Avatar of EchoicChamber
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    1. EchoicChamber 7 yrs ago


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2 yrs ago
Current Much to the surprise of everyone, I am not dead.


I'm EchoicChamber, though I mostly go by Echo.
I'm twenty two years old, have a tendency to scream into the void, and mostly just hang around and do my own thing. That isn't to say that I don't enjoy roleplaying, though; I'm a big fan of the supernatural/fantasy genre, horror, and superheroes. I tend to avoid RPs where there's no fantastical elements, though there are times where I step outside of my comfort zone.
I reuse characters habitually across canons, and while I try to devote time to roleplay, work and real life cuts back on how much I can write in the best of times.

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@Rabidporcupine Well, he could still write runes, which is a form of magic, but is something regular humans can do in this canon. They just don’t have magic internally like the Runes do. A fair amount of Blessed just use weapons, enchanted or otherwise, though, which means there’s no still a fighting chance.
@Rabidporcupine Unfortunately, Uruz has been taken.
However, you're definitely welcome to make a non-powered human still! Blessed are basically supposed to be characters involved in the action that are pretty much just normal people fighting World Eaters.
@Reflection You’re free to add stuff later as long as you talk to me about it beforehand and don’t just sneak stuff on!
I would say he’s approved. Also, hit me up if you wanna work on a pre existing dynamic between him and Nidhoggr, since they likely do know each other from the whole “message transmit” thing.
Blessed HQ, Lounge Room

Cordelia had been in this particular room many times before, but the Blessed, the other Blessed, her fellow Blessed, had never paid such close attention to her while she was in it.

And never had there been guards stationed at the doors while she waited within. It was all such a curious change. It wasn’t all for her- if it was just her and Isa, perhaps, things would be much different, no need for guards- but it wouldn’t be just her and Isa. The others would be there, too. With them. They would be all together for the first time to be briefed and prepared, though they certainly hadn’t been isolated from one another. The base was just very big, and some of her fellow Runes- that was certainly odd to think, wasn’t it? Fellow Runes, fellow Blessed. They tended to keep to themselves either way. Some kept to the rooms the Blessed had given them. They were quite nice, she believed, very well-maintained. If the Runes wanted for anything, the Blessed were there to help provide it for them.

She had been given another room. Had been moved to another room. To keep the Runes all more closely together. It helped to keep them all together. It made them stronger. It was good in some ways, and less so in others. Cordelia didn’t think she needed a new room, but she was willing to oblige. Her coworkers had helped her move. She wondered what they made of all of it. Some of them seemed to treat her differently since Laguz had appeared. Others didn’t. She liked it when they didn’t. Did she? She thought she did.

It did help that she was provided more resources since the announcement. She had to spend more time in the infirmary, but she still had ample time to herself. Ample time.

She had to wait in this room for the others, however, right now. She had been taken here after fixing a young man with wide eyes and a warg fang through his kidney. She had been given some time, a short time, to change and wash up before coming here, and now she was here, and was making tea. It seemed only polite to make tea for the others, and she quite liked tea herself.

“Would you like any tea?” She asked of the guards. One of them, a slight woman with a quiet face, smiled politely, but didn’t move.

“No,” Dawn replied, “but thank you for the offer, Ms. Gable.” Her hands were folded behind her back, only a short distance away from the holster at her hip. Guard duty was not often Dawn’s job, though it wasn’t a duty she would turn up her nose at. It was simple enough to keep the eye on their guests, though from what she had heard of them, some were...less delighted to be there than anything else. Those in particular she was expected to keep an eye on, in case something happened that required her to step in.

With any luck, that wouldn’t happen, but she wasn’t about to hold her breath. You got used to preparing for the worst in this line of work.

The room that the Runes were supposed to gather in was a lovely one, outfitted with the same luxury that they had been treated with throughout the duration of their stay. One of four walls was almost wholly taken up by glass, allowing for a breathtaking view of the morning skyline. The couches were plush, the tables polished to a shine.

It was all very clearly meant to impress their Chosen Ones, though it was doubtful that all of them would be flattered by the treatment.

Either way, all there was left to do for now was wait.

The scent of tea clung to the walls.
@Reflection I saw you updated your character's page! Are you ready for him to be approved?
@ScoundrelQueen@AyoSnowflame Approved!

@Crusader Lord We can discuss Surtr a bit once you have the time. Unfortunately, Lif is not approved, due to reasons mentioned on the Discord.
@SilverPaw Yeah, you can move your sheet over!
And there’s no maps, no. I could mock one up, but I’m terrible at map making and art in general, so it would probably be an eyesore.
@Venorik Approved!

@Reflection He’s looking good so far! He seems like he’ll be a really fun addition to the cast.

Also, as a general message to everyone, the person who reserved Uruz PMed me to let me know they would no longer be able to keep the time. As such, Uruz is now open to anyone who would like to submit a character for it.
I’ll mark it as OPEN once I get to a computer.
@Prosaic Approved!
As a collective reminder to everyone, there is a Discord for this roleplay! You can find it on the front page.
You aren't required to join, but if you ever want to make sure I'm not dead or anything, that's a good place to nudge me.
Additionally, you don't have to have a character sent in yet to join, so you're welcome to hop in whenever you'd like if you use Discord.

I'm also considering starting this roleplay soon. I intend to make another character first, and won't start it tonight or anything, but I don't want to have it put on hold for weeks and have people get bored.
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