Avatar of CollectorOfMyst


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5 yrs ago
Well, guess I'm back here again. It's been a while.
7 yrs ago
The things I do for spam topics... neon pink avatar coming up...
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7 yrs ago
The pain of constantly refreshing an active page with a lot of people on it in case someone posts...
7 yrs ago
Just stayed up the whole night doing RP stuff... now to see if it was worth it...
7 yrs ago
Gonna be out for the day, people, so I won't really be RPing much.


Hey, there. Myst here, as you've probably guessed. Can't exactly write in other people's bios, can you? But, you're probably reading this for a reason, so I'll get to it.

I prefer high-Casual and Advanced games, in a medieval, fantasy or sci-fi setting, because that's the sort of nerd I am.

I'm a thinker - I've thought a lot on certain things, and am firm in my beliefs. So you could ask me what I thought about a good few things and I could give a well-reasoned answer. Or a less reasoned answer based on my morals.

TheCharactersOfMyst - This is my storage for past and present characters, and where I might occasionally go for nostalgia and/or recycling a character I've used before.

Most Recent Posts

Banned for having Camilla as your avatar, specifically the Camilla from Fire Emblem Warriors. Just reminds me I'm too broke to buy it.
Banned because that's literally just a stegosaurus, not a dinosaur with weed.
In ... 6 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum

>Go to Hot Topic, I guess.
Banned for not following the rules of this thread and banning ONLY the person above you.
Banned because we all have our own opinions on which is the worst film in existence.
@shylarah Mother Indira gave him the same harsh form of teaching that she did Oren and Viveca, not because she was giving him additional training, but because she wanted him to suffer. She regrets it now, though.
@Lovejoy And with that, I am proud to present an update to Oren's relationships. You have prompted me to smash my keyboard. Once I 'get to know' how Oren interacts with some characters, I think I'll expand more, but I've been needing to finish Mother Indira's one for a while, anyway. So thanks for the prompt, I suppose!

Pssst, Shy, Ziotea's in there!

Mother Indira Al-Sayed: Mother Indira… a harsh woman, to say the least. But fair. And even though her training was punishing, Oren relishes the lessons he learned from her. It was her teachings that kept him together when he was fraying at the seams… even though he eventually had to give in to other methods. Every lesson, every mark on his body and on his mind, he refuses to forget.
In short, he is both highly respectful and highly grateful to his teacher. He has not fully grasped all of the things he has learned, but he endeavours to.

Father Cillian: Cillian was interesting, to Oren. Quiet, like himself, but in a different way. Oren preferred to hang back and observe, but Cillian didn’t even do that; disappearing into his garden more often than not. His store of ether made him an ample Protector, and his exclusion from Mother Indira’s ‘additional lessons’ made him even more of an oddity. Eventually, though, Oren acknowledged that the man was just disinterested in the rest of the world beyond his own place in it; or at least, that was his own interpretation of it.

Mother Ziotea: Oren is unsure what prompted him to offer to take the woman with him to the ruins. A sense of kinship due to their shared Omestrian heritage? Duty, from the lessons that had been given to him? No, those weren’t right. Best not dwell on it.
From what little he knows of her, he knows that he and Ziotea have different outlooks on life; different methods and values. But, Oren isn’t fool enough to think that his way is the only one that brings success. He values the fact that they are different - it will make her a beneficial ally.
@Lovejoy See my question regarding Cillian on the previous page :p
@Lovejoy A quick question regarding Cillian... wouldn't he have attended the same private training as Oren, Viveca and Ilya? Since he's partially Omestrian? Or does Mother Indira have her reasons for not tutoring him?
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