Avatar of CitrusArms


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2 mos ago
Current Descriptive cluster of the day: hail of visible yet non-alarming size
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3 mos ago
Does anybody else get really anxious about posts you've just made?
7 mos ago
As someone who went to work at midnight for 8 hours, it is my privilege to drink at 9am.
7 mos ago
I LIIIIIIIIVE! Who knew, all I needed was bath time.
9 mos ago
Yo. Gardeners that use hand tools are badasses.


Guess I should write this thing, huh?

It's me, Citrus Arms. I'm 32 now, married, an aspiring indie game dev, as well as a hobbyist writer. Well, who here isn't one of those. I've been meaning to write a book, but that's a big project and I've yet to finish more than a chapter and a prologue. Plotting a whole book is hard work, man.

I'm open to 1x1s and group RPs, feel free to invite me to something. I'm also part of a discord RP server of an old friend.

My favorite genres are fantasy and space, and I've got an original Universe that blends the two together. It's a post-apocalypse galaxy on the way to recovery, so there's everything from straight fantasy worlds to post-apocalypse survival available within the setting. The universe recovers and grows stronger with unity and inner strength.

Discord: CitrusArms

Most Recent Posts

Wonder what happened to everybody else? That's a steep dropoff.
"That's what they say, but that doesn't mean I won't have work to do." She looked over her shoulder as a shadow took off from the roof of the ferry. Her Staraptor, he let out a whistle as he ascended to the sky. A signal she recognized, he had eyes on something strange. An Umbreon, specifically, though she had no way of knowing that. "Hey, let's go this way." She glanced at Sean and motioned him to come along.

"The Indigo League? Ah, then you're from Kanto." Regan occasionally glanced skyward, watching the bird in the air for where he was leading her. She listened as the boy went on about his home, understanding the perspective. "No, I get it. That's a lot of pressure, starting out with the Indigo League. The trainers that grow up there really have a lot of expectations to meet. There's a certain kind of trainer that thrives under that, though. I was lucky, I got to start in a region where the League was new. We didn't even have a reigning champion by the time I got enough badges, so there wasn't any title bout on my first try."

"There's plenty of ways to live alongside pokemon, though. We didn't need the League to show us that. It all stems from understanding, I think."
Oh, uh, should I mention you, @Whirligig? I suck at that.
Lumina Lusteria, the Lustrous
Famed Academy Infirmary

"Thank you, Sir Vitalion. If only your country had more more like you. If you ever need my assistance again, please call on me." She bade him well as he left her to the doctor. With a magic touch, patching up her head was no difficult thing, all that remained was the headache from getting slammed in the head with a heavy metal object. She was thankful for her nimble reflexes, and the magic that lets her reinforce her body with power.

She was just offering her thanks to the powers above when yelling erupted nearby. "Ooh, what's this now...?" Stay put? Nah. Lumina got to her feet and followed the yelling, not missing the mention of drugs. "Hey, now, no need to make a pariah out of the lad. Should you really be yelling in a place of learning and healing? Why don't you go take a walk, friend?"

She took a closer look at the boy being yelled at. Didn't look good...
It was his nerves getting to him, was it? Seemed believable enough. He seemed a little jumpy, but how far away from home must he be? And for his first time away from home, too. It was natural.

"How? Ah, well, I probably shouldn't be too specific. Besides, I think the police do most of the investigation, though I'll probably want to report to the Ranger liaison at the nearest police headquarters." Which was probably for the best. She'd been informed that the Ranger headquarters was on the furthest island from her arrival port. "We'll probably just be on alert for 'suspicious individuals' until they get more info, but don't worry. You'll be safe with me."

"May I ask you a personal question?" She gave him a moment to object, as they disembarked from the ferry. She didn't think he would, but his nerves were jittery. Questions might irritate him. "Is there not a Pokemon League nearer to your hometown? I'm interested to know what brought you so far from home. An act of rebellion?"

A certain woman was just entering the lounge when someone burst out of it, bumping past her to the railing. Seasick...? The news on the tele caught her ear. It was relevant to her job, after all, especially if it directly involved Pokemon. The Rangers and the Police were known to collaborate in incidences like that, and she had no doubt that the local Ranger HQ would be on alert for suspicious activity related to the event.

She stepped back out from the lounge and put a hand on the man's shoulder. "It's alright, friend. That depot is a way away, I doubt the terrible would follow us here." Though that would make this a good place to go, wouldn't it? "Unless you're just seasick. Do you want me to help you off?" She wasn't exactly Ranger in uniform, but she was wearing parts of it. The jacket, mostly. It was a really nice jacket.
Username: CitrusArms
Name: Regan Hiryuu
Age: 25
Native or visitor: Visitor
Pokémon (max 3): Lapras, Staraptor, Poliwhirl
Personality: Independent, Just
Background: Regan comes from a recently discovered region. The people the had been living independently of the Pokemon Association for some time, coexisting peacefully with the Pokemon there. Their unique symbiosis from that time, before the Association, persisted in various traditions passed down in each town. Regan's hometown came to house a Fighting-Type gym, homage to the Fighting-type Pokemon they lived and trained alongside.
As a youth, Regan left her town at a young age to try her hand at this new challenge the Association had brought with it: The League. A professor gave her a Torchic to start her journey, and off she went. Various trials beset her on her way, but that's all history. After her second attempt at the League, she retired from training to join the Rangers, having seen her fair share of trouble on the roads. She knew travelers would need help at times, and she had the power to offer it.
Other: She's quite the martial artist. She's taught her Poliwhirl and Staraptor several fighting-type moves, and she used to train alongside her fighting-types, when she had them. She has two pokeballs on her belt, and her Staraptor usually follows her around from the sky, or he'll roost nearby.

Cool, I'll get something together then.
I've been wanting to play a Ranger for the longest time. Is there room for something like that?
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