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Yea, I think that's pretty fair lol.

Jaxon Noah Chaucer

Location: Hogwarts Express Compartment
Interacting With: @Cole Damien, @Cio Piper, @Hitman Halle, @josephb Elliot

Jaxon gave another glance over of the train corridor and could easily imagine it being a battlefield with tons of hazards. He wasn’t even sure if he could -fly- through the crowd it was so thick. Luckily he didn’t have to wait to long outside of the compartment. He felt a tug on his arm and then was pulled into the compartment itself, just in time as well as a trunk was dropped on the space his foot had just previously occupied. That was a close one, he thought even as Sandstorm gave another low hiss at being cathandled so roughly. Jax just chuckled and opened her cage to let her out, the cat then rewarding his nice action by jumping up to his shoulder, causing the Ravenclaw to wince as claws sunk in to steady. The cat was quite large as well and it forced Jaxon to lean to his left.

”I don't know what I was thinking earlier, trying to sit with a bunch of Gryffindors. At least you Ravenclaws don't have it out for me.” Jax sat down with his cat and pulled her down to his lap, letting his fingers start fluffing the hair on her head. He nodded along as Dame spoke up about the stupid House rivalries and thought that if every House was like Ravenclaw then everything would be better off. Then again, he may be a little biased… At the comment on Quidditch however Jax got a playful smirk to his face, lips even tipping slightly in his arrogant manner. ”I think I got some ideas on how to outmaneuver those deadly bludgers in out games though, so we’ll see.” He shrugged then as Sandstorm started biting his hand to let him know that was quite enough petting. He stopped and stretched his arms out.

He looked over at the two in the compartment, two of people in Hogwarts that knew him the best. Dame had been his dorm mate since first year and the two had gotten really close. Jax considered him so much of a friend he had ‘almost’ came out to him, but chickened out. It was hard to figure out what to say to someone that you considered a friend when you’ve kept something integral to yourself out. That, and the whole ‘crushed on you in second year’ thing… He sighed mentally and figured he’d just get himself sad if he kept up thinking that way. Instead he remembered all the good times, trading sweets and notes for homework while cutting up and just being kids.

Then of course Piper was someone he considered his ‘secret’ friend. It wasn’t like he was ashamed of being friends with the Slytherin, it was just that he already didn’t talk to many people so no one paid attention to the more friendly greetings to the Slytherin girl after he found her practicing spells. ”And will this be finally the year you convince me to join the Duelling Club?” Jax grinned more, and gave another half shrug at her.

”You’re only hurting yourself if you don’t. You already spar with some of the best fighters there, if you put the time into it you could be one of those as well. And you can’t even use my excuse of ‘people are scary’ because you’re awesome with new people.” It was true, Piper may be a Slytherin but she was as easy going and social as his twin, and that was saying something!

Speaking of new people… ”Piper! Is there room back here?” Jax tilted his head in curiosity before a trunk came flying into the compartment, followed unceremoniously by other living necessities. A bewildered look came over both Jax and Sandstorm who had paused mid lick of her paw and stared towards the door where Halle appeared. As the Hufflepuff introduced herself, Jax suddenly remembered, she was Keeper that blocked his last shot the last year. It was a good shot to, and the respect for the Puff had been high.

”Uh, yea. My summer was pretty good, we spent the break in Australia with my dads family. The beaches were really cool.” It was also the reason for the bronzed tan he was currently sporting underneath his shirt and pants. He usually had a simple Olive complexion but the Australian sun had done a relatively good job on the teen. ”How was yours?” He gave a polite smile to let the girl he was truly interested and then his breath stopped when he heard another familiar voice and spotted a truly familiar face coming into the compartment next. Elliot freaking Forrester, of course he would find them, and of course the one spot open was the one that Sandstorm had previously been taking, right beside of him. The universe could be cruel sometimes and when Elliot sat down and nudged him, Jax had to ensure that he was still breathing. He gave a half cough and gave a wonky grin as he glanced over and mumbled a little. [color=#4BF6FF]”Oh hey Elliot. I’m amazing, err.. Good? Yea, good. How are you?” His eyes bugged out slightly as the Gryffindor stretched out and knew this was going to be a long train ride.

Sandstorm seemed to sense the inner turmoil and abandoned ship, going instead to jump over towards Damian, curling up in between him and the window. It was a common thing, the cat seemed to acknowledge that Dame was her humans good friend and room sharer. Jax just glared after his cat and decided he’d find the floor very interesting for the moment.
Oh god, saaaaaaame.
Finalllllly home.
I barely managed to get a rushed one out before work! With that being said, I'll probably be unable to check for a few hours! Can't wait to come back to more posts!
Posted! Sorry, I was going to move in with you guys... But, figured we can keep it even now!

Jaxon Noah Chaucer

Location: Hasting Mansion - Platform 9 3/4
Interacting With: @Cole Damien, @Cio Piper

“Jaxon! Jacob! If I have to enter that room and wake you up with stinging hexes I can promise you that you won’t enjoy your last day with me! Now get up!” Isabella Chaucer as a person wasn’t very loud, but when she decided to put on her mother voice it seemed to grow extra powerful. So much so that Jaxon, the 15 year old who jumped straight up with a sigh had to control his breathing.

Luckily, he had just been dozing from the first time she woke him. He groaned and sighed before stretching out his colt like limbs. Puberty was still working its way through his body and he was currently in the ‘to long limbed’ portion of it. Not that his shoulders looked like they would fill out all to much anyway. He scratched his back and stumbled his way over to his dresser. His clothes for the day were at the top, carefully folded and ready for the sleepy teen. Across the room Jacob, Jaxon’s twin, was still struggling to untangle himself from the sheets, only managing it when Jax had already pulled on his muggle clothing. His mother was a pretty good shopper and also got along decently well with muggle fashion, considering she was a pureblood. But Jax wasn’t complaining, and he happily dressed in a white collared button up shirt and khaki pants.

After dressing Jax did a quick mental note of the belongings he was taking to the school. He had already packed of course, and then repacked two more times but you could never be to thorough. Once he was content that everything was in place he threw on a pair of black dress shoes and then padded into the bathroom that he and Jacob shared. He had showered the night prior, once again wanting to be ready to go as fast as possible. As such all he had to do was throw some toothpaste on his brush and scrub away. As one hand scrubbed, the other threw some mousse into his hair and styled it to his usual look.

After both tasks were complete the young man did a quick check for zits and smirked happily after seeing none. The week prior he had had a nasty outbreak of the annoying things and was glad the moisturizer his dad gave him was working well. As he re-entered the bedroom, a flash of orange caught his eye and he had to think fast to catch his cat as she jumped at his chest. He pat the cat a few times and shook his head. ”What are you doing, crazy thing. You can’t fly.” He chuckled a bit and then grabbed his trunk, throwing a quick reminder to his twin to get ready.

The smells coming from the kitchen were heavenly as Jax lumbered himself down from the second floor. His trunk made a rhythmic clunk, clunk, clunk to announce his arrival and as such he was greeted to the sight of his plate being sat at an empty spot on the family table. It seemed that he and Jacob were the last to the party as the rest of the family were all accounted for. Jax grabbed his seat beside of Hudson and gave a grateful smile to his mom, who nodded in response and blew a kiss over to him. ”Aw, come on. I’m 15, not a kid anymore.” Hudon at his left side gave him a glare as if asking what was wrong with being a kid and Jax just ignored him, going to instead tear into his breakfast. Two seats down from him, the second set of twins ate silently, almost in unison.

It was slightly strange, but Jax didn’t pay it much mind. It was a common occurrence at this point and he and his twin did the same thing when they were younger as well. As he ate and glanced around he knew he was going to miss this, being with family. But just as he always did, he’d get over it after a week or so back in the castle. The routine would take a hold of him and that would be that, no more thinking. “Where in the name of the Minister is your brother?!” His mom asked, waving around her spatula as if that would make the Hufflepuff just appear. Jax just shrugged and finished off his eggs and toast with one big gulp.

The rest of the morning passed quickly, Jacob having to struggle just to be decently on time for the family apprating. But, with a little help from both Jaxon and mom both twins were standing at the base of the stairs near the door and ready to go. Their father, as was tradition stood in the middle and once the Chaucer family were all gripping each other and the luggage tightly he apparated them all with a loud POP!

The family then ‘appeared’ in a dark alley, exactly one block away from Kings Cross. Jax had to sink to his knees after the mass apparition and concentrate in order to keep his breakfast from ending up all over the street. He hated apprating, and would much prefer to fly but, seeing as that as out of the question he would just have to suffer. His mom had leaned down to make sure he was ok and after a quick head count the family made their way to the muggle station. They got the regular amount of stares, no more and no less than normal and as the group made their way to 9 and ¾ they were given some small waves from other families with large trunks and bizarre animals in cages. It was no wonder, as the Chaucer/Hastings clan were pretty well known in the wizarding world. They took turns running into the wall and Jax had a massive grin plastered to his face when it came to his turn. A quick jog and then suddenly his favorite part of the school experience smacked him in the face.

Smoke, and screams from hundreds of excited children met his senses and the grin got even wider. The Ravenclaw loved the first step onto the platform, and it never failed to take his breath away. As he looked on however he realized that Jacob’s morning antics had them running late. He yelped and gave a few rapid hugs to the rest of the clan and then sprinted towards the train car. With some help from the attendants he got his trunk stowed away made his way into the crowded aisle with Sandstorm’s carrier, and his smaller backpack that contained his folded school uniform. He was bumped and jostled and had to use his summer found height to try and peek over the tops of the other students. He could vaguely make out one of his fellow Ravenclaws near the front of the train, but the path towards her didn’t look very promising. At least not without some serious bruises and so the Ravenclaw took the easier route and rode the throng towards the back. After a particularly savage elbow to his ribcage, Jax decided he had, had enough and threw himself towards the closest compartment. He recognized Piper at the doorway and gave a relieved gasp.

”Piper! Thank magic I found a friendly face, the rest of these guys are CRAZY” He accentuated crazy with an exaggerated arm wave back towards the throng and breathed in and out heavily. He was smiling however and shuffled a bit closer, getting a glimpse of Damien inside the compartment itself. ”Oh, hey Dame! Don’t mind starting our ‘share a space’ early hm?” He gave a hopeful look in Damien’s direction and then ducked from another flying elbow. Sandstorm let out low growling noise as if ready to claw the next elbow that came closer to her human and Jax held her carrier closer to his chest.
I like the idea of the train ride. Though I'm also good with whatever honestly.

Wellllllll, abandoned rooms are pretty common apparently according to the books and if Jax heard someone practicing he'd be pretty inquisitive. And if someone was serious about practicing spells and not part of the dueling club an abandoned classroom makes sense right? At least in my brain when I was writing it, it made sense rofl.
Thanks! I figured that's something she would do haha. And yea, it's the perfect way for those two honestly.

I'm also super excited, going over all the sheets over and over lol.
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