Avatar of DemonMiyu


Recent Statuses

9 mos ago
Current New site update. Oh my goodness everything is weird 😳
1 yr ago
Why is so hard to find decent manga? I feel like I've read everything twice xD
1 yr ago
New Thing I learned about my partner: He mumbles in his sleep :P
1 yr ago
If anyone is interested, I edited this yesterday: roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
1 yr ago
not me finally back after a long hiatus and wanting to roleplay like it's my lifeline T-T
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God, I haven't edited this in forever.

Hi, guys, I'm Demon_Miyu! I'm 22, going on 23, and I am~

And damn proud of it. I've cultivated my tastes over the years and thanks to college, I've learned how to plagiarize without getting caught hone my writing craft. Thanks for checking in, there's free coffee, tea and hot chocolate on the way out. Water bottles are 3$, because I am master of my domain and you follow my logic, damn it!

Most Recent Posts

Bump again.
Bump. PM if interested or @me.
My name is River. I am seventeen years old and I am second in my class in terms of grades. I am poor. I work after school just to feed my small family. My schedule is Wake up, go to school, work, eat, sleep. I can't see colors. Everything is black and white to me. A doctor said my eyes were fine, but no matter what, glasses, eye drops, home remedies. Everything is Black and White and that's fine, because it's my life.

But what if someone told me otherwise? And asked me one question instead?

Hello. Welcome to my request! I'm Demon_Miyu, I've been on this site for about three years, give or take a few months and I recently read a webcomic by the name of Annarasumanara, which gave the inspiration for this roleplay. Now onto the bits and bobbles.

I'm looking for someone to play the person in River's life that shows her how to have hope again. The 'Magician' who gives her the power to see color again. I'd like to request that you be fine with playing a male character among as side female characters to move the plot along. Whether the 'Magician' and River form a romantic relationship will depend on the path the roleplay takes. Each actions all of our characters take with have a reward and a consequence on our main characters, along with the World.

And one more question for all of your reading:
Do you believe in Magic?
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