Avatar of Eddie Brock
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    1. Eddie Brock 10 yrs ago
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<Snipped quote by AndyC>

It works when you right write it, never saw it in the comics though.

Personally I like the idea of Batman and Black Canary.

Cap and Canary was very close to happening. Instead, I've had to alter course... More on that soon enough.
If you don't ship Spider-Man and Barbara Gordon, do you ship at all?

... actually, @HenryJonesJr, I have no qualms if you continue this honorable tradition in UOU. No qualms at all...
The San Diego Comic-Con schedule really says it all.
I never watched Batman Beyond ( A lot of the old Cartoons are on Amazon Prime so I will be catching up over the next couple of weeks), but in it was Barbara not a long term ex of Bruces?

It was very wink-wink. But in Killing Joke, Bats officially hits it and quits it.
My own complaint about Bruce Timm is his weird obsession with the Bruce/Barbara pairing, which reached a fever pitch in the Killing Joke animated film... *shudders*
<Snipped quote by Lord Wraith>

Lois' characterization in Smallville was awkward at times, and they leaned too far towards the abrasive angle that it went past the classic spit-fire, inquisitive woman and was just annoying. She had her moments, sure, and the teasing could be fun at times, but her character in that show was always the lesser of the two.

Lana, meanwhile, despite early on being the cliche damsel in distress, quickly developed into a more unique and fleshed out character. And even though they fucked that up for a season with the whole Lex thing, that just made me more sympathetic to what could have been done better had they not gone down that route. And in her final season's appearance, she was much more interesting and compelling than Lois. And had they not been committed to the Lois angle by that point, would have made a better happy ending for Clark, in my opinion. They made it very clear at the end there that she was the real love of Clark's heart.

Also, Erica Durance isn't that great an actress.

"Hello, Tombstones Incorporated? Yeah, I'm gonna need one made out to 'Retired.'"
<Snipped quote by Master Bruce>

The first season of Daredevil is great but I think the quality of pretty much all of the Netflix shows has steadily declined with time. Either that or the Netflix-mandated thirteen episode structure has led to real pacing problems that has really detracted from my enjoyment of them

This, but also being sold the lie of a "connected universe," yet the Netflix U shies away from even the mention of their theatrical big brothers like they're skirting a copyright lawsuit or something.
Spectacular Spider-Man.

Good discussion! So, what's our next topic?

(I kid. Actually, we've been quite blessed with a litany of awesome TV comic book adaptations, from the DCAU days to Spectacular, Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes, and Young Justice. There's quite a few answers I'd accept to this question.)
Ha! You won't fool me into spilling my secrets. And not because I don't have that much planned, either; as we've discussed, I have a great many plans! So many plans it would make your head spin! I could talk all day about my plans, and the only reason I'm not starting now is because I don't want to! Not because the plans don't actually exist, oh no. A good try, all, but this vault of plans shall remain sealed!

(Did it work? Did I fool them into believing the guy still working on his second post is actually way ahead of the game?)

In any event, in order to further these many, bigly plans of mine, I shall aspire to finally get another post up tonight. It would have been quite poetic to finish it in time for yesterday, but alas.
If my crack about making people uncomfortable contributed in any way, I apologize. I promise I'm only guilty of having a lame sense of humor, and I don't intend to be unwelcoming towards anyone... except @Byrd Man, and that's only because I worry he'll make the South rise again.
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