Avatar of Doc Doctor


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3 yrs ago
Current Moved to Discord. Visit my YouTube channel (ArtyPickles PvP) at m.youtube.com/channel/UCVer…


Call me Doc. I'm open to just about every form of roleplay at any time, so if you want to have some fun just toss a P.M my way.

I do prefer RM, URM, or low tier fights, with human or peak human hand-to-hand and swords & sandals being my speciality.
Challenge me to a match just any old time!

Arena Characters: http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/87852-docs-characters-no-posting/ooc#post-3105991

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-After searching the dead guards for anything of interest, Donny patiently ejected the spent casings from his revolver and reloaded both guns as Pycin spoke to him. After the Grand Minister finished speaking Donny teleported back down the hall, stopped by the door the guards had come through, and fired his new quantum rifle at it to see if it'd make a hole. He'd do so at an oblique angle just in case, for some science reason, the energy bounced off. He doubted it would, that'd a huge deterrent for the guards to use their own weapons, but if Donny had learned anything over the course of his career it was that there is always a good reason to expect the worst.-

"Whah certainly, mistah Pycin. Ah've got some free tahm on mah hands."

-Regardless of the result, he'd also check out the other functions of the device. Could it access some form of Quatis internet, did it have confidential information files, a blueprint of the ship maybe? He wanted to learn as much as he could. Hell, if it did have internet he'd immediately Wiki GM Pycin.-
@Indie Deme

-Donny didn't try to counter. Instead he only defended, methodically swaying back just out of range of the first jab and pawing the second off course to the right of his head with with his left hand, and when the kick came, he'd neatly hop back a pace onto his rear right leg, hiking his left knee up so that Aries would instead painfully bang the metatarsals in his foot against Donny's raised heel as it hooked up. The killer was patient, still tranquil, studying Aries with dull eyes.-

"Name's Charlie."
@Indie Deme

-He emerged from the shadows of the corridor like a deep sea creature, entering the arena at a deliberately slow gait. The man was of a slightly smaller stature than Aries, and none too pretty to boot. His body was devoid of hair aside from what was on his head. He had ginger hair slicked roughly back and a curt mustache adorning his lip, nothing more. Furthermore, he had a dad bod. No chisled abs, his limbs adequately beefy but none too telling about his level of physical fitness. It could be assumed that he was strong under that layer of unflattering baby fat, a stern, practical strength achieved from a long stint in the military aided by habitual upkeep. The red striped dolphin shorts didn't help matters. What he did have in aces, were tattoos. On his left bicep, a fanged skull topped with a green beret overlaying crossed arrows, a dagger thrust up through the jaw. A trio of lightning bolts cut through the hilt of the dagger, and looming out of an eye socket was a black viper, venom dripping from exposed fangs. Below the skull, there was a crossed out motto with a newer one tattooed right below it.-


-Taking up the expanse of his stomach and torso was an angel of death, robed in gray tatters with a gaunt skull peering out from a ratty hood. Vast black feathered wings arched above it, the tips meeting at the base of Donny's neck.
The last notable tattoo covered the entirety of his back. It portrayed a crimson sunset over a sprawling prairie landscape. The sun was a bleeding skull, the blood from its sockets, septum, and gaping maw oozing over shadowy mountains and setting the grass aflame. In the midst of it all, a pitch black rider sat upon an equally black horse, blue prairie fire writhing about its hooves and snout. The rider's face was a pale smudge with glistening shark's eyes and a wide-brimmed hat. A bundle of scalps were tied at his belt, the dark, dried skin rusted with caramelized blood. Draped across Donny's shoulder blades over the scene was another motto, this one in English, not Latin.-


-He too paced a lazy five yards into the arena before assuming his stance. Feet spaced to the width of his shoulders, left foot leading, back straight and knees slightly bent. His left side was favored towards Aries, and when he raised his fists, he kept them up past the level of his jawline, elbows close to his body. He radiated a black tranquility, an ominous kind of calm similar to the cool lethality of a loaded gun found in father's closet. A standing tragedy built upon the dead dreams of the forgotten.-
*Post within 72 hours or forfeit. No exceptions, no warnings.

*After each player has posted fifteen times, for a total of thirty posts, a judge will be called in to decide a winner.

*Limit four attacks per post.

*All physical and mental feats called into question must be able to be referenced, and must be within the limitations of what current and past MMA fighters have showcased.

*Human tier only, no protective equipment or weapons.


A solid sandstone arena. There is nothing to pick up to use as a weapon or tool. The arena has a diameter of fifteen yards.


-No privates, then. Donny immediately understood that these guards weren't military police or the like. He was being detained by either some form of law enforcement or security contractors, and he wasn't inside of a military installation. He'd also not have relied on the ambient noise to cloak the sound of the zipper, rather, pulling it down during his coughs, moans, and moments of speech. Once it was open, he'd raise his face off the floor and look closely at the device on his wrist, opening his mouth as if he were going to speak into it, relay information to a higher up. It was actually ready for him to select a shown coordinate. He knew which one he wanted. There was a faint *click* disguised by a wretching cough, and Donny suddenly prodded the tip of his nose against the coordinate. In a flurry of blue light he vanished. In his place, having been removed from his suit and placed on the floor, was a live frag grenade.
He doubted they'd survive that even if they had protective masks. He appeared in the room with the chest, just behind the wall by the exit. The other officers wouldn't have reached it yet, but they'd be in sight a ways down the hall. Six of them. They'd probably turn towards the sound of the detonation. Donny's shaving mirror would tell him if they did, and if they did, he'd angle his glock around the corner and pull the trigger six times, fast. He needed only their reflections to know where to shoot. He'd noticed that certain areas on his device weren't accessible. He needed to kill all the hostiles before they had time to call for more backup and buy at least a minute or to to more thoroughly search the body of the apparent leader or supervisor to see if they had anything he didn't have, and to figure out a path that'd take him to a place where he could traverse from ship to ship and access a civilian area.-

-Kill or bluff. Well, since he had decapitated the person who had last owned this suit, there was already a large stain of blood that had spread down the front. Might as well roll with it. His eyes grew dim, staring off into the distance. He subtly bit into his tongue, slowly sagged to his hands and knees facing the floor, and clutched at his chest with his free right hand. The left held the rifle. He had put the suit on over his normal clothing, a bit awkward, but it was necessary. A thin streamer of blood stretched from his lips to the floor, and basing his performance off of what he'd seen many still-living but wounded men do, he made sure each breath was a pained wheeze from the back of his throat, accentuated with cringing, full body groans of pain. Then, without so much as a ghost of a trace of any accent, he replied.-

"Urrrrggggh... Private Rip Hanlon. There was a *wheeeeze* strange woman, while we were looking at her he killed them... Quick, they're taking weapons from the holding room!"

-He lowered his forehead to the floor, body quaking. Past his wheezing, they most likely wouldn't hear the sound of his suit zipper being pulled open.-

As Fanny picked the coin up, she may or may not notice a teeny irregularity. The barest notion of a glimmer, almost impossible to notice unless you were intentionally looking for it with squinted eyes. Presumably it'd also left a trail of string behind it. Either way, Donny would catch the coin in his left hand with a raised bald brow, by this point doing his best not to look as surprised as he actually felt. Some kind of reality warping, or gravity manipulation? Regardless, soon his attention was drawn to the open door that the guards rushed through. Quick as the demon he was he unzipped his fly (complete with his dick hanging out) and smoothly passed the coin to his other hand before they had a clear line of sight, then slouched back in his chair as Fanny vanished.

"Ayah, don't shoot naow! Ah'm just as confused as-"

-He threw his arms out and up in surrender, crossing them at the wrist above his head and dropping the roll of quarters. They spilled all over the floor, making a fine mess. He then glanced down in dismay only for his expression to further morph, mouth dropping open and eyes bulging, making sure the guards were inclined to follow his line of sight down to his crotch.-

"M-mah weinah's stickin' out! Oh Lawrdy, it's nawt how it looks, Ah swear!!"

-He didn't want them to notice the coin he'd slip from between two fingers into his palm, gripping it tightly so that it wouldn't slip loose when he yanked. He wanted them to consider him the lesser threat as compared to Fanny as well. He'd simultaneously created a humorous situation and acted to draw their attention downwards with both the dropped coins and his wide-open fly. Maybe they'd even infer that he'd been about to pay her for a favor. Anything to even remotely increase his chances of getting out of there. His dynamic surrender had served to upset the room-spread microfilament strand into the air, so that even the guards who'd moved behind and to either side of him would walk through into it, the wire gently draping about the backs of their necks and following them as they took their positions. When Donny had crossed his wrists, his thumb in passing had pushed a button on his watch that'd set the wire to free-reel, giving it the slack it needed to be drawn out by the motion of the guards.-

-A moment after declaring his embarrassment, Donny knew they'd expect a dope like him to cover himself or zip up his fly. They'd expect him to quickly drop his arms. He did. As he did, he uncrossed his wrists, in a blink his thumb again subtly pressing a button on the interface of his watch. This one was meant to reel the wire in. With white-knuckled power he'd thrust his arms down and to either side of his body, leaning his weight forwards, his muscular core wrenching the wire down and in, the death noose closing on the entire guard company. Were it a rope it'd haul them together by the necks. It wasn't a rope. The wire itself wasn't monomolecular, but consisted of several interwoven, multi-walled carbon nanocables made from CNT shells that had been subjected to high-energy electron irradiation. If it were too small the Van Der Waals force would prevent it from cutting limbs off. However, it still had to be able to shear through the collagen fibers in bone, which in a normal human may be severed with 5.5 piconewtons of force. A small child could kill someone with it by accident. Donny was a grown ass man who had served special forces, holding the literal 0.0013 millimeter lifeline of four men in his hands.
Should he successfully drop his arms without being shot, a breathless moment would pass, everyone in the room unmoving. One of the quarters that had been rolling on the floor would jutter onto its side, tinkling to an abrupt stop. Almost in unison there'd be four hearty thuds as the guard's collective heads tumbled off their shoulders and to the floor. Donny exhaled, and eyed the gaping door with the murderous calm of a hungry tiger. A muted spatter of footsteps and a passing shadow. The chair empty. The device on the floor snatched away. The box emptied. One of the deceased guards deprived of their gun and clothing. The suspect gone...-

-Donny pushed the plate to the floor and crossed his arms. He looked rather pissed off. He wasn't. It had been a personality test. He'd wanted to see if she was the jumpy sort who'd teleport off at the first sign of trouble, if her paranoia might prevent him from digging his claws in. This brashness was beyond his expectations though. Perhaps she wanted to record herself getting a rise out of him, something that'd stand in a case against him. Not that he intended to stay long.-

"Hmph. Guess yah don't have faith in meh, regardless of why yah be actin' like yah ain't no professional. An' hee-yah yah are, thinkin' Ah'm anythin' more'n a foreign bounty huntah who got lost 'n found. Yah even tryin' for ah fight with someone who ain't in court? Ya don't believe in miracles eithah, do yah?"

-He unfolded his arms, and in his right hand was a roll of quarters, the wrapping split at the top. He put his thumb upon the top coin, carefully angled the roll sideways, and with a neat flick sent the quarter rolling across the floor. It circled around Fanny and her chair before wobbling to a stop before the toe of Donny's left shoe, having made a full circuit before it fell flat. Donny eyed the mounted weapons for any tells as he carried on.-

"Hee-yah's a lil personal proverb Ah'll share with yah mah'm. All coins are trick coins. But even then, in what do men trust?"

-Donny dug into the pizza, eating as quickly as he could without choking. He ate like an animal, in a hurry to finish his meal. He wouldn't answer her until he finished, roughly a minute later. He brushed the crumbs from his mustache, and looking contemplative, answered her question.-

"Mmmmm... Whah not ask thah livin' Gawd hisself? Aftah all..."

-He tilted his face down, giving her a good Kubrick stare, eyes guileless and genuine.-

"Yaw're alreadah dead."

-He held up his left hand, and gave his fingers a sharp snap that reverberated throughout the room...-
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