Avatar of Doc Doctor


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3 yrs ago
Current Moved to Discord. Visit my YouTube channel (ArtyPickles PvP) at m.youtube.com/channel/UCVer…


Call me Doc. I'm open to just about every form of roleplay at any time, so if you want to have some fun just toss a P.M my way.

I do prefer RM, URM, or low tier fights, with human or peak human hand-to-hand and swords & sandals being my speciality.
Challenge me to a match just any old time!

Arena Characters: http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/87852-docs-characters-no-posting/ooc#post-3105991

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I shall remain!
Catskull had been trailing the group at a distance, watching for unwanted followers and traps. What he didn't predict was an army of evil charging from the front, but when he did take a gander he sighed in exasperation and flopped onto his back, feet kicking up and settling along with the rest of his body weight. The others could easily mow down such pathetic adversaries. Humans were scarier than mad beasts and monsters precisely because war is dictated by strategy, not stupidity. Not a single one of those creatures could fight or think with any degree of competency beyond that of a dumb animal. He figured two of the knights at the most was enough.
He relaxed and listened to the battle, sensitive to any foes unlucky enough to wander past the treeline and into his zone. He supposed he'd put in a little work if any of the buggers got in lazy reach.

Well cool. I'm up for it any time, so whenever you're ready just let me know.

Damn it Vordak, you got here before me.
Dibs on the winner.
Aye. There's been lots of past issues with crews coming in and using their own crooked judges in their own crooked tournaments, and sometimes even homegrown judges may be rather biased, so I'd recommend a set of three judges, one who knows neither party, and one from each player's 'camp', so to speak.

If you doubt a judge's neutrality, check their history. Keep a record of what actions take place during your fights, and try to stick to techniques with references. If you can't describe a move well, don't describe it at all. If you play your cards right you won't get the wrong end of the stick when you eventually run into someone dishonest.
He crossed the gangplank last, squinting in the sunlight. Too bright, too open, too populated. Catskull was wary. As he listened to the elf speak, he came to the decision to not attend the meeting. The others would take care of that. As the others followed the elf, Catskull dipped into the shadows between the encroaching trees and took his own route, scouting the general area and eavesdropping on any conversations he came across, studying the timing of the guards as they went about their rounds. If there was any shady business going on, Catskull bore a solid chance of finding out about it.

It wasn't likely that the elves were actual enemies, but Catskull was well versed in the art of war. If you let your guard down once, you'll be liable to let it down again, and all it takes is one slip, one mistake, one poor choice. Placing yourself at the mercy of a host may seem mundane and common, but time and time again have legions been taken in by friendly deception and massacred by those they trusted. The strong fighters of old always placed themselves beyond the reach of their enemy, to provoke and wait for weaknesses.

When a warrior stops moving, that is when he will most likely die.

I'm up for whatever
Catskull's tankard sat by itself on a table, abandoned, half empty. He'd only taken the one drink and then, true to his namesake, slipped quietly away like a cat the moment they had taken their eyes off him.

He was in the back of the hull once more, and had a wooden bowl on his head. He cut around it with a knife. How else do you give yourself a bowl cut?
Tankard in hand, Catskull filled it near to the brim with a thick, dark, frothy stout from the Northern provinces. He probably liked his coffee black too. It seemed uncharacteristic of him to merrily drink, and without his sword by his side at that. He smiled easily and sat down, chair creaking.

"Savages are more courteous than civilized men, as they may be impolite without having their skulls split. Tis a saying from a distance land, one mine ancestors had migrated away from many generations ago. Let us do away with formalities and toast to savagery. Skumps! Skumps!"

He cocked his head back and swilled half the pint down.
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