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I’m alright. A bit overworked as well but good all things considered.
At the ships rapid acceleration, Kukui fused his arm to the railing in order to prevent him from falling off. “I. Hate. This.” He heaved as he looked up, only to go big eyed as the ship collided with another, shaking Kukui’s body around as his fused arm kept him attached.

Kukui tried to readjust himself, moving back to his feet as he looked back, dizzy. “P-please no more. I .. can’t .. handle this shaking!!” He managed to yell out before his body began to grow weak. Using his powers over and over again when patching up the ship, plus the sudden shaking that struck his core had made him incredibly weak and disoriented.

With the last of his strength, Kukui grunted as he resigned himself to whatever happens next. He proper himself to sit against the railing, partially fusing his back to the railing for support as he began to slowly drift into unconsciousness.
Swooping down with incredible speed, Echo swoops in to grab Chomps as he sees the small Pokémon snatch the feather in its mouth. “Small you are. Big you’re impact. Let’s get you out.” The Pokémon said

Saber, for his part stayed back in order to attack anyone who gave chase.

Just outside the gate, Aster stood nervously. As he tried to distract himself he thought about their assignments so far. Recovering a Moltres feather, and now recovering a Zappos feather. I wonder, could the Sinnoh mountains have had an articuno there? “Hey Ecl-“ he was interrupted by a sound from just past the door. The winners had arrived.

"God dammit, have you never been in a fight before? Pathetic." The Navi within the screen sighed in frustration. "If you can't fight then I'LL do it for you! But theres a step you need to do first! You have a blank chip right?"

Enma for his part nodded, as he rustled through his pockets at the other item he'd gotten from his box, a hand full of chips. Looking them over he realized some of them were without pictures. "T-this right?!" He asked panicked, still on the floor as he looked at his caller..

The Navi nodded. "Yes. Now listen carefully, this is the technical part. You need to stand up, and get close enough for the card to activate. The card will give you the ability to copy an ability of your enemy. Now listen," The navi said with a serious tone. "You NEED to pick Actualization! And then once you finish, insert the chip immediately!"

Enma scrambled to stand up, his eyes still locked with the Virus. "A-and then?" He asked as he took out the chip and began to inch towards the Virus. The chip beginning to glow as the process began.

"And then?" The Navi chuckled. "And then I'll show you how a real man fights!!" He yelled as Enma chip began to glow, an image burning into the blank square.

The second the process finished, Enma scurried back as he quickly activated the chip. "A-ACTUALIZATION!!!" Enma shouted in panic. D-did he do it right? Would this really be enough?
Hachiyama POV

Hachiyama sighed, switching his comms from the groups frequency to a private one between himself and Kobayashi. “I .. Don’t like this.” He said as he continued to look through the sights of his GN sniper. It felt so .. unnatural. Holding a gun. Long ago, Hachiyama watched a gunpla fighter on TV who used only his fists, and he wanted to be as cool as him so he had decided against training in long range weapons. Now having to sit back and use a weapon he couldn’t hit a barn with was annoying.

“I agree,'' came Kobayashi's voice. “Usually Seo sends Komi out first to scout enemies, and if he wanted to bait someone he would usually send out Tanaka. These mercenaries … Seos’ not even thinking of us.”

And it made sense. Hachiyama thought. When we joined the group Seo had put us all through trials in order to find our strengths and weaknesses. Back then, we were a well oiled machine with Seo at the wheel who placed 2nd in Regionals last year. Now? Well, ever since he’d been ticked off by Naoki he’d been blinded by rage.

“If only we could’ve gotten rid of Naoki and Riku in the last tournament, then we could get things back to normal.” Hachiyama sighed. They both switch back to the main frequency as they hear the tale end of Seos plan against team Imagine Victory, again. For the third time today.

“-And finally once we separate him from his squad, we’ll flank and finish him off. The rest will be easy pickings after that. Understood?”

“Understood.” All four of them parroted absentmindedly. Not really paying attention and focusing on their scouting.

As the sounds of battle from the North and South continued, the group failed to notice as the scorpion-like Mobile armor continued its silent advance.

Hanako POV

Outside the Kishimoto Arcade in front of its entrance, Hanako paced as she walked back and forth, deciding whether to enter the store or not.

‘It would be fine, right? He had told her about the tournament today so it was fine to just show up, She was just showing her support! But it would be weird since we’re not on the same team! Still though,’ She thought with a pause as she looked down at the gunpla case in her hand. ‘He might need this.’

Walking into the arcade, at the very front stood the arena with multiple screens above showing the battle between Team Imagine Victory VS Team Noa Family, the battle just beginning. “Drat, just missed it.” She cursed as she walked to the side, watching the fight unfold.

As the Asshimar and Wing crashed to the ground, Hanako flinched, watching the wing obliterate. A suicide drop, a common tactic in WARS and something she used herself as an expert aeriel fighter.

As she saw Blades Unit get destroyedhe began to wonder what his next move was going to be before she heard a slam and saw Blade walk out of his holographic battle station, GP base left behind. “Blade, what are you doing?” She asked as she ran up to him. “WARS isn’t like other formats, You can’t leave your team hanging even after defeat!” She then pointed at the scoreboard.

Team Imagine Victory: 9000p
Team Noa Family: 4000p

“The battle doesn’t end,” She then held the Gunpla case out to him, “Until one side has 0 points.”

Naoki POV

Naoki pulled out the anti-ship sword from the Apsaras II at Rikus' command, “I hope you know what you’re doing!” Naoki said as he jumped off the Apsaras and used his thrusters to get back onto the Yamato. He wasn’t sure if Riku could actually end this with only its cannon damaged. Never the less, he decided to trust Riku again to finish off the Mobile Armor.

Now higher above, Naoki could see the whole battlefield and zoomed in on Kais' fight. He smiled as he watched the rocket grapple/chain gun combo, followed by a throw to the enemy behind him. The red Zaku crashed into the other with great force before Kai shot at the red one, blowing them both up.

He was always impressed by Kais fighting. Clean, fast, efficient, and most importantly unwavering. Despite gunpla battles being a proxy battle, many people still hesitated and flinched when fighting. It was human nature to respond, and with Gunpla battles advanced holograms people could be greatly immersed.

Naoki suspected Kai had combat experience, outside of Gunpla. He reminded him alot of an old friend of his. But honestly he was unsure if it was appropriate to ask. The team had only been together for 2 weeks and they’d only met up a few times.

Knowing Kai was fine he turned his attention to Riku, watching as he flew and aimed his blade at the underside of the Apsaras. Riku's blade pierced through its underside and its whole blade was buried within the machine before Riku reached its core.

‘Why Riku? What was your plan?’ Naoki worried confused, Before he could contemplate more however, he saw the shine of Rikus' hilt as particles began to flow into it, and was hit with a wave of nostalgia. He had seen something similar before, a World level gunpla battle from long ago. The blade with a shining light cut upward as the Shin Musha Hyaku Shiki flew up and sliced the giant MA in two with its glowing gold blade. The two parts of the machine veered off as they fell to the sides, huge explosions simultaneously covering the battlefield in pink smoke in a dramatic finish.

Naoki smiled. Despite Riku and Kai both being ‘bad boys’, he could tell after a week of building and training there was a lot of difference between them as well. Riku was a fighter just like Kai, but he was also a builder through and through. And thanks to that knowledge he can fight creatively. He switched out gunpla to take advantage of his new terrain, and he even took advantage of the Apsarases own generator spot and used it to power his own attack.

Naoki smiled, he truly did get lucky that last tournament to find fighters like these. He opened comms with his two other squad mates. “Kai, Riku, great job both of you.” He said with a satisfied smile, “Get back on board and use the catapult to launch towards the base. With a defeat like that they won’t be able to recover their full force, there’ll probably only be 1 or 2 of them there. I’ll take the Yamato and head towards the others, I’m afraid … ” He paused, looking at the unit status screen, a page only available to team leaders, and saw Blades unit had been destroyed and was now on a countdown. 38 seconds before he could redeploy. “They might need backup. Haro, lower down so we can pick up Kai.”


As the two of them are launched towards the base, while descending from the sky they both saw that in front of the base, out in the open, stood a lone mobile suit. Covered in extra green armor and two large gatlings, a sole Full Armor Gundam stood as the last line of defense. “Come at me- No.” As he said that, a volley of gatling fire shot from beneath the lakes water, the bullets flying at them as they finally landed. “Come at us!” He said as an armored Zaku Cannon with a gatling emerged from the water.

The two of them in their last attempt of defending their base fired a volley of bullets forward at the two.

Sojiro Noa POV (Guncannon Grandson!)

As the Guncannons head was ripped off its body, Sojiro cursed over the public channels for Jun to hear. “You! You!” Sojiro trembled before remembering something. “You should’ve learned to go for the chest!!” He said as he mimicked his grandfather and the Guncannon broke apart to reveal its own core fighter. He flew into the air out of the Miracles range.

His grandfather's voice came through the comms. “Sojiro, help me get rid of the enemy plane! Without it the Miracle won’t catch up to the train!” Sojiro smiled.

“There’s no way you're escaping us, my gramps is a former SDF pilot! He’s got skills for days!” He said as he watched and joined his grandfather's pursuit of Tomiyoka. Sojiro would NOT let this flier get away from them. His gramps had taught him everything he could about flying and he would not disappoint him!

As the two flew out of Juns range, before he could even react, a single shot hit the Miracles shoulder, staggering him for a moment. Approaching from the base was a single GN Sniper, their body low as they slowly walked forward.

‘Perfect.’ Sojiro thought looking down, ‘Out here in the desert there’s nowhere to hide. Hijiki will hold him here, at least long enough for the train to reach its destination.’ He thought smugly. Hijikis plan was working perfectly!

Akuma POV (Red Virgo)

Akuma was annoyed, incredibly annoyed. He had put too much faith in that damn Haro to destroy the base while we distract the enemy, but there’s only ONE here! But worse of all was that it could dodge every shot they threw at it!!!

As four of their six planet defensors were destroyed, the powerful barrier protecting them weakened dramatically. Damn!

The Baelstorm zigged and zagged out of sight before reappearing in his peripherals. Akuma jumped upwards and avoided the horizontal slash. His second in command? Not so lucky, as his Virgo was bisected. “You missed asshole!” He yelled as he watched the Baelstorm spin, and like a true demon, it transformed into a form with a feral hand and grabbed a tree, throwing it at Akuma.

Akumas 2 remaining planet defensors moved in front of him, being instently destroyed on contact and hitting his midair Red Virgo with its remains. Before he could even recover, he watched as Ryoichi executed his remaining two teammates. Their Leos not able to survive going against the superior machine.

“Bah, pathetic all of them, just an instant waste of points.” He said with a scowl. “I need to make some distance from that arm.” He said as he began to retreat, but was cut off as the Baelstorm began transforming before firing again. “Diieeeee!!” He yelled in desperation as he charged forward, seeing no way out.

As the Virgo charged forward towards the Baelstorm on autopilot, quickly set his Virgo to self destruct and disengaged, losing control of the Virgo.

As the count down timer clicked down, he set up preparation to take control of the Scorpio.

Oniki POV (Yellow Pisces)

Oniki struggled to dodge the first strike from the four armed mobile suit. When he grabbed the arms of the machine to hold it down, he was surprised by what he saw. A monster. It looked like a damn black and orange monster with four arms and a single eye. As Oniki let go of its arms and dodged two beam sabers from its secondary arms, he began to wonder how his opponent was even able to do something like that!!

A friendly assault of missiles shot at the monster, allowing Oniki to escape and recoup. “Hit him hard and don’t let him get close! Those sub arms are bad news!!!” He warned his squadmates as he joined in the volley, watching as the Creusherazade ascended and countered with its own volley of bullets, intercepting their missiles.

Smoke began to surround the battlefield, obscuring his vision. “Anyones got visual?” He asked, only to here a sudden scream from one of his teammates. He turned around to see the Creusherazade slam one of his teammates to the ground, before flying back into the air to finish off the other in a barrage of gunfire.

"Look upon me and tremble! Hahaha!" Charmaines voice mocked over the comms.

Oniki blasted upwards again, he wouldn’t fail this attack this time! As he grabbed the Creusherazade arms one more time, he revealed his pisces hidden twin beam weapons. “YOU’RE MINE!!!” He yelled firing the rifle.

However, it backfired against him and he was attacked himself!! He let go as he heard, "Submit to me!" Over the comms. Ending his unit in a slash.


As Char looked around for more enemies, and Rypichi dealt with the charging Virgo shaped bomb, a voice over the team comms yells out to both Char and Ryoichi.


POV Hachiyama

“MERCS YOU NEED TO GET BACK HERE IMMEDIATELY!!” Seos voice yelled over the radio as we continued to fire at the suddenly appearing Mobile Armor. It had attacked them out of nowhere, from completely silent to extremely loud in an instant! The Scorpio seemed to have some sort of cloaking function, and once it was out of the forest's cover it transformed and used its planet defensor generating shield to block the GN rifles blasts. It then started shooting at them, and had already destroyed one of their control towers.

As the large 24 meter tall unit destroyed Tanaka with a blast, Hachiyama began to regret joining this tournament with a stupid gun.
Great to see everyones posted! I'll try to get something up today or tomorrow.
The Noivern nodded to his ally before firing a dragon pulse in a line to divide Metagross from their enemies.

When the Metagross told him of Chomps situation, Echo almost immediately dived before flying straight to where the Metagross had motioned. Echo was strong, the strongest in Asters group, he was sure his trainer would want him to look after the others. "Endangered ally. I will fly fast. Let us hurry."

Saber for his part was immediately annoyed with the Cinderaces escape. He was scared! Scared that Saber had ended his friend so easily. Saber immediately used shadow sneak to appear underneath the escaping pokemons legs. Before grabbing the pokemons legs and tripping it.

Haha!! That is what you get for running from the amazing me!!!

The Honedge raised its cloth and grabbed onto the greninja arm as he ran by the fallen Cinderace, hitching a ride with his teammate as he watched the duos back.

With Chomps, he continued to wander around through the bushes of the arena, ignoring the thunderous booms around him as he'd been used to thunderstorm when he lived on Mt. Cornet. He continued to sniff around as he smelt something cooking (burning) nearby and started to follow the scent out of the bushes hiding place.

The Zapdos flying above screeched, not noticing Chomps as it shot down thunder down onto the earth.

Chomps, his eyes covered and following his nose, doesn't flinch as he passes across the battle field, lighting striking but not affecting it's body. 'Where is this weird smell coming from?' He wondered as he circled the arena trying to find this scent in the air. A zapdos feather flutters around, unknowingly luring Chomps around.
Saber nodded back at the greninja. He liked him. This frog understood ... that Saber can destroy his opponents no sweat!!! Hehehe, now watch Ninja Frog as I use an attack more powerful and sneaky then you!!

The honedge glowed purple briefly before sinking into the shadows of the floor, the shadow moving forward to come up behind the Mr Mime. "Shadow Sneak" Saber cried as it grabbed the ground before using its body to slash at its back, pushing it towards the greninja.

Meanwhile on the other side of the battlefield, Echo looked down, watching and observing the Metagross battle. From up high, he had a clear view of the battle. Hearing the metal pokemons cry for help, Echo nodded. "To defend. To attack. A single action. Air Slash!!!" He yelled firing down waves of air, slicing at the Machamp and pushing the 4 arms pokemon back towards its allies. "Now together. A Single Target. Dragon Pulse!!!" The pokemon said as it blew a breath of energy at the three pokemon, more specifically the Drednaw.

Chomps, oblivious to the battle 15 feet away, continues to track this nice sent. Moving through the bushes completely unaware of the world around.

Outside the arena, Aster swallowed a nervous tick before forcing a smile. "It'll be fine." He said. "Actually, They'll be more then fine. Echo is a reliable guy, he alone can probably solo this project!" He said as a half truth. It was true that Echo was extremely strong. Even when they had met, as a Noibat Echo was already incredibly strong. But although they'd never met something he couldnt handle, doesn't mean he was invincible. There were times when Echo would win, but only by a hair, and it was then that made Aster wary.

Still though, he trusted Echo, and by extension Saber and even Chomps to a degree.
Kukui hated to admit it, but he loved ships. As anyone would know most ships are made of wood, and the amount of wood needed for a single ship could equate to anywhere from a single tree to a small forest. With this much wood around, it was like Kukui was back in his home island exploring his powers to the fullest. And he LOVED it.

A little patch to the ship here, a patch there. A support beam needs replacing? Done. Mast is damaged? Repairing now. People boarding the ship? ...

... People boarding the ship?

Kukui 'swam' to where he felt people enter, a hole in the side that had just opened up, and observed the two new arrivals. He had recognized the injured coughing man as another who was in the sea stone prison. Another runner just like him and Cera! And the woman seems to be his ally.

Before Kukui could reveal himself, the woman raced down the halls, leaving the room. Kukui, making sure Gerald had gotten inside, closed the hole in the wall before following Meishu, Kukui still hidden.

As they moved Kukui noticed how quickly she was moving through the ship and realized that this ship most likely either belonged to her or belonged to her captain. And as they reached the ships controls, Kukui brightened at the confirmation that, yes, this was indeed the woman's ship as she began turning nobs and buttons.

And then suddenly, the boat began to shake. And not ever having been fused to a boat with an engine Kukui could only do one thing.

He shot out of the ground, grabbed the railing and began vomiting into the ocean.
At the Zenshin High Table, the squadron of Pisces picked up Charmaines energy signals heading their direction and decided to spring the attack before he could find them. As they began to fully walk along the beach's surface, the squad leader commanded the other 2 to launch their attack, a volley of torpedo missiles firing into the air before descending and aiming for the fast approaching Creusherazade that flew above ground towards them.

The squad leader charged forward with its limbs stretched forward, attempting to grapple Charmaine as he approached them. “Come at me, bastard!!!” A voice over the public channel blared.

As the Baelstorm Gundam rapidly rose into the air, the squadron of 4 immediately took notice. The team separated with the two leos pulling back to fire from far away with beam rifles and the Virgos flying up, hovering just above ground between the Leos and the Baelstorm. The Planet Defensors activated and a barrier was erected between the two groups. The Virgo and Leos began firing, with only the Dark Red Virgo holding fire.

“We’ve made contact and have set up a defensive line up here..” The leader announced over the team channel. “Haro, move out and conquer.”

Far out and deep within the mountains of the west area, a large mobile armor began to rapidly travel through the darkness revealing a scorpion shaped mobile armor. The MA began to move slowly in preparations for an ambush.

As Kai’s Benkei fired its dobergun, Fujiro took action in his Red Zaku as he tackled his youngest son out of the way. “Damn, these guys got good aim.” He said as he zoomed in on Kai, he noticed his gunplas fast arrival. “Kojiro! A single enemy is approaching, let's surround and defeat him.” He said as the two of them got back up, holstering their machine guns as they took out the heat axes.

The father swung high, aiming to chop off the approaching gunplas head. The son swung low, trying to cripple its body.

As Rikus golden samurai gunpla stood before him, Naoki nodded and hesitantly agreed to Rikus plan. “Your asking us to fly steady ahead into the firing range of an Asparas. I knew I recruited you for a reason!!!!” He said with a smile. To Naoki he could see it. Or more accurately, he could see that Riku could see ‘it’. The path to victory.

Naoki's hand twitched over the I-field controls, knowing that timing would be everything in this maneuver. Without any real prior team training this was indeed a risky move, but weak plans never got Naoki far.

The golden samurai jumped off the ship, and the energy beam parted around the ship and grazed the two sides of the Yamato, doing minimal damage as the ship swam through the beam like a fish through water. “HOLY HELL RIKU!!! You crazy bastard!!” Naoki yelled as he smiled wide, the I-field beginning to reach its limit as the diverted beam surrounded them before the beam began to die down.

Riku continued his assault, a large slash to the Asparas’ front. And Naoki realized this was their chance to get rid of it. The Fantastic GM jumped back before setting into the catapult, before getting immediately fired forward towards the giant MA. Mid air, Naoki unsheathed the Anti Ship Sword on the GMs back and stabbed it into the top of the Asparas.

Within the Asparas. Fujiko smiled. “Well, if I fall I at least need to make an impact.” She said with a smile as the Asparas began to quickly move forward and dive down. Attempting to take the Fantastic GM and Shin Musha out with her.

Jun and Tomiyoka swooped down as Tomiyoka did as he was told, maneuvering between the two right as the Guncannon fired, hitting the Guntanks shoulder. “OI Sojiro, calm down! You need to be aware of where your allies are!!” The old man yelled over the team channels. But before either could move, Tomiyoka fired a blast at his feet, stunning him. “Wait, this feeling.” Before he could process what he was doing the old man hit an emergency button, separating the Guntanks Core fighter and narrowly missing the destruction of the Guntank.

Kenjiro smirked, flying out of the smoke in his core fighter and escaping the Guntanks' fate. “This boys got some tactics. Be careful.” Kenjiro said to his grandchildren as he clicked a few buttons. “Haro. We need reinforcements!” He said as he turned back to fire the core fighters machine guns at Jun and the Miracle. The Guncannon charging forward in an attempt to slash at Jun and Tomiyoka.
In the air meanwhile, Blade and his opponent have been engaged in a game of aerial cat and mouse with the Asshimar dodging and weaving as the Zero One continues to try and slice at it with their beam sabers.

Hijiki sighed, overhearing her grandfather's comment to her brother. “That idiot. If you're gonna have one of us lose,” she said before she suddenly did a midair transformation, grabbing the wing zeros arm in the process. “You need to take someone out with you!!!” She yelled as she fired all boosters downwards.

Blade stabbed at the Asshimar repeatedly but was unable to escape his fate as the Wing Zero and Asshimar both bombed onto the ground below.
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