Avatar of Doc Doctor


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3 yrs ago
Current Moved to Discord. Visit my YouTube channel (ArtyPickles PvP) at m.youtube.com/channel/UCVer…


Call me Doc. I'm open to just about every form of roleplay at any time, so if you want to have some fun just toss a P.M my way.

I do prefer RM, URM, or low tier fights, with human or peak human hand-to-hand and swords & sandals being my speciality.
Challenge me to a match just any old time!

Arena Characters: http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/87852-docs-characters-no-posting/ooc#post-3105991

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Ten thousand of the upper class had gathered, and their cries hit the man standing in the middle of the arena like a physical impact. He could feel the metal of his helm reverberating with their enthusiasm. It was like this every fresh season. The Captain of the Guard himself cutting the ribbon, and at the same time proving to the Empire that he was still the right man for the job. He hefted his greataxe on high, screaming back at the crowd and frothing at the mouth.


The Emperor dropped his head into his hands, suffocating a faint sob. The chief advisor patted him softly on the back, nodding with solemn understanding.

"This year for sure, M'Lord. That vulgar animal shant tarry on this world another day, corrupting the public with the provocative enticements of obscenity and immaturity. The next Captain of the Guard shall not taint thine image, I swear it. I have sought long for two combatants that may cleanse our ranks of this... Creature. Please, M'Lord, cover thine ears. His hogspeak is not fit for thy divine tastes."

The sky loomed red and black, befouled by the presence of a volcano not thirty miles from the arena. The crowd howled back their approvement of Kull's ridiculous ravings, the Captain now marching around in tight circles, heaving his axe up and down with spittle flecked screams, head twitching like it was hooked up to a car battery.


On one side of the arena, an enormous wrought iron portcullis cranked up. What sort of challenge was set against the red cloaked moron!?

Crimson Throne Arena- 100 yard diameter circular fighting ground. Sixty years of death has resulted in the arena being littered with thousands of cracked teeth and bone chips, easily identifiable to one who'd examine a handful of the blood tinted sand.

SPECIALTY RULE- Each participant must wait 1-2 posts between responses to maintain proper timing and a consistent idea of each fighter's position. The order will begin with Kull, followed by the whomever has posted first following his emote. Participants may collaborate their posting order after every action by myself, I.E, I post, and Lilly and Dame may decide who will respond first and second, then I post again, repeat.

Battle Theme-

I'll set up the thread tonight.

Great character! Now we just need one more applicant.

The Knave had been ready to initiate his seven league step the moment Gren tried anything, and he did when his opponent activated his auras. Gren apparently didn't intend to move out of the way, estimating that he could stop Knave cold with his armor if the freak survived the kunai. However, Knave's reaction wasn't limited to just the seven league step. Seeing his opponent decked out in such a flashy way, he determined that this one might have powers to rival his own.

He couldn't dodge the kunai, not at all, but Knave had other options for such an attack. He could use the enchantment of his necklace at will. He ghosted and rephased in an instant, allowing the weapon to pass into his immaterial body before reasserting his physical state to atomise the kunai. If an opponent lets go of a weapon, you make sure to boot it away just in case it was their only tool. In leau of a boot, Knave played it safe and just destroyed the thing in case his opponent slipped away to get it back. At the same instant he destroyed the kunai (which Gren wouldn't know about, as for all he knew it just went right through), Knave would also activate his Hong Xian, the unseen and unfelt thread of fate shooting from his ankle at lightning speed to covertly catch Gren and prevent him from escaping.

He'd wind up tackling Gren full force, again phasing to pass through the titan armor to directly impact his target. Even if Gren's armor was infused with ether, what could be interpreted as life energy, Knave would still pass through any matter on a physical scale. Even imbued with life, it still contained nonliving, nonbiological elements. The only exception was what Knave wore, as per his necklace's enchantment. Energy purely crafted from the ether of an organism, such as Gren's electricity (unless it was drawn from nature), would be able to make contact.

The blow, if it didn't outright obliterate Gren, would still send him flying backwards at high speed without any footing.

But, when the dust cleared, if all that came to pass, it would seem that Gren wasn't the one in need of an escape, if he'd somehow lived. The Crimson cloaked figure was lit like a Christmas tree. His hair was standing up, eyes rolled back into his head, and a small rivulet of blood ran down the front of his gaping mouth, making choked noises like a dying goat. If it were a continuous discharge, he'd wind up with his arms plastered around Gren's (intact?) torso and under his armpits in a jittering, frozen bearhug, like paper stuck to a balloon all static style, probably lying atop the pirate amidst a trench carved from their landing big enough to fit a semi trailer in. The poor fuck hadn't even gotten to draw his sword yet.

Gren had seen firsthand The Knave's speed and ability to ignore matter. Nice, but Gren knew what high voltage did. Killed motor functions, shorted out neural impulses. A bird casually swooped a dozen meters over head and let drop a turd, which would plop against the back of Knave's head and begin sizzling like an egg.
I'd like to put in a little practice fighting multiple opponents, so is anyone at all willing to gang up on me? Hell, I'll do a 3v1 if enough people are interested.

The character I'm using;

Though I can usually maintain one active fight at all times, it's never enough. Haven't had anyone in the Guild or in Discord, aside from good ol' Liliya (who doesn't count because she already fights me all the time), eager to cross mortal blades with me in almost two years, least of all in a ranked setting. Henceforth, I looked back and found as many of my unanswered pleas for combat as I could find and compiled 'em. Hopefully this beacon will set the heavens alight with my desire.

It's that time again.
Yes, time for a ranked match.

Human/peak human tier, nothing fancier than modern weapons. An unarmed fight or perhaps some sword and shield would be a pleasure.

What about an unranked fight with Donny then?

How about a low-tier/human level ranked match?

Anyone up for a human/low tier ranked match?

Anyone up for a low, mid, or human tier ranked match?

Just what do I have to do to get another match!?

I'm actually in the mood to use Zande in a human tier match. Any takers?

Anybody up for a match?


Knave frowned like a child, bottom lip stuck out, dropping all pretenses of friendliness when he saw he couldn't trick the man into talking.

"Such nerve... Trying to kill me for my treasure? Not even trying to make up for it by telling me secrets, even after you got to find out about my great stealth power? I found the treasure, not you. Fine, be like that..."

*Another beat, this one a little awkward*

"Yes, it was very pretty in there."

At this point, Gren might find himself abruptly thrust into the next life, and wondering what the fuck had just happened. He'd been able to sense Knave's presence popping up from behind due to the mana inherent to the fellows magical items, but that had been after Knave had stopped, Gren having then the fraction of a second he needed to register the ether. He'd not know if Knave had teleported, ghosted, or even as the man had misleadingly stated, used 'stealth power'.
Gren likely felt he could activate and rely on his bullet time, ability to detect hostile intent, and ether sense in either scenario. The hostile intent was there all right, this freak meant to end him. The Knave had once killed a wounded farmer with a hoe simply because the man had carelessly trampled a few potatoes, after all. At the moment, Knave was in a similar state of mind. Enchanted items were usually phenomenally durable, at least the ones worth having. He'd pluck them out of the mess afterward, if they were strong enough to have survived.

The instant Knave finished talking, he took a step forwards. A step that, the moment his foot began moving, propelled him forwards nearly 50% faster than the Juno space probe. The acceleration was immediate, the speed was so intense that the leaves of every tree within a tenth of a mile were shredded and the bark stripped like cheap paint. The very air filled with blue friction fire, and the ground behind him exploded as if Knave had stepped on a landmine with a payload the size of Trump's MOAB. If Gren at all tried anything before Knave, either with words or a visible power, the seven league step would be the instant rebuttle.

Gren could, at base power, react to things around 1/1,000 of a second, roughly. Knave was set to hit him in less than 1/20,000 of a second, and with no warning. Gren's brain couldn't process the assault in time to use a flash step, which would've likely been far slower than Knave anyways and required one to know where they want to end up, more time devoted to conscious thought. Even if he could have seen it coming with his lightning aura, He'd not have any time at all to activate it, let alone percieve the attack coming. His power to detect hostility let him know about harmful intent, but not the nature or potency of the attack, and probably not the exact moment the intent would be acted upon unless the enemy had at that moment decided to act on impulse over calculation resulting in a shift in the magnitude of their blood lust. Knave had been out to kill in cold blood from the moment he lost his treasure, with about the same attitude a man takes with him to gas a beehive after being stung.

As for the possibility of Gren surviving if he got hit, it was, well, nil. He could lift eight tons easily, but presumably couldn't endure more than fifty times that at base power. Knave, meanwhile, was a 150 pound projectile traveling at over mach 300, generating at least 70,000 psi from air pressure alone. Suffice to say, if Gren got hit, which he likely was going to be...

He'd be gibbed into hamburger so hard that the cave ruins behind him would've been sheeted in his pureed viscera, if they hadn't been blown to dust by the shock wave first. Knave could move through that air pressure as if it were a gentle breeze, such was his magically amped strength and toughness. In short, The Knave tried to walk through Gren as though he were made of rice paper.

A thick plume of dust gouted from the entrance, and in moments the cave had collapsed into itself with noise enough to echo across the forest.


"'Oy, You're quite the bastard, aren't you? Could've been someone in there. Wot's more, there might've been treasure. Regular ass, jus' coz you got 'ere first. Say, how'd you do that, anyways? 'Splosives?"

For The Knave, the cave-in might as well have been in slow motion. Had the dragon been real? Had it come back in a great fury? One way to find out. The coins were as good as gone, but he could shift through the rubble for the chest after dealing with the damned beast.

Knave became immaterial to material, slipped underground, and flashed towards the direction of the source of the initial shockwave before the first boulder had struck the floor. He shot out from the mountain twenty yards below the level of the entrance, and zipped right back up to try and catch sight of the problem from behind. If a dragon there was, he wanted to be behind it and unseen. Not out of fear, but because he was pissed enough to want to let it know how much it had fucked up with a casual nudge to the tail before he freed its brains from its skull case.

Such was Knave's surprise at seeing a lone man. Dragon or man, this one had very much ruined Knave's day. He had somehow destroyed the cave by himself. Had he an artifact as well? Knave had to find out before he took revenge, lest he lose out on another treasure.

Gren, clearly preferring wanton force over his sensory abilities to scope out enemies, might not realize there was someone five feet behind him in the split second it took Knave to leave the cavern and double back, at least until the red cloaked man spoke up. The Knave would be leaning back, right hand planted on his hip and the left shading his eyes from the sun as he admired the destruction, like a shameless tourist come to gawk at a the pyramids. His sword was slung over his back, hilt at his right shoulder. He looked like a regular boob adventurer, with his gaudy clothes and unguarded stance.
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