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@Invader Len maybe do a friendly mention for everyone who hasn't gone up yet, just to make sure people see :) I'll get something up soon if there's still a free podium when I get home tonight
@Invader Len Awesome :D funny thing about getting wind magic, a name I use for characters sometimes is Zephyr, so it would have been pretty funny if I used that here and got wind magic. But here I am Samuel and I shall make a post as soon as my time comes. I'll be hanging around until then
Originally I was going to say it how I have it now, I don't know, I just kinda felt like writing it differently.
@Invader Len Okay, so I pretty much revamped my character. New height and weight, totally new bio and personality, and I changed the wording on the dislike. I wrote out the bio and personality in first person, it just helped me get out how I wanted to say what his life is like. I promise if I get accepted I will be RPing in 3rd person like any civilized person does.

Also just a side note, had all 3 GM's really never heard the expression "you think your shit doesn't stink?" I thought it was common, it just means someone who thinks they're all that. Like they're so much better than everyone else you would assume they think they're shit smells like flowers and not...shit. Anyways, that's changed to "people who think they're better than everyone" so it's all good.
@Invader Len I'm gonna chalk most of my CS problems up to me wanting to rush the sheet to get it up today. Usually I'd take a lot longer. I'm not home right now so I can't fix it now, I'll work on it over the weekend
@Redmarshmellow I mean, I was pretty tall second year of high school. Taller than my parents, but to be fair they're kinda short
Only if we look down on them in a literal sense and it's all in good fun and we can be friends after we're done joking
There's a club? Do we meet up and reach things on high shelves?

I hope everything is in order, if not just let me know
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