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    1. Crow 9 yrs ago
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Current We're all Yu-Gi-Oh! cards here.
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One of my favourite things to do on this site is just refreshing the page and getting a new ad. Sometimes it's an NFT thing.
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What he said.
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I've been keeping this avatar because I forgot who the artist was, but now I can just search for shark vtuber fanart and find him. Suggest a replacement avatar.


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I'd actually prefer not to. If I did I'd probably use KC's Shinano. What picture or FC do you have in mind?
That's a good deal of extra interest.

Alright everyone, how does a cast of 8(GM included) sound? Good number?

The characters so far are interesting additions. Guess I'll review them over time.
Thinking of an Assassin or Berserker. I'll bite.
We have our 5 Roleplayers including you three. That means that this Roleplay is closed until further notice.

Before you continue...

5.6 metres is not a human height range. Perhaps you were thinking 5'6" or 168cm?

Name would ideally start with 'KMS'- yeah, now that I think of it, should I put Ship prefixes in the first post?

As for whether do put it here or in the Character Sheet Area, either way goes, since I can review them either way, but the final draft goes in the CS area.

Go ahead with the completion of your app.

Including the guys in the interest check, I've hauled my cast. Time to close then. Maybe I'll consider an expansion to 7 at some point, but for now...

Well @Sola @Meliant de Lys @Ammokkx

Here's the stuff, and my character's an IJN Aircraft Carrier.

What kind of ships have you in mind?

Hello, Commander! I'm Yamato-class Aircraft Carrier, Shinano! I... I... I can't do anything right...

IJN Shinano


Aircraft Carrier


A6M Zero Fighter
Magnificent dogfighters that could fell any opponent, until their opponents evolved, of course. Signatures of the Imperial Japanese Navy.

Ki67 Hiryu Bomber
An Army Type 4 Heavy Bomber. Each unleashes a torpedo upon opponents.

Yamato-class Warbow
An aircraft deployer that boosts the speed of aircraft shot through it.

Bamboo Leaf Harmonica
A single leaf improvised as a harmonica. If you have the talent to play this, you're probably better at a regular harmonica. Aircraft Carrier SENCO use the tunes of their harmonicas to command and control the aircraft they unleash.

Even though she was reputed as the largest ever ship to be sunk by a submarine, Shinano has been reborn as a petite girl of a mere 140 centimetres tall. She doesn't have much of a figure and wears wavy pigtails. Her primary outfit consists of a short, red skirt that she claims is the uniform of the Yamato class. However, this skirt seems to be partially torn on the left, with the torn area possessing some sort of skeleton, like a blueprint or a crinoline, representing her incomplete nature. Whatever was left of a white top seems to be in tatters with patches of nothing over and has the same visible 'skeleton' as her skirt, but thankfully, she wears an apron over herself that resembles the roads of an aircraft carrier to cover her front. Her pigtail ribbons resemble crane arms facing backwards, and at the collar area of her top is an anchor-shaped piece. Her shoes resemble the frontal lower area of a Yamato-class battleship, down to the colour scheme of red below and whitish-grey on top.

Shinano is docile and quite a crybaby due to her lack of confidence, often seeing herself as a failure due to her lack of victory and her sole failure that cost her life. She often feels that everyone is looking down on her, even her sisters Yamato and Musashi wherever they might be, and that they either mock or judge her for being incompetent. As such, she prefers to spend time alone, talking to her aircraft to pass her freetime, and isn't very fond of socialising with other SENCO. She sees herself as a lesser SENCO and she often questions if she is even related to the Yamato & Musashi.

The IJN Shinano's tale is a tragic tale. Originally built as the third of the Yamato-class Battleships, the IJN's most powerful at that era, she was forcefully and quickly repurposed into an Aircraft Carrier due to their dwindling numbers. When she was sent out and deployed however, she was shortly sunk by the USS Archerfish causing a leak before she could even begin to fight. Shinano had many flaws in her short time in service, such as not carrying a single aircraft, as well as the standard flaws of a Yamato-class battleship. Either way, the start of her service and the end of it was close together.

Other Information:
The third of the Yamato-class and what would've been the third Battleship.

"My big sisters Yamato & Musashi... they find me an embarassment to their name, don't they?"
Applications are in order! Fill, fill, fill!

(Insert Picture Here)

Name: Begin with IGN/HMS/KMS or all that stuff. That's to make up for the 'Nation of Origin' segment. If the ship has been through many alliances e.g. the Hibiki to the Verniy, start with the ship's first ever name.
Class: Well, I did say I was under the assumption that whoever's in this is either a Shipgirl or Ship enthusiast, so... well... you know how this goes. If you don't, ask with your SENCO's name.
Type: Destroyer, Aircraft Carrier, what are you?
Equipment: Well? What's on you? Refer to the ship types segment and select only three pieces of equipment.
Appearance: Describe any details not listed in the above picture, as well as your outfit and the armaments that decorate you. For height, use human ranges. Just because we're shipgirls doesn't mean we're ship-sized.
Personality: Paragrah minimum, three paragraphs max.
History: Just so I know what you know about the character you're playing.
Other Information: Well?
The pages of war, something to learn from indeed.

After all, what's the point of history if you do not learn from it?

History has many wars - wars on land, wars in the sky, and most importantly...

... wars at sea.

Welcome aboard, girls. Perhaps your last memory is being sunk, being scrapped, either way, you have returned as S.E.N.C.O. - Sentient Engaging Naval Combat Organisms. To simply put it... well... look in the mirror.

See, physically, you all look like humans. You have their eyes to see, ears to listen and mouth to speak, and you're of a more compact size than you were in your past life, makes it a bit easier to move around, doesn't it? And I guess I should mention your newfound legs, that can move on land, and on water, well, I'll go through that later.

Ah, I forgot to introduce myself, I'm your Commander. And I guess I should introduce you to the rest of the main crew, as well as the reason why you're here. It's going to be a bit hard to absorb after a whole century or so of being out-of-loop with time, so...

Alright, time to get out of character.

Basically, in this Roleplay, your character is a female anthrpomorphic ship. This Roleplay is based on Kantai Collection, Azur Lane, and the gorillion shipgirl games lying around in the mobile gaming market inspired by KanColle. That latter part is what lead me to go 'Hey, what if I made my own?'.

And here we are.

There's also the part where I had to make my own due to how if we used original characters based on ships not yet introduced in the above games but then during the RP's run the game introduces them - you get my point. Things get very confusing when you use the canon of a constantly-updating game.

If you came from the Interest Check, you'd know what I mean. When I say anthropomorphic, I don't mean this, I mean this. Human in appearance with a few traits in their apparel and armaments that attribute to warships, maybe a few subtle physical traits such as their ears being modified.

The shipgirls in this little RP are known as Senko/Senco/SENCO/S.E.N.C.O.. I totally did not pull this out of my ass in 10 seconds.

SENCO carry the memories and the soul of their past lives, their very last memory being their deaths, be it their sinking or scrapping, or their permanent hibernation in or as a museum.

What is the goal of this Roleplay? What is the plot? There are warships, what are they fighting, if they're not fighting each other? All will be revealed within the Roleplay itself.

Note: If you are participating in this Roleplay, I will assume you are either into the games mentioned, into World of Warships or are a ship enthusiast. If you are not, do tell.

There are as many SENCO types as there are ship types. These are the playable ones. There are non-playable types in existence, such as Repair Ships, but we'll get to that in time to come.

If you have a warship type you believe needs to be included, do tell, but only if it's intended for a player character.

Destroyer (DD), Light Cruiser (CL) & Heavy Cruiser (CA)
The three Escort types. Destroyers prioritize speed and are highly maneuverable. They are faster than both Light Cruisers and Heavy Cruisers, but are more fragile than both, and thus rely on their speeds for evasion. Heavy Cruisers tend to rely on defenses rather than speed, but are still fast enough to move and turn. Light Cruisers are the perfect balance between the two.
These three main Escort Classes are generally able to equip Torpedo Mounts & Anti-Air Guns, as well as DD Guns, CL Guns & CA Guns respectively. With their quickfire offenses, speed maneuverability, they take the frontal stage in battles.

Battleship (BB)
A Capital Ship type. Heavily-armoured and heavily-armed, these SENCO, while slow compared to the Escort Classes, hold great firepower and defenses.
Battleships can equip BB Guns, Anti-Air Guns as well DD or CL Guns.

Battlecruisers (BC)
A Capital Ship type. A type of Battleship prioritized for speed and, while possessing less defenses than their more armoured counterparts, are made to run faster and are just as offensive. Their speed in between those of Battleships and Heavy Cruisers. Their equipment lineup is identical to those of Battleships.

Aircraft Carriers (CV) & Light Aircraft Carriers (CVL)
A Capital Ship type. SENCO that carry aircraft and can unleash them upon opponents. These aircraft mainly consists of Bomber Planes, Fighter Jets & Helicopters. They carry Aircraft Deployers, a type of weapon that can boost the speed of an aircraft in its initial phases of launch, taking the form of projectile weapons such as warbows and Special Aircraft magazine guns. Their Aircraft Harmonicas that allow them to command their aircraft do not count towards the weapon limit.

Submarines (SS)
While normal SENCO cannot breathe underwater and can only operate above it, Submarines are able to stay down and breathe for as long as they desire. Submarines are stealthy buggers that hide underwater, ready to strike from beneath. It would take a bit to be detected. Submarines can equip multiple Torpedo Mounts, as well as a single set of DD Guns.

Before the Roleplay can officially begin, I would prefer if it there were at least two Escort types and two Capital types within our cast. Submarines are optional for beginning the RP. For the time being, I would prefer it if one Roleplayer played one SENCO, but that may change in future.

Also, I would prefer if we had at least four different nations of origins within our cast, three if that's too much. I don't want 6 IJNs or 5 USSs.
Original stuff it is, I would conclude.

I can make the thread on the weekendos, which is very soon.

So, should we have players playing Commanders & ship women alike or have one GM-run Commander & every player character is a ship woman?
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