Avatar of Dark Light


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It's a Chuck Palahniuk quotes kinda night.
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... Something new
9 yrs ago
I'm so Fuckin' broken...


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Own ship each or as a crew?

You each get a ship of your own design, and you get to decide how and why it works.

They're all single occupant ships, like fighter craft.

So where will we be based? I’m guessing these don’t have beds and aren’t made for long distances?
Own ship each or as a crew?
Ezlan was only all to willing to trade stories for accommodation. Eager for the opportunity, he would do it without trade. He even attempted to subtly weave in morals of trust, and while reading his audience, tug on strings of sympathy and have them thinking of the Tiefling they left out in the cold horrible weather. He wouldn’t push the agenda too far though, enjoying the comforts of a solid roof and warm fire, but he tried.

The next morning he was woken up from his drunken slumber and chased out of the house having overstayed his welcome. Unable to recall the actions that caused such treatment, he was given a rough start to the day, unable to barter for breakfast or supplies. Out on the wet road, his head ached heavily and empty belly rumbled loudly as the path ahead continued to be cruel to him.
His frustration only further leading to itself. The simple comforts of last nights accommodation and company now long gone.
His usual upbeat carefree mood was now soured and only worsened further by his absence of any alcohol.

He talked very little during that leg of the journey, only mumbling to himself curses and complaints. At one point as the mud tried to steal one of his shoe’s, he swore loudly and appeared just about ready to punch someone. Outside of that he was mostly complacent. Mostly. Keeping to himself.
“Aye, yer mongrel!” Ezlan suddenly burst out in joyful realisation. With the friendly taunt he went up and slapped the dwarf on the shoulder. “Nearly didn’t recognise ya with those steady legs and an empty hand.” He pushed the near empty wineskin into the confused guild members hand. With a chuckle he carried on.
“T’is been a while, what hole were we at? The broken keel? Colonial Taphouse? The heavy hammer? Or was it The drunken whore? Ahh, anyway I’m sure they’re still light on booze after that night. You sure can drink my friend!”

Ezlan was vague at best of his description of the night, as could be expected of such an evening. Everything would sound plausible and most probably likely if Kolrim had ever been out drinking within the guilds town. Not to mention remembering this event fell in his favour as the large bare chested Caerbean had become overly friendly, with arm around his shoulder he leant down and lead him into the group, still reciting events and tall stories of that night and others, most of which pertained to himself and various women of vulgar descriptions all manner of different races.
Small reply but something ;)

Looking forward to playing the gradual transition and putting in subtle hints as the camaraderie grows and he develops affection for the group/others.
"A'ight, well catch you in the morn at rising light." Ezlan replied instantly without hesitation. Without wasting time he turned his back on the group and began walking back towards the nearest homestead with an eager step. "A safe slumber to you." Was his parting gift. He suddenly slowed his pace noticing the lone traveller in the distance approaching. Ezlans vision was not hindered by the fading light, in fact he probably saw things more clearer now than in the mid of day. Altering his course he moved to intercept or pass by the on-comer. He studied him over with an intent yet welcoming eye, curious too to know his business on the road at this time.

Reminds me a lot of Lords of Creation
You still recruiting?
I’m thinking some sort of shifter, alters his body, but things haven’t been to great for him since school. Hit rough times and is probably an unemployed addict.

Depending on how gritty/animated this is supposed to be.
“Oh lighten up.” Ezlan bellowed louder than necessary, as he turned back from his position at the front of the group where he had been eagerly leading and went to throw a heavy arm over Eomer. Sill not wearing a shirt, a heavy rucksack sat awkwardly over the Careabeans wide shoulders, supported by a leveraging strap held firmly in one hand. In the other he had been slowly emptying his third waterskin. (It was safe to assume it wasn’t water.)
“Let’s just hit the closest farm house and see how things go from there.” His voice carried the casual nonchalance of a man without any worry or forethought.
The cocky arrogance of a man who honestly believed nothing bad could befall him. While the scars running over his bare skin would beg to differ, but for him it was all just a matter of perspective.
“So my good friend, point the way.” He says with a wide smile, reiterating his decision with a firm clap to Eomer’s back, spilling some of the waterskins contents over him in the process.

Eager and excited Ezlan would pick up the pace to go see what and or who might await them. Always keen to have an audience.

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