Avatar of Danelaw
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    1. Danelaw 8 yrs ago


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House Landry of Fallow Hill

The castle of Fallow Hill, and the village that shares it's name, have stood strong for over a thousand years, resting upon a ridge at the foot of the Mountains of the Moon, the great peaks that mark the border between the Riverlands and the Vale. The castle watches over vast crop fields that stretch as far as the eye can see, with their lands being the most prolific source of food in the region. The town hosts a festival every so often when there has been a particularly bountiful harvest, rewarding the farmers for their work, who leave their lands to rest in the town for a harvest cycle; thus the name, Fallow Hill.

Fiercely loyal to House Tully, the banner of House Landry has been sworn to the Lord of Riverrun for numerous generations. With a maximum military strength of up to 2,500 men and 300 horses, they protect their lands well and seldom allow for bandits to damage and raid. In wars and battles gone by, House Landry has played their part well, and has always responded to their call.

Due to their surplus of supplies and adjacency to the Kingsroad, which sits only a few miles from the castle, House Landry are one of the most stable families in the Riverlands, but have been known to re-invest their wealth into their farmlands and military, rarely flaunting material goods.

The house is currently led by Lord Edwyn Landry, a quiet, well-respected military man who follows in the footsteps of his father, Lothor, who was loyal and just. He has five children, four of which are boys, and three living siblings, meaning the future of the house is very stable. However, Morgain Landry, eldest son of Edwyn, has been missing for two years, leaving Edmund Landry, the second son of Edwyn, as the de facto heir.

House Landry has a bitter historical rivarly with House Haigh of Deepbank, who are vassals to House Frey. The origin of the rivalry is disputed, but soured to it's worst during the Dance of the Dragons, when the lord of House Haigh murdered the lord of House Landry in his own home. Ever since, the houses have despised eachother, and Walker Haigh, current lord of his house, is publicly known to despise Lord Edwyn.

Have updated with lots of new info. Working on the 'rules' section now. Let me know if there's anything about the house/it's lands/it's history that you'd like to know so I can add it!
Working on the OP information for the house and the land, hopefully will add a bit of colour and detail to the setting. Also, a discord was suggested. Is this something you guys would be interested in?

Who's playing the middle son?

@Mr Irony II
Also probably a warning: This thread isn't guaranteed to be spoiler free. However, I will discourage blatant spoilers, especially for this next season (and encourage them to be placed in hiders.)

That's what you get for being a dumbass

I really hope these memes and gifs continue throughout the rest of the OOC
Had a very busy day yesterday but I'm dealing with all messages and queries now! We are starting to get there, fellas.

Do not post your character sheets in there. Character process will continue in private messages.


Fallow Hill

House Landry
Extended Family

House Haigh
of Deepbank

House Redfort
of Redfort



House Landry
Lord Edwyn Landry, @Danelaw, Alive
Lady Priscilla Landry, NPC, Alive
Ariella Landry, @Obscene Symphony, Alive
Morgain Landry, NPC, Unknown
Ser Edmund Landry, @Mr Irony II, Alive
Will Landry, NPC, Alive
Ash Landry, @Apoalo, Alive

House Durant
Ser Baldric Durant, @Gunther, Alive

House Blackwood
Liliana Blackwood, @Danvers, Alive

Robert Rivers, @CaptainSully, Alive

House Haigh
Lord Walker Haigh, NPC, Alive

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