Avatar of Dartbored Fairy
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    1. Dartbored Fairy 6 yrs ago
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Note to Self (Or whoever is nice enough to remind me): Update/Edit Bio

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Pirila was about to open her mouth to say something when she heard a painful scream, Mili screaming. Before she had any opportunity to react to it however she found herself being violently thrown across the room, landing on the ground several meters away from the couch, dazed as a blinding light envelops the couch.

It takes her barely any time to realise what happened though, and Pirila rushes over to the couch to confirm her worst fears: Mili was gone.

Panicking, Pirila ran over to her bedroom and grabbed a bag standing in the corner - it was filled with emergency supplies in the case they had to leave their home in a moment's notice, but the current situation warranted it's use.

She had to find Mili, no matter what. After all, her disappearance worried Pirila. She wasn't just worried what whatever took Mili would do to her, but she was also worried what Mili might do to everything around her if left unchecked.

Rushing down the stairs she narrowly manages to avoid colliding with Cuna but in doing so fails to avoid Hida, crashing into her and throwing them both to the ground.

Despite never having seen Hida in her current appearance before, Pirila instinctively knows her. "She's gone." Pirila mutters before getting up from the ground as Hida's eyes widen as she realises what Pirila said.

As Pirila goes through a door to a back room to grab some more useful items, Hida gets up and turns her attention to Shard.

"Well, I suppose things are going to get less dull. Feel like joining me in what will probably be either a fruitless search or a bloody rescue attempt?"

@Prima Luce

It takes a bit for Mili to realise what's going on, and when she does she's... not very happy and, well, scared.

She tries to move, but finds herself rather thoroughly bound to various surfaces using ropes, and the person standing before her with a knife didn't seem like the kind of person planning on using that knife to cut her loose and rescue her.

Panicking, Mili begins to look around the room for a way out, but she finds none. She's trapped. Defenseless. Nothing she can do to survive. Pirila didn't appear to be nearby either, so she couldn't save Mili either.

...Pirila. Mili had met her years and years earlier... things weren't good back then either.

Mili cried as she looked around. Burning buildings were all around her, and the streets were littered with corpses as blood ran down the drains the community she lived in had built to deal with rain. Not everyone was dead, but all were at least dying, judging by the pained screams and crying coming from all around.

Nuclear Fire had annihilated the world years before, and mankind was slowly starting to rebuild itself. Mili herself was lucky enough to live in one of these communities. She lived a happy, carefree life there.

Until, one night, all that came crashing down as an unknown force swept through her town. In the chaos, the attackers burnt down every house and slaughtered everyone. All but Mili.

It was after this that Pirila found her and took her in. Mili remembered what Pirila had said to her when they met.

"I don't blame you for what you did, you're just a kid after all. But you must forget what happened here."

Now Mili remembered.

She summoned the attackers that burnt her home down.

And she knew she could do it again if needed.

Pirila had, after all, given Mili the training she needed. No longer did she accidentally summon terrible creatures during her nightmares, she learnt how to control her summons. And the bandages Pirila created helped suppress her powers as well, sealing them away behind sacred chains.

But the brief absence of the bandages earlier this day meant her powers were unchained again.

She could defend herself.

Mili screamed out. Not in pain, not in fear, but in anger. Anger over having been taken away from her comfortable home by this strange being, but also anger directed at herself for being so defenseless.

And her eye responded. A red glow manages to escape through the bandage, creating a red, five-pointed star with distorted lines on the bandage as her powers get to work, taking creatures from Mili many nightmares and slowly bringing them into the world.

Even though she herself couldn't directly do anything in her current state, she wouldn't be a defenseless target for anyone. Not now, not ever.

It doesn't take long for the first creatures to slowly materialise in the room. These creatures have something human about them, but their pained and horrified facial expressions, combined with missing limbs and charred bodies make them easy to distinguish from actual humans.

The least horrifying creatures are the easiest for Mili to summon and thus are the best option to delay her attacker while Mili summons things that could actually be threatening. In her state of anger and panic she doesn't realise what she has summoned however.

The entities standing before her, crawling and shambling their way towards Dnias, are all she remembers of the people she used to live with. Her first friends and family, reducing to nothing more but shambling husks in Mili's memories, are now the first to defend Mili from suffering a horrible death herself.

The creatures, mindless and weak, make their way towards Dnias. There are many of them, which is perhaps their only strength as most are unarmed, with some using their own detached limbs as weapons as they attack Dnias.
In Trios 6 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Yeah, I think that combined with what you mentioned in your other post (outdoor only and stuff) make it balanced. Edit your sheet and you're ready to go!
In Trios 6 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
I know the feeling of being terrible with distances all too well, don't worry about that.

But 1-2km is quite a lot, but it also depends on where the wings can be used. Are they small enough to be used indoors, or are they too big for that?
In Trios 6 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Interesting character! But there's an issue with their ability to fly.
Flight is part of the 'banned powers' but as I said in the rules section I'm willing to make exceptions if properly balanced. So, how far can she fly?

Alternatively, Gliding instead of flying is something I have no issues with, as long as it does not come with a way of gaining altitude like you can with flying.

If you resolve this minor issue (either by setting a flight range I find acceptable or by switching to gliding) then you can consider yourself accepted!

Hida doesn't pay much attention to the captain. Instead keeping her attention on this 'Shard' woman. The woman was shocked by the earthquake, but the event had not diminished her excitement.

"I'm not sure if following me is what you're looking for though, I'm a rather dull person. That being said though, you're free to stick around if you wish to do so, I won't tell you to leave."

"And if you don't like it 'up in your ship', then why not just stay away from there? After all, nobody's forcing you to go back, right?"

Actions for Mili & Pirila will come when people do things that involve them.
In Trios 6 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
As the Ferry slowly approaches the Trios Harbour, the crew starts preparing to dock. It's late in the morning, so most of the fishing boats that would normally dock are gone, and the only boats remaining are some of the larger ones.

But the docks themselves are far from empty - people have set up stalls on the docks, hoping to sell things of dubious value to people coming to town by boat. The stalls themselves are rather colourful as the people operating them hope to attract people to buy from them instead of from others.

A bit further inland, past the stalls crowding the docks, are numerous townhouses. As this is the one dock where the ferries dock it does not lead to the warehouses like the other docks, instead providing a quick route into town.

The town itself is divided into 6 districts. The Bazaar, the Church and other structures near the center of the town are part of the central district, where the town hall is located as well. The rest of the town is divided into four more districts, each named after a cardinal direction. The areas outside of the town, where the mines, farms and the manor are located, are part of the outside district.

The main road leading into the town from the port brings people past several stores selling all sorts of items, the more popular of the town's taverns, and the largest inn in town with a view over the harbour and the sea, the Singing Fish. From there on, people can go west towards the town's Grand Bazaar, while continuing Northward would bring them to the town's large Church and eventually to the excavation site where a group of archaeologists are busy exploring the recent discovery.

The fastest way out of town, however, would be going East. Going in that direction it's only a relatively short walk before one leaves the town of Trios and enters the fields around it. There are a handful of farms here, but the cold climate of Trios makes farming difficult. As a result, the town either fishes for or imports most of it's food.

But, although there are many ways to explore the town of Trios, the people aboard the boat would have to wait.

After all, the ship hasn't docked yet, that would still take a while. Until then, those aboard would have to entertain themselves with what was aboard the ship.

The ship fortunately was not just a repurposed cargo ship. Instead, it had been built specifically for bringing people to Trios. It had plenty of cabins for the passengers - simple cabins with a single bed, table, chair and closet - and a large lounge for people to sit, eat and talk.

But, not all is peaceful in the town of Trios. In one of the larger houses in the eastern district, a woman screams in horror as she finds the decapitated body of her husband, sitting on the couch in their home.

In the Manor outside the town, a newly-hired maid trips and breaks a stack of plates. Meanwhile, an ageing man is having tea on the balcony, overlooking the town he built while enjoying the sun.

In the mines, the miners are working hard, hoping to find gold. For some of them, finding gold is common. Others have never had the fortune of ever seeing the town's famed gold before it gets mined.

At the bazaar, a girl sits eating a sandwich while waiting for something, occasionally looking into the small pouch she has with her as if checking if something is still there.

And at the excavation site, a group of archaeologists have given up all hope of finding their missing colleague.
In Trios 6 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Thanks for the quick edit!

@Prima Luce

Accepted, glad to have you aboard!

I will be making the first IC post shortly - hopefully tomorrow. People can still join after we start of course.
Would you guys like a Discord Server for the RP?
In Trios 6 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Your character sheet looks good, but there's only one minor issue: Cars don't exist yet.
Beyond that I can see no problems with the character, so just fix that and you'll be accepted!


Looks good, accepted!
In Trios 6 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

All three of you are to be considered accepted!

And yeah @Karkinos, it'd be nice to have her in the Character Tab too.

@Prima Luce

Ah, no worries. I'll look forward to seeing your character!


Alrighty! Don't forget to let me know when you've made a decision!
As Shard starts rambling, Hida takes the time to get a good look at the girl. She seemed nice enough, if a little excited and strange. She wasn't really sure what this 'Shard' person was talking about, but that didn't really matter.

Shaking Shard's hand, Hida is about to respond when the building is hit by an earthquake, severely damaging the structure. The earthquake knocks everyone off their feet, but Hida is quick to stand up again. Once again brushing any dust off of her dress, she simply states. "We have many names for this place, of which I personally prefer the word 'Useless Trash Heap'. Anyway, my name's Hida, and are you alright or did the quake do to your bones what it did to the floor?"

Growling as she notices the lotion, Pirila reaches out to grab it and toss it out a nearby window when the quake hits. Quickly, she pulls Mili under the safety of their table and waits for the earthquake to end.

"Well. That's no good. Shall we check the damage, Mili?" Pirila says, getting up from underneath the table and extending her hand for Mili to grab.

Mili trembles as she hides under the table together with Pirila. Everything was shaking and stuff! The walls might come down on top of them!

Fortunately though, nothing happened, and Mili sighed a breath of relief. As Pirila gets up and extends her hand, Mili begins to crawl towards Pirila.

At that moment, an intense, scorching pain hits her neck, and Mili collapses onto the floor screaming in pain as the heat burns through the bandages.

Thoroughly distracted by the pain, Mili doesn't notice Pirila pulling her closer and wrapping an arm around her, her comforting words drowned out by Mili's crying. She didn't like the pain, not one bit, and she didn't even what caused it! Did debris hit her in the neck? No, wait, her neck hurt a bit ago too. Was this the same thing hurting again?

Whatever the case, Mili keeps crying for a long while after the burning stops, only stopping after noticing that Pirila had carried her out of the dining room and laid her down on a couch.

Pirila, meanwhile, was stroking the younger girl's hair. She didn't say anything - or Mili simply didn't hear it - but it was obvious that she was shocked and confused by what had just happened.

It seemed like their plan to check the building for damage would have to wait.
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