Avatar of Ebil Bunny
  • Last Seen: 4 days ago
  • Old Guild Username: Eb1l 8unny
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1744 (0.46 / day)
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    1. Ebil Bunny 10 yrs ago
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In the Free roleplay section, the place for newer roleplayers or people who don't want to care about getting too serious, there is Marvel Cosmic Cinematic Universe and Strange things are going to happen here, okay?. They both started really recently, so I'm not sure how well they'll do, but you'll be able to play from the start. The Marvel RP is looking for a small group of around five, so you'll want to join quickly if you do want to join. It doesn't look like any are currently in the Casual section, the place for most of us RPers that like to take things seriously but aren't novel writers, but perhaps one will pop up. I'd suggest keeping your eye on the Casual Interest Checks.

In the Advanced roleplay section, the place for super serious roleplayers that post in walls of text and put so much thought into their characters that they basically wrote an entire three-piece story just for their background, there's Create-A-Hero. It's in its Season 2 stage, which alone has been going on for about a year now. However, it seems to still be pretty active, so I imagine the core group of players in it will stick it through when the going gets tough.
Welcome aboard, Mr. "the Wanderer", you're in for a wild ride! Or at least a mild ride. Well, okay, at least some amount of ride will perhaps occur during your stay ^^
If you ever have any questions or just want to chat, most of us here are always willing to lend an ear, and if you let me know any types of RPs you'd like to play, perhaps I can point you in a relatively correct direction :)
Theo Curtis

Tags: @TheHangedMan

The boy was laying across his bed with his socked feet hanging off the side, debating whether or not he was too lethargic to head back to the mess hall to recover his thermos, when he heard the door to the dorm open and some movement in the main area. One of his roommates must've arrived. Now, while Theo might have been too tired to go on a coffee retrieval mission, his curiosity towards who he would be staying with definitely outweighed his lack of sleep. Sitting up, he slipped his derbies back onto his feet and opened the door to his room. A younger girl was toting a wheeled trolley bag towards one of the other bedrooms. She was rather messily dressed, especially in comparison to Theo's crisp tan suit jacket and trousers, and seemed unhealthily pale. That wasn't any of his business, however.

"Hello, my name is Theo. Are you staying in this room as well?" Theo asked from the doorway, giving a warm smile and small wave. His first thought was that she was probably a first year as well, but considering this school accepted children as young as even seven years old according the pamphlet, this girl could very well have been learning here for a good number of years.
"If you would like, I could help you unpack. I've not unpacked myself yet, but it's always more fun with a partner," Theo stated in good humor, his index finger forward as if he were bestowing profound advice.

I'm not familiar with the breakfast club, but this concept seems very interesting. I'd be willing to give it a try ^^
@TheHangedMan Would Theo know beforehand that the dorms are multigender, or is that not something that would show up on the pamphlet/website/info-thingy?
Welcome to the guild, Kiro! We're happy to have you, and I hope you find some roleplays you enjoy :)
Why hello there, Bunny, welcome to the guild! :3 My favorite color is indigo because it has the cool calm of blue, but with a slight emotional edge caused by the bit of red mixed in. And also maybe because I'm perhaps biased towards things that start with I, my first initial... What type of roleplays do you generally like to play? Perhaps I could point you in the right direction. Or maybe we could just chat, I'm a fan of chatting ^^
@NameUserOf Come on aboard, the weather's fine! But first you must answer this super important question!

Ice cream or pizza?
Woo, got a post up! Remember when the rules said to post at least once every three days? Good times :(
Theo Curtis

Tags: @RawrEspada4

Theo gave a sigh in relief when he saw that the situation seemed to have calmed down rather nicely. He couldn't tell from here what exactly just occurred to end the bulk of the hostility, but it looked like this Morholt individual was no longer raring to fight. Now that the excitement filling the mess hall was dying down, the boy realized just how tired he was. He hadn't slept before coming to the academy like some other students, so he had now been awake for twenty hours straight.

"Thanks for the help, Iron. I'm going to head back to my dorm room and rest up before everything starts tomorrow," Theo said as he began compiling his breakfast dishes together for ease of transportation. Afterwards, he donned his overcoat and looked around for the dish drop off point. Luckily, it wasn't too difficult to spot, as a bunch of students were already heading in that direction having finished their own breakfasts. Theo began pressing on towards the drop off point himself, turning around briefly to say a quick farewell to his new friend before becoming lost into the crowd.

With that over and done with, he left the brimming breakfast building and started his trek towards the dorm building. It was a bit of a ways away, and being drowsy certainly wasn't assisting, but it only took about five to ten minutes of jogging regardless. He kicked the dust off his shoes out of habit once he arrived, then entered into dorm 2-A. Theo'd been hoping to quickly unpack his suitcases before resting, but at this point he was too tired to bother. Instead, he just pulled off his shoes, flopped onto the bed, and began dozing off.

Oh, crap! I forgot my thermos!

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