Avatar of Eklispe
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    1. Eklispe 10 yrs ago
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I'm not victim blaming but all generalizations are false, even this one.
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It does.
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PC and Tablet ded, send help
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I lived the land of no internet

Most Recent Posts

Dawkin Trustram

Dawkin followed warily, feeling perhaps that they were walking into a death trap, but continuing on all the same. The boy on the throne spoke cryptically in response. However the more confusing part, was the voice in his head that followed. The master awaits behind this room? This place was only getting more confusing. Just as quick as the voice appeared, it vanished, seemingly cut off mid sentence. "Maybe we should get these guys to start a fight and slip past to find this 'master'" Dawkin muttered to Amelia, as there was no more discreet method of communication available, simply hoping that it wouldn't anger the Aegislash and friends.

Sofia Stien - The Airport

Sofia paused for a moment, considering this new information. An endbringer was coming, Chivvy was here, and Jason was going to help fight it. "I'll come too." Sofia said, getting ready to climb onto Jason's back to hitch a ride to wherever. She wasn't sure how useful she could be, but if Jason was helping she would too.
Sofia Stien - The Airport

Sofia was shuffled around like some sort of baby animal, clinging to its parent for protection. She was only able to listen the cracking of tech and bones as Jason went to work. It seemed they were winning. Another voice showed up, but they seemed to be on the side of the Jacks? Sofia listened to his explanation carefully, opening her eyes towards the end of his speech as it seemed her services were no longer needed. "So we won right?" Sofia asked cautiously. And then some incredibly loud alarms sounded, causing Sofia to wince. "Huh? Are those... the Endbringer thingies?" Sofia asked
Sofia Stien - The Airport

Sofia let out a noise of surprise as Allay picked her up and began running for it. A quick glance around and several screams indicated that more bombs were dropping in the airport. "Ahh, what do we do?" Sofia asked quietly as she was carried away, potentially still holding onto Chatterhead if he was keeping up with Ally. She couldn't really do anything to help deal with the bombs. Maybe if everyone grouped on her she could keep them safe? The collateral on the other hand, was something she entirely couldn't manage. This wasn't fair!
Lance Tourmill

Guess they weren't up for capture then. The Old Man seemed to completely ignore everyone here, though the birds that had been before hanging docilely around were now flying around a frenzied cyclone. Lance eyed them warily, he wasn't sure his odds would be too good if they actually decided to attack considering how many of them there were. Lance looked back at the Old Man to see him sketching something. That 'something' released a flash of light that made Lance cover his eyes, along with a increasing force like he was flying upwards. A moment later the sensation vanished, and as Lance opened his eyes, he realized his old surroundings had as well. This was either some sort of illusion or teleportation magic, either of which were beyond Lance's scope of understanding, but well within his scope of interest. The decision before him seemed simple enough. He had no interest in waiting around and he had an avid interest in learning just what this Old Man was selling. So Lance simply began following him into the cave.
Dawkin Trustram

Dawkin stared at the two pokemon, somewhat bewildered by the mixed aggressive and friendless he thought he saw. At the end... Things seemed to work out. "Well that's good I guess." Dawkin muttered to himself, not at all pleased that he still had virtually no understanding of the situation but following along none the less. "So is our plan to have these two heavy lifters just take out everything? In case you forgot we're not exactly on par with the Pokemon here and I don't know that these guys can take of it all by themselves." Dawkin whispered to Amelia, unsure if the Pokemon in question would take offensive to his doubt.

Sofia Stien - The Airport

Sofia reluctantly let herself be steered towards Allison who promptly and effectively by the sounds of things, zapped the evil doctor. She opened her eyes to see the situation and to her surprise, the doctor had vanished and left behind what appeared to be a ticking time bomb. Chatterhead starting shouting orders and Sofia began touching the floor and then stopped, flustered by the sudden contradictory commands, simply following along after Chatterhead. "Careful!" Sofia shouted to Jason as they ran away, she didn't know what kind of bomb it was but considering what weird stuff had happened so far it could do basically anything and Sofia wouldn't be too surprised.
Lance Tourmill

Lance headed back into the city having just finished an expedition outside for various purposes. It had gotten rather late and Lance for some reason found himself feeling un-nerved by something. The strange howling was a noise that was unfamiliar to Lance, something rather surprising considering he'd grown up in this city. Futhermore as Lance headed back into the city he found remarkable, un-natural, Nautrelomon at every corner. Yata-Garasus. Or at least, that's what he assumed they were, and his PDA confirmed this. Lance found it fascinating that they didn't even seem to mind being stared at. The combination of three legs and eyes, with blood rust plumage and that malicious peak combined to make a visage that only enhanced the disturbing sensation that had been present all night. Lance was far from the only one that noticed and far from the only trainer on the streets. It seemed people were getting into battles and fights left and right. Lance slipped into a side alley and made his way through the city without attracting much notice, as he was rather familiar with it.

For some reason he felt a nagging little pull and he followed it cautiously, not so sure it was a good idea considering the circumstances but too curious to say no. Lance found himself viewing a fountain, upon which an old man sat. More notably, there was a swarm of those Yata-Garasu around him, seemingly at his beck and call. He was babbling something about, ancient magic? Between the birds and the preaching Lance couldn't say he wasn't interested, and the same seemed true for others here. "Yo, Your staff is in your hands already, you don't need to keep looking for it." Lance said as he approached, not sure if the old man was playing him for a fool or really just not all there. "That magic sounds pretty interesting, also, are these Yata-Garasu up for capture or is that a no go?" Lance asked nonchalantly, pretty much ignoring the other, slightly more angry dude also talking to the geezer.
@PlatinumSkink@mae@TheHangedMan Yall have run some neat RPs that I'm in or have been in, yall are cool.
Lance Tourmill

Lance figured there wasn't much point in sticking around. He wanted to at least start making progress on his Rites right away. While he could took however long he wanted, Lance had never been one for idling. Furthermore to challenge Arenas he would need more Naturelmon. So after the instructions were finished Lance began separating from the crowd. He had preemptively purchased a few relic charges in anticipation and it was time to put them to use. He had just barely left the city when he saw a flash of blue and froze. Lance's eyes dissected the trees around him until they finally spotted the culprit, A Swalest. Lance recognized the Naturelmon as once desirable for Naturelmon farms. He personally didn't especially want it for a team but it should sell for a decent amount. Lance carefully took his coin in one hand and pointed it towards the nesting bird. A flash of light and the Swalest was sealed away. Lance grinned, a successful start.

He continued moving deeper into the forest cautiously, not wanting to scare away any potential prey, using his small skill in invocation to help hide himself. He didn't encounter anything for a while, until he found an old faded path. Upon following it for a while he saw a worn down looking shack. There he saw an Olena scratching at one of the walls, making one of many tally marks already there. It looked like Lance was in luck again. As before, he grabbed his Talisman and faced it towards his prey, activating and drawing the Olena inside. They were probably fairly weak Naturelmon but it was a good thing he'd caught the two of them without much trouble. Perhaps- Lance's thought were interrupted by a curious sound from inside the shack. A Solbe floated outside the shack, with two orbs of light trailing behind it and stared at him. Oh this was a great opportunity, a Solbe could be rather valuable to sell or to use given its rare typing, something he knew from having seen one go on sale previously.

Lance immediately released his Kaiguard and Mythin. The Light Ghost recognized he was preparing for a battle and launched the first move, immediately moving it's one orb forward and causing it to emit blinding light. Disregarding his blindness Lance moved forward with Kaiguard right next to him. A few moments later his Stonewarding triggered a wall that immediately collapsed under the three stars that blasted into it. Lance regained his vision in time to see more stars coming from the second orb and immediately raised an earth wall to take the hits, which immediately collapsed under the attacks. Kaigaurd plowed forward, hurling a stone disc at the Soble, who simply phased through it and then launched a seeking chain at it.

Kaiguard's own defense activated and a wall blocked the chain, smashing into it and causing the two to dissipate. Kaigaurd now launched a Whelming Wave at the Soble. The Soble attempted to mount some sort of counterattack but Lance was already there with a counterspell. The Soble was smashed backwards, crashing into the shack behind it. Lance took the chance to close the distance and launch an Eruption while the Soble was unable to respond, sending four earth spikes into it and immediately attempting to capture it with a relic. A tense moment paused after which Lance sighed with relief. Mission accomplished. This had been a pretty successful hunt overall and Lance was ready to return to town. He had to make some decisions regarding his catches, perhaps he could use his PDA to get some information regarding that.
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