Avatar of Dedonus
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@Indy Cooper

OH that sounds like fun, please introduce me! I haven't actually found the time to read through everyones stories and shit, and I haven't dared try to tackle the beast that is all of S1 because there are so many posts, so maybe i'll just rifle through the OC tab and read up on the characters instead.

if you are interested in joining the story though, feel free to visit Jersey anytime you want to, and make sure you stray from Georgia if you have any supers in your repetoire, the city is going through a bit of an anti super movement right now, lol.

If I recall correctly, Indy didn't join until Season 2.
<Snipped quote by Dedonus>

Cool people do not play Christmas music year round for "fun"

I don't play it year round!
<Snipped quote by Dedonus>

Some of us. :P

I'm one of those people.


Christopher Arthur III

Lost Haven, Maine

“That should be the final touch,” Chris concluded as he wiped his hands on a towel. The invention that sat before him did not look special at all on the surface: just a chair like you would find at the dentist or a hair salon. But, like most prototypes, what it lacked in flashy looks, it compensated with functionality. Chris had seen some strange things in the last few months. Well, they were stranger things than he was used to. And considering he has fought demons, gods, maniacal scientists, and human supremacist terrorists, that is saying a lot.

Before the Hounds of Humanity had launched their crusade against metahumans and supernaturals alike, Chris had found his sister depowered and without any memory of every having metahuman abilities. When Chris learned that the metahuman who had crashed the charity event back in Pacific Point had suffered from a similar condition, he initially thought it was just a coincidence. But after Chris discovered that the Game Genie had no priors before he had launched his invasion of Pacific Point, he knew that something was up.

Chris immediately looked into these weird occurrences. At first, he could not figure any common ties between the three individuals, other than their memories had been changed. But eventually Chris found a lead when he had stumbled upon a paper written by one of the geniuses, Zaine Black by name, that S.T.R.I.K.E. had swooped up while they were still around. According to Black’s theory on Multiversity, everything in a particular reality vibrated at a frequency unique to that universe. Obviously such a phenomenon occurred only at the submolecular level and as a result could not be observed by the naked eye. Following Black’s hypothesis, Chris detected different vibration frequencies in all three individuals. Concluding that this might be what was causing their symptoms, Chris decided to try to come up with something that would reverse the affects. Since Chris believed that trying to reverse everything at once would be a too drastic procedure and would carry too many risks, he decided to start out small and try to restore only their original memories.

“I guess I should give this thing a quick spin,” Veronica said. However, Chris gave her a disapproving, blank stare while holding his hand over the controls.

“You’re not getting anywhere near this until we know it works,” Chris asserted.

“And how are you going to do that? The government isn’t going to let you use those two villains as guinea pigs,” Veronica told her older half-brother.

“That’s why I have this little toy,” Chris mentioned as he rolled in his swivel chair over to a nearby monitor. “With some luck, this will pin point anyone whose frequencies don’t match our realities’ natural vibration.”

The trick to this machine was that it produced vibrations identical to those native to their reality. Just like when a single individual plays out of tune in an orchestra, anyone with a different vibration frequency would stick out like a sore thumb in a sea of uniformity.

“And what if they won’t come willingly, if you find anyone at all?”

“I can be particularly persuasive.”

“I can’t believe Kyle would dump me like that!” Sammy bawled in tears into Kelly’s shoulder. Taylor, Jeanette, and Darren had already been fitted with their new, authentic superhero uniforms, courtesy of Mr. Giuseppe, when Kelly received the call from Sammy. Lucky for Sammy, all Kelly had to do was create a warp portal to Sammy’s position and pick her up.

“It’ll be alright,” Kelly tried to console her friend. Normally, Kelly would have followed up on her threat to Kyle about breaking Sammy’s heart. Sure, Kelly never explicitly voiced such a threat, but she was sure Kyle understood what would happen if he had screwed up trying to let Sammy down easily. But in this case, Kelly knew that something was off with Sammy and there was nothing Kyle could do that would have prevented the current outcome. She considered tossing an amusing illusion at him, but she decided against it.

“But we had everything planned! I even have my dress!” Sammy continued to complain despite Kelly’s attempts to calm her down.

“I don’t want to interrupt, but I think we have company,” Jeanette mentioned after she had spotted something approaching them at a fast speed. A familiar suit of armor, at least to Kelly and Sammy, landed on the rooftop where the five metahumans had camped out while Kelly was trying to calm Sammy.

“Wow. I don’t even need my gadgets to know that there’s something wrong with this picture.”

“NOT HIM, TOO!” Sammy exclaimed in tears.

“You guys might want to come with me.”
We're the coolest people around on this board. ;)
Daaamn! I didn't know this was still going.

This game has been going on for over four years. ;)
<Snipped quote by LeeRoy>


May the Gods have mercy on our souls.

What have you done. ;)

Yeah, I'm still working out the kinks of it and what not, so I guess you guys can hang back for a bit while I get it in order! I planned on making a giant post or maybe my own game, idk I've never actually been a GM or anything like that before, but this is kind of a big project and big projects take loads of time, so meh. I'm just wingning it lol, but until then just enjoy In Stereo and Phoenix until things start kicking up.

I recommend NOT starting a new game as an extension to Create-A-Hero. Assuming that I am reading what you wrote right, it sounds like you want to give your arc a thread of its own. From my experience, spin-off threads don't last very long (ask Indy how her attempt went). If it will be divorced from Create-A-Hero (i.e. it has nothing to do with our game), then ignore my advice. :)
hey, so thanksgiving is coming up fast and I see that no one has really come to me about the Arc I proposed, but I still kind of want you guys' input on it and stuff, the arc was basically an open arena type thing that spanned mutliple dimensions, and all of our characters would work together somehow to close holes in the space-time continuim.

You might want to try to PM people and ask them. Since most people communicate in the discord channel for planning in this game, the arc could have easily slipped through the cracks. Other possibilities could include people already committing their characters to other arcs. For example, all of my characters are booked in my Mandela Effect arc until the season finale. Also, the original pitch for the arc was a little bit confusing, so you might want to explain it again or at least show that you have fleshed out some ideas.

Aubrey Adkins

Pacific Point, CA

I climbed the last story to reach the rooftop of the Children’s Hospital of Pacific Point. The staff of the hospital, who had invited me to make an appearance for one of their sick patients, requested that I enter via the roof. Otherwise, I would have caused a fiasco if I had waltzed through the front door. Some people probably would swarm me, wanting autographs or pictures, while others might be concerned that a superhero would be a magnet for supervillains. And let’s be honest here: I wouldn’t blow off the second group’s concerns, as trouble is usually not far away when people like me are around.

“Sorry about the delay. I had a few costume issues to sort out,” I apologized while I caught my breath, holding my hands on my hips. I actually made good time considering I came by foot, but I had to dash here from my apartment to do so. If I had not made the mistake of setting the Game Genie cube to make me look like a human-shaped Spider-Gwen rather than the current drider one, I would have gotten here way faster.

“You’re right on time, so don’t worry about it,” the staff members, who probably had organized this whole event, told me.

“And we weren’t expecting such an authentic looking costume, too!” a nurse, who had accompanied the staff member to the roof, complemented me. Since she was the only nurse waiting for me, I guess that she was assigned to the girl, whom I came to see. I can't really take all the credit for the costume. The Game Genie tech did all the magic.

“You have no idea how hard to keep this thing clean. I don’t know how anyone in my profession wears white.”

“Probably with a ton of bleach,” the nurse proposed.

“Shall we head inside?” the staff member asked while gesturing towards the door. Both I and the nurse nodded in agreement.

The first challenge of the day was to get this Spider-Gwen costume to work with my drider anatomy. The second challenge then presented itself on the roof: getting through the roof access door. However, the issue wasn’t what you’re probably thinking. My spider abdomen is actually quite malleable, so I could just squeeze it through the doorway. The issue was with my legs being wider than the door. I had to put my first two pairs of legs through the door first and pull myself through. Luckily the rest of the hospital had double doors throughout.

After winding through the hospital’s corridors, the nurse and staff member finally lead me to the room that housed the patient I came to see. Again, I had to wiggle my way through a door not built with a person like me in mind. But once I got through the door, I immediately saw the young girl’s eyes shine with excitement. She was quite young, maybe around eight years old. Her head was entirely bald, probably from the chemotherapy. In her arms, the girl clung tight to a Spider-Gwen plush doll.

“Look who came to see you, Molly,” the nurse told the young girl in one of those voices adults use when talking to young children. The nurse helped Molly sit up in her bed and slip into the slippers resting in front of the bed. The nurse then aided the girl in walking over towards me.

“This is the best day of my life!” Molly blurted out before she wrapped her arms around my waist, still holding tight to the Spider-Gwen plushie. This all just melted my heart, yet broke it at the same time. I could save the city from rampaging metahumans and insane terrorists, but I was powerless to do anything for this girl except as moral support.

Or could I? I have a healing factor. Would giving a blood transfusion potentially cure the cancer Molly had? But it couldn’t just as simple as it is in the comics. I bet the regular blood transfusion rules still apply. Also, would it be fair to all of the other children not only in this hospital, but also all across the country that this girl gets a miracle treatment and they wouldn’t? And what would the possible complications be? Would it even be worth it?

And even if I would try to donate as much blood to as many sick children as possible, I only have so much blood to give. Who would decide who would receive a dose and who would have to wait? That’s just a decision that I could never make without having some regrets for the children who die before I could donate any more blood. But does that mean I shouldn’t do it at all?

“Mommy, could I get a picture? Please!” Molly turned to her mom and dad, who were standing to the side.

“Is that alright with you?” Molly’s mother asked me as she pulled her cell phone.

“I don’t see why not,” I answered back. I then lowered myself, so the underside of my spider half was resting against the hospital floor right next to Molly. After I placed one arm over Molly’s shoulder while throwing up two fingers in a peace sign, her mom snapped a few pictures.

“Can Spider-Gwen make a swing for me? Can she, can she?”

“If you take it easy, I’ll allow it,” the nurse relented. Her parents nodded in agreement.

“Molly, could you stand by your mom while I make a swing for you?”

After Molly had stepped aside, I took a look at the ceiling: it looked stable enough to support a little girl. I then propped myself up on my second and third pairs of legs to elevate myself high enough to reach the ceiling. My hind pair of legs were tasked with drawing silk from the spinnerets on my spider abdomen, while my front legs conveyed this silk up to my hands, so I could adhere it to the ceiling. After a few minutes of work, I was able to make a swing out of a handful of web strands. To complete the swing, I wrapped a nonstick silk around the bottom half where Molly would be sitting and holding onto the swing.

The nurse then helped Molly over to the swing. Once she was sitting on the makeshift swing, I gently began to push her forward.

“So, what made you decide to be a superhero?” Molly asked me as she continued to swing. This question made me pause for a moment to think. This drastic change to my life had happened so fast that I never stopped to contemplate such a question.

“At first, I kind of was thrust into it. After I developed my powers, it was just the thing to do,” I began to answer Molly’s question. “But after a while, I realized that doing this job allowed me to be myself. While I was in costume, I didn’t need to hide who I was. I hate lying to my family and friends. It’s a break from the façade I have to wear all day long. Maybe someday I'll be able to be myself without hiding behind a mask, but until then, this will have to do.”

"Is it because you're afraid the bad guys might hurt you friends if they found out who you are?"

"There's that. But I'm also afraid what others will think if they knew what I really am."

"I'm sure there are plenty of people who wouldn't feel different of you. I don't!"

"I hope so."
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