Avatar of DoomFlavored


Recent Statuses

3 yrs ago
Current Just opened up a new Fairy Tail rp, enjoy :) - roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
3 yrs ago
Made an interest check for an upcoming Fairy Tail rp :) - roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
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4 yrs ago
Fishing rods and Big Freakin Guns - youtu.be/U4lz8MN6MQA
5 yrs ago
A question thread of mine has become possibly be useful for everyone. Thanks @OwO roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
5 yrs ago
Character sheets are necessary for GMs to make sure you have an idea of what you're doing and aren't going to pull random nonsense. Also necessary for guaging power scale.


I'm just a dude who likes vidya games, anime, Star Wars, all that cool nerd shit. Proud of it.

Most Recent Posts

Just got through the biggest speedbump I was having in the plot creation. The Dark Guild's goals after they'd completed their first one, and their identity.

Hydra Tongue!
Slithering, plotting, and always growing more heads.
Will custom magic be allowed?

Yep. I'm not married to canon. I usually try to take canon into consideration for comparing it to custom stuff, making sure nothing's getting stepped on. Also often times finding things in canon that need AU'd for keeping rp smooth. Like God Slayer magic just being taken off the table.
I've decided that the location for the new guild is going to be a bit north of Oak Town, which I am keeping the same except for I'm moving it further North and East to make it go along the river that flows through Fiore. I'm also having it closer to the northern ocean.

The guild will be north of Oak Town and actually be on the Coast Line that's full of cool cliffs and stuff :)

And the best part of the river that goes from north to south ends of Fiore means easy boat access for adventures to anywhere we like ^^. Bring Sea Sickness pills for the dragons.

*Low evil chuckling intensifies*
How's this for a guild hall folks? :D

An old ruin that the Guild Masters knew about. Seemed a great place to go to live, nice and sturdy and defendable and no need to spend months rebuilding! They never explored it fully though...

Take-Over options?

I like to not put many hard rules from the outset onto things, but rather judge individual concepts as they come. I do consider things quite carefully so keep that in mind, but you're welcome to come up with something that would be outside of just beasts ^^.

Was busy yesterday but after I get rest I plan on doing more work on the front page to get it looking nice.
corpse-based magic like my character will enchant various body parts

Sounds neat but I think that would make the light guilds and citizenry squeamish. Don't think they'd be very cooperative with allowing access to new parts. Would fit in perfectly for a Dark Guild character.
An alternative could be a bit of an Alphonse deal from FMA, where it's a friend or family member in a suit of armor and such and the character does the enchanting and stuff on them.

standard Magnolia

Alrighty, I'll take that under vote along with the like. While I still am considering another town/locale I did definitely at least want to be in the Fiore country.

Sapphire Falcon sounds pretty dope. May go with that :)
Finished up the first draft of the background story. Will fill in missing name blanks when I've got them ^^
The famous shower dragon!

Lol. Cleaning up the entire city as she flies spreading wetness and soapy gloss everywhere! Everyone in the vicinity has weird mental crisis's in their heads followed by sudden epiphanies related to food, and also look extra sexy while all soaped up ;3
I'm trying to come up with names for everything as that's quite the important step.
I was thinking Falcon Flight for the individualist guild and the teamwork guild being named Sapphire Hornet.

Still working on their alliance guild name
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