Avatar of Claw2k11
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  • Posts: 1282 (0.36 / day)
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    1. Claw2k11 10 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

5 yrs ago
Current Played VA-11 Hall-A and I didn't realize that a bartending game could give me such an epiphany about my life, to be perfectly honest.
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5 yrs ago
Am I the only one who never knows what to write in their status bar?
5 yrs ago
Orthodox Easter has arrived, which means my time for replying to stuff is going to be close to nonexistent. I apologize.
5 yrs ago
It's been a stressful past few weeks for me, so I apologize for how that may affect the quality of my posts and my general grumpiness.
5 yrs ago
I feel extremely tired and stressed right now, so responses might not be of the highest quality, I apologize.


Well hello, what are you doing here, my friend?

Well, if you're still here and you wish to know more about me, then:

I'm a 22 fella who's currently in college and is trying to RP while attending college at the same time. I've been into roleplaying since about the mid 2013's, though I was really bad at it during the first year or so. I "migrated" to RPGuild around 4 years ago since the previous site had banned roleplaying due to a large influx of newbie roleplayers polluting the site with shitty RP's. Either way, since then I've been on this site quite regularly, except during a few occasions when real life took precedence and I had to vanish for a month or two.

As for writing capabilities, I'd like to think myself right now that I'm somewhere in-between casual and advanced levels of writing, though if I'm really into an RP, I'll tend to force myself to write something advanced. As for writing in general, you don't have to worry about that, I really love writing and I do it all the time even when I'm not roleplaying, though there are "dry" periods when my creativity seems to vanish for no discernible reason. General interests include most types of fantasy writing as long as it's properly written, though it has happened in the past for me to be interested in something when I thought I would like it, so if you have an idea and you want to roleplay, then pitch it to me and I'll tell you if I like it or not. As for smut, well, I'm not actively looking for one, but if you think you have an interesting idea, then feel free to pitch it to me.

Well, that's about it, if you want to know more personal stuff about me, or simply wish to have someone to talk to about any topic you so desire, then feel free to PM me.

Most Recent Posts

Kharon Minos

When it came to equipment, the large minotaur did not need too much in his missions as he himself was a living battering ram. Normally, cultists like these would not warrant the use of heavy equipment on his part, there other people in his squad much better suited in using firearms than he was. This time, however, he had a bad feeling about what awaited them down in the basement, so he packed his favorite weapon, a large custom-made anti-tank rifle he liked to use when there were targets that were too big even for him to tackle and pummel into the ground.

He nodded very briefly at Katherine's remark. He had known her for a while now and he knew that she was not a very social person, she preferred working in solo missions, doing her own thing. He had tried with a very limited success of having some outings for Midas in a bar, just drinking, discussing and playing a few games with the other members of the team.

He came in directly after Katherine, however he found it slightly uncomfortable to walk through what felt like narrow staircases. He had worked in this line of work for 20 somethings years now and he liked to think that nothing would surprise him anymore after everything he had seen thus far, however, whatever was inside here gave him a feeling bad enough to still make him nervous.

And his sense proved him right.

The smell was first to hit him, the smell of rancid, spoiled meat. He frowned at that, not because of the smell itself, he had gotten used to smells like these whilst serving in the OTO for so long, however, he was more worried about what could have possibly caused all this.

Thankfully, he did not have wonder for long as the large monolithic figure came in sight. He froze completely as his eyes locked on on whatever the thing in front of him was. Even at his own stature, he still felt a tinge of fear as he stared at the figure in front of him. That fear quickly vanished as he shook his head for a bit however, he had seen things far more terrifying than this in line of work, or so he liked to tell himself right now to stop himself from feeling any sort of fear towards the creature.

His attention was once more drawn away as Katherine once more contacted him telepathically once more to draw his attention to something else. She warned him that whatever was in the pile of quick rancid flesh was breathing and was alive. He nodded as she slowly approached whatever the monolithic figure as well, he prepared to draw the AT gun on his back should things get ugly, however, before he even had any time to contemplate things properly, he saw Katherine moving towards one of her grenades.

If she threw that, not only would it probably piss off whatever was down here with them, but it would most likely alarm literally all of the cultists above them of their location, which would mean that their mission will have failed right at the start. He could not order her to stop, it would be way too loud and would probably alert whatever was in front of them of their position.

Thankfully, he was close enough to Katherine to stop her from lobbing a grenade at the figure and advertising their position to everyone, he simply moved one of his long arms and grabbed Kat by her own arm and shaking his head for a moment as a way to tell her to stop.

Got it, thank you!
I'm thinking of a Sergeant or Lieutenant, you decide.
Hey, one final question, since I plan my guy to be on the older side(mid forties or so), could he perhaps be of a somewhat higher rank?
Yeah, he'll be just a bit taller than most people and yeah, he'll definitely be in OTO. Also, since you gave me an idea, he will be a guy who has a particular distaste for the undead.
Well, I WAS planning on making a big bad minotaur from Greek Mythology, but that statement of yours gave me an idea and now I'm torn between the two.
Yutsuko Soga

Interaction: @Etranger@Bluetommy
Mentions:@Delta44@tobiax@King Cosmos

Soga had wished to find out more about what they needed to do, about what what to expect from this rescue mission, if there would be any potential "villains" that would ambush them, if there would be any other surprises one would have to expect. However, one of his teammates, Kiko in particular was not of the same opinion as him as she quickly grabbed both a map and the three green ribbons without even looking at the path the three of them would have to take. He was a bit disappointed in having such a trigger happy companion, even if her quirk did prove quite useful against large groups of possible enemies.

He wordlessly took one of the ribbons from the hyper-energetic girl and glanced at the green path on the map. Not only was it the forest route, where his bird's eye view would be the least effective, it was also the longest route of all of them. "Chief, just before you go, I feel obligated to inform you that yo... we have chosen the longest path to take." He said to Kiko, looking ever so slightly worried at her, before his gaze lingered on the other students, their respective ribbons and their respective paths. His sight fell upon the Red team, formed of Azukina, Koumori and Akeno, then looked at the map, seeing that their paths would not intersect. He clicked his tongue in slight frustration and looked back at their "team leader" who was now urging the three of them to just go already.

"Well, I think I'll be most useful if I fly above you all, so that I can see further ahead, I'll still be within hearing range of you all, so if you need something just speak a bit louder." With that, his wings unfurled, though he did not take off just yet, not without waiting for the confirmation of the "leader" of the Bullet Cavalry. Even if this team would not be a permanent one, orders from "superiors" would still have to be followed... except if his own personal needs were greater than that of his current "superior."

I was not planning on making an undead character actually, despite what my profile picture might suggest.
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