Avatar of Dark Light


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I'm so Fuckin' broken...


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Ooh so is this still accepting? Super keen on anything fairy tail :D
I’ll start working on a character.

Any suggestions, recommendations or ideas for character type or powers?

Thinking some kind of ‘thief’ or power ‘borrower’.
Kinda like rogue from X men, but maybe consumption based.
Takes on attributes of what he eats/bites.

You canned this idea? @Endling

Following this for sure!
This looks AWESOME! Super keen.
Bit worried it might get a bit ‘too’ silly though...
Ooh and as an alien or AI we can have a main brain/body on the ship and send out androids, it will sorta act as a respawn if things go bad.
But if we do good and bring back resources we can upgrade our androids :)

The more I think about it the more excited I get with possibilities!!!
I like the idea of world/lore building in game but with point limitations to keep things even. Say once a week you get 5 points that allow you to introduce new lore.

A new hero/character could be 1
A new basic race 1, advanced 2 monsterous 3
Town 1 city 2 capitol 3
Island 1 special landmass/location 2, country 3

So as you want to write in something new you use creation points. If you don’t have any, you just have to wait and work on what others have created.

The most basic concept and delivery of this would be from the aliens side as we explore the new lands discovering new creatures and cultures.

Name: Deum mal’vultom
Apparent Age: 17
Gender: Male
Personality: Deum is mostly vocally quiet, speaking and sharing very little besides sharp commands. He has little interest in others and is a reclusive who could be considered spiteful and cold.
  • Shape shifting.
    He is a shape shifter, this is his first and foremost power, to manipulate his form into what ever he desires within mass and energy limitations.
    drawbacks; Changes are not only painful but also physically and emotionally taxing. Consumes a lot of energy.
  • Novice dark magic.
    drawbacks; Dark magic always comes at a risk/cost. It’s a perilous lonely path that has led many to their demise.

  • A magic robe
  • An ever growing living spell book
  • Apothecary kit.
  • Knives, herbs, candles and all manner of intricate tools and spell components.

Bio: There is nothing outstanding in Deum’s backstory. He was born and raised as a normal boy like any other born into and by a secret wealthy ritualistic occult. While he had a mother that gave birth to him, many of the coven acted and claimed to be his parents. While spoiled, he was also held to high expectations. Having enough of it and the lavish lifestyle he left, escaping to the school and enrolled himself to learn in peace.
Fears and weaknesses: Boundaries, shackles, confinement, cages, loss of control, being trapped in the dark. Claustrophobia.
Extras: Avid learner and practitioner of demonology and new tech alchemy. While pampered Deum was also often subjected to ritualistic torture during vile ceremonies.

Plot hook: Cult wants him back. To serve their needs / prophecy. Will kill him to force reincarnation if they have to.
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