Avatar of Dnafein
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    1. Dnafein 7 yrs ago
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I heard a rumor that RE2 is being remastered.
6 yrs ago
I too like pokemon. They are amazing, especially with a side of rice or potato and a salad.
6 yrs ago
@cosmicsherbert; Your right. But its an option...
6 yrs ago
I really wanna talk to someone about that Thanos/Vader stare down just before the infinity war credits started.


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I'll try and have a cs to by saturday.@Ambra
Here is the approved

East of Portland. We're in Oregon unless I'm super lost.
I think Drakey is looking at the wrong Arlington.

Raphael lowered his book and turned to watch the group gathering to leave. He scratched Athena behind her ears while Maisy made her radio announcement. Standing Rafe set down the book and leaned against the wall and watched as the group left.

Cupping his hands around his mouth he yelled after them. “Have fun storming the castle.” His eyes fell to the scouts in the field below. “You guys see what your supposed to be watching for yet? No? Then keep looking.”

It took a bit of discussion before the group left the barge. The first argument was about the women having to carry the prisoner; This was solved when it was established that both Billy and Vicky were armed and neither would allow anyone else to handle their rifles. The second discussion occurred when Maisy made her announcement over the radio.

At first the former captives reacted poorly. Suspicions forming about their rescuers, suspicions that the Lasthopians were quick to dissuade. However the conversation turned to the Arlingtoners desire to wait for Maisy’s group. Once it was pointed out that there could also be bandits on the way the group was quickly on its way.

Billy strode ahead of the women clustered around the prisoner while Vicky brought up the rear. The march was uneventful, and soon Arlington was in sight. The rescued women started to rush ahead, William dragged his heels a bit but allowed an increased pace.He raised his arm in a slow wave to the guards on the wall.

The women not carrying the Duke rushed forward as the gates opened. William singled out one of the guards. ”Fetch whoever is in charge and a friend. You need to take this prisoner off the ladies hands.”

His head swiveled looking for a face he recognized. Spotting one of the troopers Billy waved him over. ”Fetch the boss,” He started. “She should be here when we turn over this one.”
<Snipped quote by Poi>

Expand as you like on this level, maybe the Duke only could only get part of his band to come along

Didn't realize Trevor was referring to the same barge that the marksmen are at. I'm going to pass it off as another one nearby with more bandits (to fill in the other roles that Rumi sent pictures to me). Marksmen might cross paths or something.


Or one group went up river the went downriver. Could even be 2 groups.
I'm reading...DNA dragged me in...y'all in need of anything particular character-wise?


Sorry i've been staring at a blank cs trying to put something together. My schedule just got busy so i thought i'd let you know that it might be a week or two before i have the time to pound my head into the wall until the creative juices start flowing on this sheet and ii am capable of doing my usual research for the perfection i seek in my cs'.

If you have to start without me go right ahead. If you'd prefer i withdrawl i can do so as well.

Apologies either way.
<Snipped quote by Dnafein>

The Borg didnt invade fully until much later but there were a few encounters with the borg. Archer of the first Enterprise battled a borg probe once. Not to mention the borg did go back to the time of Zefram Cochrane but yeh the age of the character is slightly off.

The probe Archer faced was from the remains of the destroyed cube sent back to prevent first contact between humans and vulcans. They were discovered by archeologists in antartica and inadvertently reactivated. Even those two events only happened because of the Enterprise D's encounter in 2366. And again I feel it should be pointed out that before the enterprise the only humans who heard anything more then rumors were the Hansens (seven of nine's parents) and they had to travel all the way to the delta quadrant to find them.

This site has themajority of the canon history of the borg. Memory beta might have more from the books. Also Netflix has al. The series. I think i saw the animated series as well.

Unless they're a spy posing as Vulcan

A very likely scenario, there have been a a number of them before.
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