Avatar of Cleverbird


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3 yrs ago
Current Goddamn commies... They ruined communism!
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4 yrs ago
Fun fact: up close, all burning candles smell of singed nose hair.
4 yrs ago
Just say no to the Corona virus, it cant legally enter your body without consent.
4 yrs ago
The problem with common sense is that its not all that common.
4 yrs ago
I once played Hell March to a cow, now its Moscow.
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I know I'm a little late to the party... But a 90mm gatling gun? On a Light frame? You're gonna be able to fly with that amount of recoil!

Out of curiosity, how fast will combat play out in this? Mechwarrior style? Slightly faster Heavy Gear? Or zippity zoop Front Mission?
I'm not the GM, but wouldnt a mech that could counter everything kinda break rule 1? And wouldnt that also break the need for frame categories? Why name it a heavy frame if it can keep up with a lighter frame?

These are just my 2 cents, coming from someone who adores the Battletech universe, but classes keep things balanced. Heavier frames might be able to carry more weapons and armor, but they're countered by lighter frames that can dance around them, which is why you'd want a well balanced team that can handle multiple types of threats.
@Senhara Isnt it the point to make specialized builds, that can be countered by something? It would be kinda boring if every single frame is a jack-of-all-trades with no weaknesses, no? Plus, it means you would need to rely on your teammates to protect the heavier frames, and the heavier frames to protect the lighter frames; creating a role dynamic.

I'll probably work on something soon. What sort of tech is available? Lasers? Railguns? Could a frame run something different from a Phalanx Shield, like a stealth mode or something?
Ooh, a good old fashioned fantasy RP?

@Cleverbird Now as much as I like SCP references like the little 13 year old edgelord I am; I have a problem with this character. Now, let me say I like the idea behind his character but I kinda feel like he would defeat the purpose of the RP just a tad. Like the whole point of the RP is gradually finding out how the supernatural works and an agent that already has that information is just eh. A way to remedy this - and I should have came up with this waaaaaaaaaaaaay earlier - is that you remove all refences to the FBP and say he's just an FBI agent. So you could reveal that he's with the FBP probably at the point where it doesn't matter.

Hey, thanks for not instantly shooting down the idea! I do however feel like some aspects of the FBP got lost in between the lines. The FBP doesnt know that there's something amiss in Araminta, they merely suspect. Like you said yourself, the idea is that David is inserted as an undercover FBI agent, investigating the recent string of murders. For the start of the RP I imagine it would be just like playing an FBI agent, interviewing the local police and populace. It's not like David is gonna roll into town, sniff the air and go "yup, this place is haunted." He's just as much in the dark as the rest of us.
That's a shame to hear, but honestly not really that surprising... Kinda bummed you also closed down the Discord channel immediately :(

To say brook didnt like this supposed "king" would be an understatement. Some fancy pants vampire rolls in and declares himself king out of the blue? Yeah, no, that shit doesnt fly with Brook. So when an invite came for her to attend some fancy pants gala, she had half a mind to just not go entirely, knowing it would piss the king off that his supposed subjects didnt do as told... But, curiosity was getting the better of her. A meeting of this size surely meant that something big was going to be announced and she wasnt exactly keen on missing out on that. Besides, maybe at least the food was going to be good?

That wasnt to say she was not going to do anything within her power to still piss the king off as best so could. So while some took it as a chance to roll up in a fancy car, wearing their finest clothing. Brook took it upon herself to drive her clunker Ford pickup to the designated hotel and march inside wearing a gaudy, neon pink crop top with the word "Woof" bedazzled across her chest, leaving her well-toned mid-riff exposed. Couple that with a pair of ripped jeans, more than a few over-sized golden chains hanging around her neck and a pair of aviator sunglasses despite it being dark, and you had a rather colorful figure walking through the crowd, easily towering over everybody there. The disapproving looks and mumbles regarding her gaudy attire only made her smirk in victory.

Her nose twitched as she could smell a few familiar faces and plenty she hadnt met before. Already she felt ill at ease. Too many bloodsuckers and witches. At least with vampires you knew what you were getting yourself into, but those goddamned witches... The mere thought of the shit they were up to made Brook's skin crawl.

Working her way through the crowd - making sure to shoulder check those who had the audacity to not step aside - Brook made her way up to whatever constituted as the buffet table, wondering if anybody she knew was already around.
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