prefer rolling, that's fine too.

Lack of knowledge won't be a problem. Your character can be someone who is new to Westeros, who arrives there for one reason or another (maybe to look for fame and fortune, escape from trouble or whatever)

Basic information can be found from this link.

I have also a thread where I've been building this setting myself (I'd be running this game partly to get rid of writer's block). Do you have an account at

But even if you don't, I can tell you this setting won't follow the story to the letter, at least if we go by "years have passed". Details I'll reveal later. And if we go by the "start of it all", you'd have basically ended up in Planetos by accident, so not knowing the setting shouldn't be too much of a disadvantage.
I haven't thought any specific level. I'll ask if you have any wishes before deciding anything. But I think something less than 10 would be good.

Speaking of levels, one possible idea I had in mind was that experience can only be gained in dungeon or wherever the holes lead to, because Planetos doesn't have enough magic. But whether or not we use it is up to you.

Speaking of levels, would you like to use actual experience or do I level you up periodically in appropriate situations.
Okay, I'll show you the basic premise what I had in mind and let you tell your opinions about it before starting:

Strange Holes/Gates appear across Westeros, leading to other plane(s), Faerun, Eberron and/or some original world. The story could be about the confusion of the first days of the reveal(set at the end of Robert's rebellion), or years later when things have normalized and many adventurers have tied themselves to the Westerosi Houses, and politics have turned interplanar(start of canon or maybe the War of the Five Kings).

My candidate for the original world, where the holes lead to is Dungeon, a seemingly endless subterranean world full of strange lands called Gates, each of which has its own "theme" (Bridgegate is a land full of rivers, where Trolls control a bridge network, Chivalrygate is something straight out of Arthurian mythos, Wintergate is a land of endless ice and snow, and so on.).

I was thinking of planning the game together at Discord before posting a roleplay. From my experience as a DM I've noticed that it's better to adapt a game to PCs than vice versa.

Or If everyone is already okay with whatever I have planned I can post immediately.
I'd love to try out my Game of Thrones crossover, but I understand it's not for everyone. I also in general prefer using existing settings over homebrew.
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