Avatar of EchoicChamber
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    1. EchoicChamber 7 yrs ago
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2 yrs ago
Current Much to the surprise of everyone, I am not dead.


I'm EchoicChamber, though I mostly go by Echo.
I'm twenty two years old, have a tendency to scream into the void, and mostly just hang around and do my own thing. That isn't to say that I don't enjoy roleplaying, though; I'm a big fan of the supernatural/fantasy genre, horror, and superheroes. I tend to avoid RPs where there's no fantastical elements, though there are times where I step outside of my comfort zone.
I reuse characters habitually across canons, and while I try to devote time to roleplay, work and real life cuts back on how much I can write in the best of times.

Most Recent Posts

@CommisarJhon He looks good! There's a few little things that I'd like to mention first, though. In Liberty, gemstones probably aren't farmed or regarded in the same way as they are in Erubesco, as Liberty is all about efficiency, and there likely aren't careers in athleticism. I also noticed his desire to be a warrior is actually quite similar to the Erubescian mindset, but I think it could make for a sort of interesting contrast between him being a member of Liberty and working against Erubesco.
I'd suggest making a few edits and changing the careers of his parents potentially, but other than that I don't really see any glaring problems, so he's approved (though I'd still recommend making those edits, as I said). (:
@VitoftheVoid Both approved!

@Jinxer That's fine! I'm not gonna ban anyone from being able to join the RP if they have to take a while. I do really appreciate getting updates regarding the situation, though!
@Durnehviir It’s an easy mistake to make! Tell me once you make the edit, so I can check over it and approve.
@Rex Sounds good! He's approved! Feel free to join the Discord, also, if you'd like, as I tend to offer more in-depth updates on there.
@Rex Cool, just tell me once you've made the edits, and I'll accept him right away. c:
@Rex The character looks interesting! I think you meant to put Erubesco instead of Liberty for his backstory, though, as Liberty isn't the faction that has nobility- Erubesco is.
@Durnehviir He looks really good! The thing I would like for you to change, though, is him being a Prince. There’s only one King (and likely one Queen) in Erubesco, and at the moment they’re sort of being left ambiguous for a few reasons. You’re free to have him be the child of a Lord and Lady, though, as Lords and Ladies are essentially royalty in their own right.

@Rabidporcupine Sorry, dude! I hadn’t been sure if you wanted to get back in or not, and I sort of made this Gifted on impulse as an alternate universe of the previous version of it. It’s really good to have you back! Consider both your characters Approved.

@Tojin Sounds good! I have a midterm next week, myself, so I’ll likely be more active on the Discord for a bit until that’s over, though I still plan on writing up an intro this weekend so people won’t think I abandoned this.

@ShwiggityShwah I’m looking forward to seeing his page come in. Erubesco sounds perfect for him. (:
@Jinxer That actually sounds like a really interesting idea! I approve of it greatly, and look forward to seeing him in full form.
@Durnehviir I’m glad you like it! I tend to find that having lore and the like in detail presented makes joining RPs easier for me, so I hoped it would be that way for people who’d like to join.
@Durnehviir Wonderful! I’m glad to have you on board.
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