Avatar of Doc Doctor


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3 yrs ago
Current Moved to Discord. Visit my YouTube channel (ArtyPickles PvP) at m.youtube.com/channel/UCVer…


Call me Doc. I'm open to just about every form of roleplay at any time, so if you want to have some fun just toss a P.M my way.

I do prefer RM, URM, or low tier fights, with human or peak human hand-to-hand and swords & sandals being my speciality.
Challenge me to a match just any old time!

Arena Characters: http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/87852-docs-characters-no-posting/ooc#post-3105991

Most Recent Posts

@Sea Man

Tom stared, baffled, as the Law Mage appeared out of the blue. He blinked a few times to make sure he wasn't dreaming, slack jawed with his cigarette lilting in one corner of his mouth. After being addressed, he straightened up and stood, pushing his shades firmly up his nose. He'd have to think fast to get out of this one.

"Now listen Son, ya got it all wrong. I ain't Kentucky Tom. I'm actually his vessel. My job is to magically carry the REAL Tom around, against my own will mind ya, for his dirty deeds. Here, I ain't resistin'! I'll throw the little bastard out and you can arrest him first! Otherwise ya'll never catch 'em. I'll move real slow-like, all righty?"

@Sea Man

Everything's ready for you to post! When you respond please tag your I.C post with @mention so I know you left me a present.
Tom sat on a stump in a vacant lot, enjoying the noonday sun alongside a smoke. He was flat broke, but at least for now he could enjoy the little things.
Oops wrong place
@Sea Man

Sorry it took awhile to respond, distractions, diversions. Sounds good, ready when you are. Want me to make the thread?
@Sea Man

Well this indeed sounds like someone who'd be after Kentucky Tom. Should make for a very, very rare kind of wizard duel. Just one thing, how close do the magic mines spawn in relation to the convicted individual? Within coronavirus distance?
Sure thing
@Sea Man

I have a wizard, though he's not medieval, as well as a few powered medieval characters that may fit the bill.

A fast talking wizard auctioneer who casts spells with humiliating effects. Individually they're weak but they add up fast and can become dangerous.

An apocalyptic goblin of Yuletide folklore who went postal. He has immense physical power and swings around a sledge-axe the size of a mailbox.

A barbarian warrior and martial arts master. He wields great power and skill with compassion and honor but becomes a killing machine if he goes berserk.
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