Avatar of Eclektik
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  • Posts: 63 (0.04 / day)
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    1. Eclektik 4 yrs ago


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Just here to share my multitude of ideas and meet people who do the same nerdy things I do. Been RPing off and on for way too long. I'm into fantasy and sci-fi RPs mostly.

I’m also Artifex, for those who knew my other account.

Most Recent Posts

In Pariah 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
[ Pariah ]

Some call us superhumans, some call us enhanced, some even call us freaks of nature.

Over time, the ‘politically correct’ term has become Variant -- as in, a variation of the normal human genome. We’re said to have an anomaly in our genetic code that allows us to manifest certain powers or abilities.

No explanation as to how or why or where this came from...either way, it’s a major source of conflict in our world.

While the world struggles to figure out what to do with Variants, the Variants struggle to find their place in the world.

There are those who want to try and maintain ordinary lives just like everyone else...perhaps use their abilities to help a few people or get ahead in life.

Some prefer to play the hero, believing that their abilities were somehow bestowed upon them for upholding some grand responsibility.

And, yet, there are those who would rather watch the world burn just to see if anything will rise from the ashes...

Apparently, a normal life isn’t an option for someone who can turn into ice or has armored skin or can read minds...too much to ask, it seems.

But with every struggle, there’s a story...and this is ours.

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General Info

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Plot Overview

Over the past several weeks, there has been a sudden influx of disappearances in New Haven, a city known for increasing levels of Variant-related crimes. All attempts by local law enforcement to solve these missing persons cases have turned up cold. Investigators who appear to be close to a solution end up disappearing themselves. Most of these have been random unfortunate victims, both human and Variant alike, with zero connections between them. Wrong place, wrong time. Lately, however, a few of those who vanished have been Nobles. When the 'best and brightest' start getting captured, it becomes a real problem. Whatever is taking place here, it can't be good at all...

Meanwhile, the tech-heads at Chimera are cooking up a little scheme of their own. Rumors are swimming around that they may be targeting a major facility in the very near future. Whether or not the sources are reliable, the very fact that these rumors have come up is raising a few eyebrows and putting several people on alert…Chimera is not to be played with.

In the wake of these recent events, an unlikely assemblage of heroes arises from the shadows to combat the rising criminal threat...
* * * * * * *

Cast List

Reese Raymond / Sever -- 27 -- Psionic Blade Creation/Supernatural Accuracy
Jason Zhao / Recall -- 28 -- Memory Control
Felix Pernass / Nightingale -- 27 -- Biological Manipulation (Healing)
Christine Kang / Blink -- 24 -- Teleportation
Nikolas Frost / Hybrid -- 27 -- Animal Morphing
Talia Castle / The Dreaming Sage -- 32 -- Sensory Manipulation (Illusions)



  • If you want to play multiple characters, I’m allowing a max of two per person
  • Pariah Underground and independents only...though I may allow Nobles if enough players want it (debating on it)
  • N.O.V.A. / M.A.D. agents are non-playable; strictly for NPCs and background (suggestions for agents are welcome, though)
  • Non-Variant characters are welcome
  • Class 5 Variants are not allowed
  • No villains; having a character that inherently cause trouble for others is acceptable as long as it doesn’t cause major plot disruptions (please PM me if you’re unsure about anything)
  • This RP is 18+, however, keep anything overly explicit to PM’s please if it gets to that point
  • This is taking place in the year 2130 in an alternate version of America
  • Have fun!!!
Thanks for the interest, everyone! Looks like we've got quite few peeps here...which is awesome! @Tortoise@Kalas WIPs look good so far.

Since so many jumped on so quick, I'll have the OOC up momentarily!
[ Pariah ]

Some call us superhumans, some call us enhanced, some even call us freaks of nature.

Over time, the ‘politically correct’ term has become Variant -- as in, a variation of the normal human genome. We’re said to have an anomaly in our genetic code that allows us to manifest certain powers or abilities.

No explanation as to how or why or where this came from...either way, it’s a major source of conflict in our world.

While the world struggles to figure out what to do with Variants, the Variants struggle to find their place in the world.

There are those who want to try and maintain ordinary lives just like everyone else...perhaps use their abilities to help a few people or get ahead in life.

Some prefer to play the hero, believing that their abilities were somehow bestowed upon them for upholding some grand responsibility.

And, yet, there are those who would rather watch the world burn just to see if anything will rise from the ashes...

Apparently, a normal life isn’t an option for someone who can turn into ice or has armored skin or can read minds...too much to ask, it seems.

But with every struggle, there’s a story...and this is ours.

* * * * * * *


* * * * * * *

General Info

* * * * * * *

Plot Overview

Over the past several weeks, there has been a sudden influx of disappearances in New Haven, a city known for increasing levels of Variant-related crimes. All attempts by local law enforcement to solve these missing persons cases have turned up cold. Investigators who appear to be close to a solution end up disappearing themselves. Most of these have been random unfortunate victims, both human and Variant alike, with zero connections between them. Wrong place, wrong time. Lately, however, a few of those who vanished have been Nobles. When the 'best and brightest' start getting captured, it becomes a real problem. Whatever is taking place here, it can't be good at all...

Meanwhile, the tech-heads at Chimera are cooking up a little scheme of their own. Rumors are swimming around that they may be targeting a major facility in the very near future. Whether or not the sources are reliable, the very fact that these rumors have come up is raising a few eyebrows and putting several people on alert…Chimera is not to be played with.

In the wake of these recent events, an unlikely assemblage of heroes arises from the shadows to combat the rising criminal threat...
* * * * * * *

  • If you want to play multiple characters, I’m allowing a max of two per person
  • Pariah Underground and independents only...though I may allow Nobles if enough players want it (debating on it)
  • N.O.V.A. / M.A.D. agents are non-playable; strictly for NPCs and background (suggestions for agents are welcome, though)
  • Non-Variant characters are welcome
  • Class 5 Variants are not allowed
  • No villains; having a character that inherently cause trouble for others is acceptable as long as it doesn’t cause major plot disruptions (please PM me if you’re unsure about anything)
  • This RP is 18+, however, keep anything overly explicit to PM’s please if it gets to that point
  • This is taking place in the year 2130 in an alternate version of America
  • Have fun!!!

Click here to join!
So did we just lose steam here?

– House Darthon –

Darcy stood knee-deep in the chilly waters of the river near House Darthon. She was highly frustrated as she tried again and again in vain to skewer a fish on her spear. She had decided recently that she wanted to pick up a new skill, and spearfishing had seemed like a wonderful venture since she was so close to this river. She huffed and groaned with each failed throw, and her face grimaced with her ever-growing level irritation. Ceraseth gave an audible growl of impatience as he awaited what was supposed to be his breakfast.

“Oh shut up, Cera! I’d like to see you try this!” Darcy missed yet again as she made another awkward throw. She refused to accept defeat, but she knew that time was of the essence. Remon had already gotten a whole day’s head start on her and he was most likely already well into the jungle by now. Even though she wasn’t too worried about the travel time, she certainly didn’t have time to be fumbling around in the river trying to catch fish. Reluctantly, she decided to recruit some expert help.


A small portal severed the air directly above the river and Alvorion descended gracefully through its threshold followed by his sister, Snow. The sky drakes landed on a pair of nearby rocks jutting above the surface of the crystal water. Alvorion rolled his ebony frame in a lengthy stretch, signifying his fairly recent awakening.

“Whatever it is...it’s too early…” Alvorion said slyly.

“Spare me the smartass comments. I’m freezing and Cera and I are hungry...we need to get some fish.”

“What...did they run out of food inside?” Alvorion retorted. He could see how irritated she was already and couldn’t help but prod her.


“Now, brother, don’t pester her. She’s doing such a remarkable job. I mean just look at the haul she’s gotten already…!” Snow motioned a nod toward a spot on the bank directly behind Darcy. There wasn’t a single fin or gill in sight.

“How about I do a ‘remarkable job’ right through your left paw!”

“Well...judging by the state of your aquatic prey, I’d say my paws are more than safe.”

“Alright, ladies, enough…” Alvorion leapt off of his rock and hovered slightly over the water. “I haven’t eaten either, so let’s hurry up and get this grub.” His eyes began to glow bright white as he conjured his magic.

“Hey, wait, you dummy!” Darcy turned and half-sprinted, half-tripped her way out of the river just in time enough for Alvorion to send a bolt of lighting crashing into the water. Several electrocuted fish floated lifelessly to the surface, and the sky drakes began retrieving them. As they collected their catch onto the shore, Ceraseth blasted each scaly snack with a plume of flames. Darcy sat with her arms folded as her draconic brood finished preparing their meal. Cera floated over to his flustered invoker and dropped a freshly cooked fish in front of her before going back for his own. Darcy calmed down slightly as she devoured her breakfast a bit too hungrily. After a moment, the fish had all but disappeared, and everyone’s bellies were full.

“Feel better now, Darcy?”

“Shut up.”

“Oh...still a little salty, I see.”

“Hmph...anyway, we have some traveling ahead of us. We’re heading to Marelda for a mission.”

“Well, don’t even think about riding this little drake. I just got finished grooming my feathers,” Snow replied abruptly, striking a regal pose.

Darcy rolled her eyes and shook her head. She didn’t even have the energy to argue. Instead, she grabbed a bit of mud from the ground and chunked it at Snow. The clod nailed the drake directly in the ribs, soiling her milky white fur.
“Rude!” Snow gasped as she flapped her wings in alarm. Alvorion immediately proceeded to go into hysterics.

“You know what...now I feel better.” Darcy smirked as she mounted Alvorion’s back and grabbed a tuft of mane. Ceraseth followed suit and curled into Darcy’s lap. “Alright, make it snappy, twinkle toes...we’re a little behind.”

Darcy winked at Snow as Alvorion spread his wings to full span and lifted off. Snow huffed in annoyance and followed shortly behind her brother.

Well, thanks for supporting my idea. Best of luck y'all!
Also, I guess I should mention a few things about travel.

There aren't any automobiles or flying machines in this world at the moment, so all travel is by foot or mount. Runics are an obvious exception since there are numerous things they could do to travel faster, if they so choose to use their abilities in such a way.

Guilds aren't usually very close to each other, and normally take a couple of days of travel time in between them. They are well-hidden and heavily warded, so simply teleporting to them, for example, isn't really possible.

There are a few different animals used for mounts that I'll put in a list soon. Horses are a safe bet for now, though.
Welcome! I'll read up on the character and shoot you a reply. Excited to see what you came up with!

All of the characters in the Brotherhood will be meeting at House Marelda. I probably should have mentioned that in addition to adding it to the first post. My apologies.

Thanks for your interest! Looking forward to seeing your character!

Our world is falling into ruin. The Shadow Walkers’ obelisks -- their sky-scraping towers used as home bases of operation -- are increasing in number throughout the lands. Entire cities and regions are succumbing to darkness as their evil spreads like a plague. As their power grows, we struggle to maintain the balance of order and chaos. And now, a recent discovery has increased the urgency of the matter a thousandfold. A mysterious power beyond all comprehension lurks hidden within our world, waiting to be released. We must prevent the Walkers from acquiring this power, lest the Light of the Dawn be extinguished forever.


The Wardens of House Marelda have uncovered curious Shadow Walker activity and have reached out to the local Houses for help. The guild eagerly awaits their swift response.

– House Orenia –

Silas leaned on the railing of the balcony attached to his quarters. He closed his eyes as he solemnly basked in the warm rays of the morning sun and contemplated the journey ahead of him. Lady Wyght and Lady Rayne tried to put on a brave front while giving their short brief, but Silas could see through it. They were scared and had every right to be. It didn’t take a genius to figure out that something big and terrible was approaching...that is, if one paid attention to the signs. He had several encounters with the Walkers over the past few months and they seemed to be more driven and purposeful than ever before. Their mixture of anxiety and confidence was palpable and Silas could sense a growing power within them. And now, he was being recruited to help House Marelda, which was further cause for concern. Usually when Paladins from several guilds gathered for a mission, it was serious.

Silas took a final deep breath of air before returning to his room to finish his travel preparations. As he gave his swords a final sharpening and packed his bag, a knock on his door broke his pensive mood. He walked to the door and opened it just enough to see out, knowing well in advance who would be behind it. To no surprise of his, Rae’annah stood just outside with her hands behind her back.

“Are you ready yet? We gotta get a move on,” she said as she cocked her head slightly to the side.

“Really, Rae? You in that big of a hurry?” Silas said as he returned to his bag, leaving the door cracked.

“No….you’re just slow, is all,” Rae replied, forcing the door open the rest of the way and propping herself up in the doorway.

Silas rolled his eyes slightly and continued to pack. “You know we’re taking the short route to Marelda, right? I have to make sure we’re good on supplies. You know it’s not the safest of journeys.”

Rae contoured her face into pseudo-seriousness. “First of all, don’t roll your beady little eyes at me, mister. And just because it’s a shorter route doesn’t mean we can take our sweet time.”

“Well, for your information, I was almost done anyway…so you really accomplished nothing by barging in here like a madwoman,” Silas said with a smirk.

“Oh, please, I did not ‘barge in here’...” Rae’annah righted herself and revealed the two large pieces of fruit she had been holding behind her back. She tossed one to Silas just as he closed his pack. “Think fast, slow poke!”

Silas reacted in just enough time to catch the fruit. “Thanks.”

“What would you do without me?”

“I’d survive.”

“Hmph...I don’t think so.” Rae gave Silas a light shove and sat on the bed next to his pack. Her mood turned slightly more serious. “Things are getting worse. I can feel it and I know you can, too. Are we sure we’re ready for what’s coming?”

“Ready? It can’t be any worse than what we’ve faced before, right? Whatever’s going on here, the Walkers won’t win.” Silas took a big bite of his fruit and wiped away the juice that started to run down his chin with the back of his hand.

“Right.” Rae’annah hopped down from the bed and headed out the door. She scooped up her own bag that had been sitting just outside and slung it over her shoulder. “Well, anyway...c’mon, slow poke...the others are waiting.” She took a bite of her own fruit and headed down the hall.

Silas shook his head as he placed his fruit on the bed and sheathed his swords. Once he donned his pack, he grabbed the fruit and took another bite. It was rather tasty this morning and he was inwardly more grateful for the gesture than he showed on the outside. He grabbed the door with his free hand and closed it behind him as he made his way to meet the rest of the group.
Well, I was waiting to see if any more people were gonna join, but I guess this small group will do for now. I'll have the starter post up tomorrow, so hang tight.

Y'all can check out the second character I made, too!
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