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    1. demonspade64 10 yrs ago


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Current Also screw those who claim Talos is not a god
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The Imperials let the Thormal walk all over us Nords we must retake our independence!
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I just review what anime was premiering this season, and i notice that Detective Conan IS STILL AIRING. LIKE WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK!
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imagine you died, and then god come to you and asks. "So, how did you like heaven?"


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One more question.

Can Luz see souls through other solid objects like walls and trees?
Hobgoblin Luz


Luz looked puzzled when Gird answers her question with confusion looking at his own body, then again it took her a few seconds to see it so maybe it was hard to see his black aura from where he was at, that was one of her theories. Since Gird didn't may she actually tried to touch it only for the aura to pass through her hand without even so much as feeling warm "I can't feel it..." She then sighed. "Nevermind, i guess there no more point of wasting any more time, Let's get moving and make the goddess proud should we?" Luz told him.

Luz then ran with him with him in the lead, sprinting through the forest at her new top speed, loving how much faster her new form as she ran past the trees and clear fallen logs with a that send her to fly higher then it did yesterday. She felt quite proud and empowered of what she achieved last night. One last thing she needs to find out, was her new form stronger as well? Well, she will find out soon enough.
As Luz ran a horned rabbit ran across her path, she avoids it by jumping but couldn't help but notice a strange glow in its body which had her looking at it and thinking about how odd it was while she was in the air. Thankfully the rabbit fled the scene so Luz wasn't distracted long, So she continued her sprint to try to regain the gap between her and Gird.

Luz follow Gird slowing down a bit before sliding her feet on the ground she could stop beside him. I take it this was the place Grandpa mention to you?" She deducted remembering what Gird told her the other day about the spider area.

Hee that a good way of getting us to the other two, wish i thought of that.
Hobgoblin Luz


When Luz put the bracelet on Luz couldn't help but notice that her vision was slightly different, everything seems slightly dimmer but she assume that maybe cause a cloud or tree was blocking the sun so she just glances it off and waited for Gird to finishes getting ready. Once Gird arrives she would turn to him and asks. "Doesn't it seems darker out than usu-" She then cuts herself off she notices something more off about his appearance than before and glares at him looking a bit weirded out. "Hmmm...what is that...dark glow around you?" Luz asked him. Luz couldn't help but curious about it as she stepped closer to him. "Is it safe to touch?" Luz asked him wanting to touch the dark aura not knowing what it was.

Luz then sighed in disappointment. "Actually I think we should try to get this job done as fast as possible, for i am sure it would please our goddess and show our worth to her as followers." Luz suggested to him.

@Jangel13 Question above.
I got a question

when you said
she could see the beating of his heart matching in rhythm to the beating of his soul.
Did you mean she could literally see his heart through his body or can she only see the beating of it some how
Hobgoblin Luz

“I don’t like the term underling. Friend or follower is good enough”

Luz tilted her head, sighed, and said "Well i guess that good enough" Luz told him accepting the bracelet from him. When Luz heard that the goddess gave her a bracelet as a gift her mood then lighten. "Oh, at least i was acknowledged...Thank you. At least i wasn't beaten by someone who didn't deserve her blessing. though i am somewhat disappointed I'm glad you got acknowledge out of all the clan. You are a good leader who gets's stuff done after all." Luz said sounding less bitter than before but still kind of saddening. But she wasn't a girl who would cry about it, crying solves nothing but actions and hard work solve fix problems.

"Let me hide some of my things and gather some stuff and we can go." She told him Before sneaking into the back entrance of the church only to find that group from last night was now gone. Which made it easy to hide her club, Two rabbit horns, and rabbit fur somewhere in the storage area(Do not steal from her unless you want to invoke the wrath of Sithis a former yakuza heiress). Of course, Luz doesn't care if Gird sees cause she trusts him.

Then pick up one of the skulls from the skeletons from last night before going back outside to gather some ivy she begins tying the skull so it would hang near her hip. Now that Luz was prepared to leave it was now time to make it official. "Now! it is time to officially join the ranks of Duvelna." She told Gird with resolve before she finally puts on her new bracelet.


I post as soon as i get the chance tonight. I take it you want to post how seeing seeing someone soul,strenght, and life expectancy would look to her after my next post?
Hobgoblin Luz


Luz blushed for a second and smiled when Gird commented on her new looks. "Oh thank yo-" She then cut herself off as she thought about what he said for a second. "Wait Goddess? you mean Duvelna right?" Luz asked him just to make sure before looking around for any signs that she was still around. She then turned back to him. "Was that the one in the cloak, the one you were talking to?" Luz asked him.

When Gird told her that he receive the blessings of the Death Goddess she then looked a bit saddened, then she looked away."Oh...oh well congratulations..." She said awkwardly, then she put on a fake smile cause she didn't want to show Gird any weakness or discontent. "You earned it." She told him trying to seem happy for him. She hesitated to take the bracelet from him. "Equals?" She whispered looking a bit angry yet she tried to hide it with a smile. She then took a deep breath. "I'm afraid i can't be your equal at this point, but i will follow you in your quest as an underling...if you allow me." She rejected that motion cause she felted she was pitied. She then held her hand out to receive the bracelet waiting for him to accept or reject her motion.


I was actually going to wait til luz put it on in her post to say but here:

Red skull bracelet: grants the ability to see souls. The ability to see souls and their strength. The user can see enemies even in pitch darkness so long as they are alive and contain a soul. Can also see the strength of the soul to determine the strength of the creature or life expectancy.

Can she see her own soul and strength and compare it to Girds?
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