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Naoko's Apartment

Guard dude slumped into the couch without a fight, rolling uncomfortably in the hazy half-sleep he'd been in since his head smacked into the side of the freezer. "Nn Kanda... Har... Shiii-" His muttering broke off in a sudden wheeze, halfway between a snore and a sneeze. If the dried blood down the side of his head was any indication it wasn't really all that bad. A bloody bruise, a bullethole, some minor chemical burns, all in a day's work for a rent-a-cop. Dull flashes clouded his perception. A thundering had woken him to the sight of open doors, sparkling metal and strange spices spilling out into the night. The wet thud of his body against a wall had ingrained that final sight into his nightmare for a time, but plenty of time had passed. His verbosity was the sign of a reawakening consciousness. Stronger than torment, stronger than whatever drugs he'd been given, a sensation that commanded the human heart on a far deeper level reached out to him. The smell of pizza.

Stained eyelids flickered open. His sight came back in waves, an unfamiliar ceiling washing into view. The color, the texture, all off. He was somewhere else. "Guard dude." He bolted upright at the sound of voices, head spinning between the other two occupants of the room. Kidnappers, now? He wasn't a paranoid man, he could only laugh at that thought and look a bit dumb staring around the room and laughing to himself. If they'd meant anything ill... He felt for stitches above his kidneys, surprised at how little it hurt to sit up. If they'd meant anything ill they would have done it already. He wasn't dead, he wasn't filing a police report, the Russian sounding chick was pulling a bottle of wine out of nothing.

"Fuck it- I mean, yes please." He shuffled around on the couch for a few moments, touching his pantlegs to make sure he wasn't bleeding all over the place before sliding his legs off and testing how it felt to put weight down for the first time in what seemed like too many hours passed. Obviously, one was good to go and the other was not. What surprised him was that pushing himself up onto one leg was not an immediate game over onto the floor. He hobbled towards the kitchen. His inner ears spun, his stomach churned. "Maybe... I'll stick to just fluid for a sec." He affected a toothy smile, accepting a wine glass as he balanced around on one leg.

"Nostrovia!" Was the most cultured attempt at a toast he could manage, tilting back some of the fine wine and grimacing at the aftertaste of pepper everything had. Upside, he could taste again.

"So what you're selling Habsburg his own stuff back? That's brutal." He'd thought to at least tune himself out of their strange conversation until that point. When were they cheating death? King of Heroes? Master? Fuck kind of codenames were those? He was stuck along for the ride, but he knew his former principal at least in passing. Before even finishing her thought the speaker had turned and was walking over to the window. He had a bad feeling about that, and so silenced it with another sip of wine.

"But guy's a robot, I mean his vacation's fucked now but that's a tough customer to pinch if you're like... Really opportunistic treasure hunters. 'Mean, he's got money, just didn't strike me as a 'spend my problems away' kinda guy. I'll be honest I thought you were feds. You're not spies or some shit right? I'd be dead already, yeah? Nah, nah..." Dark eyes flickered between Naoko and Catherine then back to the window itself. He didn't like the silence that accompanied the woman downing the rest of her drink and staring outside, and discomfort made it hard to stop rambling. He thought that thrumming was just his own head until it changed abruptly. Melody became staccato, sharp; a distant, muffled hammering. 'Interruption' she said. Sounded like a range day.
Boston Park Plaza

Her smile strained a shade deeper, sharp teeth showing as the word 'madam' slid, slimy and unappealing, into her ears. Did she look old enough to be called madam? Was that a European thing? "Oh, sorry." She carefully put her glass onto the counter, folding her hands together beside it as she squared her shoulders forward. Nervousness, but unyielding eye contact as she turned her head aside. Her nails dug into her palms. Assassin said that Mages didn't act in public. She also said that pain provided resistance to mesmerization. The swirl of a drink, the scent of the air, hypnotic patterns were common to the craft of European Magi. They knew from the party a few of the mechanisms at play in the Habsburg arsenal... but this man was supposed to be a top class magician, whatever that meant. 'A tool of the nobility.' She didn't like the way Assassin had looked at her after that talk.

"I've been pretty busy today, haven't even thought to check my phone yet. Uh, I'm sure you know it worse than I do, haha. You've got an exacting nature to not just throw the party anyway, big garden and all. I'm sure that will send a stronger message than a few cocktails and frankfurters." There was no piercing the professional aura surrounding him. As he sat and sipped his whiskey there was little Luna could do to read the situation. This wasn't exactly a worried man drowning himself in alcohol but if it had been it would have been a lot easier to handle.

But there was something to benefit from here. Assassin had said so.

Habsburg was closing the distance of comfortable bar conversation at an alarming rate, coddling his drink in one hand and offering the other. Nice tattoo, she almost said, but became mortified at the prospect of showing her own. Even this close, there was no ignoring it. The pang of agony up her Command Seal. Did he get the same warning? Was a... cultivated mage, or whatever he was, more attuned to that hideous scar? She hoped so, even as she reflexively flinched at his approach. That was all common sense. She was unexpectedly sharp for being so tired: 'Common sense meant nothing to Magi,' a mantra rang in her head. If they touched she would die. Exploding runes on his palm, some kind of mind control balm, a karate chop to the side of the head. Who would honestly see it?

"I'm Luna nice to-"

Her folded hands moved on the countertop, fist crashing into the side of her glass. All the feigned awkwardness of some giddy, money hungry girl just too excited to get networking brought to bear. A fan of water splashed harmlessly between the two of them, the glass falling to the floor and shattering both itself and the comfortable quiet of the bar with an ear wrenching squeal of crystal on hardwood. The couple in the back shot upright in their seats, the bartender cast his eyes their way, even an attendant passing by poked their head in at the loud noise. All the eyes she could muster were upon them. But mostly, Luna was just mortified. She balled her hands against her chest, shriveling as a reflex to the embarrassment.

She slid backwards off of her seat, taking a measured few steps back from the pile of sharp, wet glass left on the floor. "Oh gosh, sorry, sorry!" She looked hurriedly between Otto and the bartender, engaging the employer with eye contact as hard as humanly possible. He was already on the move, hiding the annoyance in his eyes with a rehearsed smile and a harsh tug on the dust pan kept under the bar. She flicked droplets from her mantle as her face reddened. This was fine though. "Are you alright Mister Habsburg? Such a klutz, am I right? A few long evenings and- and this!" She forced a laugh, getting out of the way as bartender came around the counter and swept. She offered him yet more apologies, professionally deflected as she backed away from the bar.

Franz Burine Plaza
Canvas Anglerfish Mass

No fighting in public. That was the rule. If she'd stayed a second longer in that hotel it would have meant coming face to face with Habsburg and inevitably the Servant that followed him. The wraith's ability was sufficient. It was not the outcome of conflict that she feared but the consequences of trying in the first place. His own base of operations, his own trump card was an acceptable loss. How many people were staying at the Park Plaza that night? How many in the neighboring structures, fragmentation zone, debris cloud... Her fist slammed into the postal dropbox beside her. Blue metal crumpled with the indent of her bandages. A dog began to bark at the sudden noise. A few lights flickered on down the empty street, old apartment homes beginning to glow with life. How easily the strong forgot the frailty of the weak. Disgusting. There was only one thing her addled mind could feel about the situation. The people that needed to be saved were the unwitting shield of their oppressors. How nostalgic. Assassin climbed to her feet, rising from the comforting gap between postal box and recycling bin. That dog was still barking, and it was time to move along. Under the veil of espionage the wraith turned and strode off towards the city's lights, away from the old quarter and into the modern halls of glass and neon.

Any place to hide, any task to distract the mind until the next opportunity presented itself. Assassin had found an airy plaza, a place with trees, a breeze, and the smell of something other than exhaust fumes. It thronged with people, more than enough lively faces passing by for her to just sit on a bench and feel invisible for a while. A Servant was a spiritual creature, and despite the human trappings this Servant clung to that nature came with a new set of senses to match. A ghost turned loose on the world, forced to drink in its emotive states and persist on the immaterial energies of her new dimension. Excitement was in the air. Passion, invigorating just seductive enough. A concert was gathering, the sounds of instruments tuning up swelling over the voices of the crowd come to see the show. Bright hair, distressed clothes in plaid, she knew the type. The instrumentation was actually familiar. Played on her van's speakers that very morning, while her Master nervously eyed the touchscreen. The Servant tittered to themselves as they bowed their shaggy head and listened.

Something passed through her. A sickening expansion of magical energy. Once more the senses of a spirit betrayed the wraith. That boiling sensation, passed almost in an instant, was the creation of a bounded field. Her knowledge of Magecraft was not so specific as to identify its source, type, or function but it was enough to know that a Magus was nearby. Enough to remind her she was at war. One green eye hinged open to stare at the pavement below, slick lid creaking open over dark bags. A local mage, uninvolved? A Master? Worst case, the Caster Servant? The inside of her wrist revealed the cracked face of her watch. The hour struck. Glass broke. Guns roared over the plaza. The music stopped, each instrument dying away on its own rhythm. Feedback filled the speakers as stage mics toppled, some capturing the screams of terrified spectators turned prey.

Assassin's head raised, face sullen, question answered. Bodies fluttered around them, tangled masses of people scrambling for an exit. The flow of the crowd ceased too soon, locked in place. Though they couldn't see it, the spirit could intuitively feel that borderline holding them back. At least one function of the field was identified. The couple sitting next to her scrambled away, both shrieking as the rattle of uninterrupted gunfire continued. One fell to the ground. The count began. Assassin stood up, lurching forward, hunching as her body loosely followed a trained-in procedure. The glass facade of the adjacent hotel was broken, figures silhouetted in the remains of the doorway by the internal lights. The fiery report of gunfire was unmistakable. The ones she could spot in the chaos of the crowd all shuffled with telltale purpose. Muzzle flashes lit the night, some staying to open fire while others streaked into the crowd, the weapons not stained in blood glinting in the dark. Some kid fell away from the herd in front of her, the back of his denim vest bloody. Not fast, not lucky... Caught up in the cull. Over him stood another man, smoking pistol slowly raising for another shot at the punk rock teen.

The bullet flattened against her chest. The wraith intervened, lithe form stretched across the ground as a bound placed her between predator and prey. Self indulgent. Unnecessary. Her mind reprimanded her as a second bullet meant for another body bounced off of her harnessed torso. The Servant's frayed coat fluttered behind her, a ragged tail shadowing every movement as she reached out at the gunman. A slap on the back of the hand collapsed his aim, the third shot burrowing harmlessly into asphalt as his arm folded against his chest. Her other hand came up holding the blackened polymer of her service pistol.

The owner of the bounded field was in for a surprise. Whatever they expected to harvest or monitor, whatever trap they had laid... Was working exceptionally well. Only moments into the ruse, an unmistakable signal went up. A feeling familiar to another Servant, an anomaly in the field that could mean only one thing to a Master. As fast as the trigger could reset, taking three measured shots, Assassin relinquished her camouflage. The answer to their bait was a Servant spontaneously appearing, wrapped neatly in their net.

The rat in their trap had sharp aim. The first shot destroyed the pawn's hand, a mass of twisted fingers letting his gun fall to the ground. They walked the last two up his body, perforating the stomach, smashing the sternum. "Live." She surged onto him, scowling maw relinquishing a breath that steamed even in the sultry night. His dazed form spun in her hands, head shunted across her shoulder as a boot cracked the back of his knees. The wraith pulled its scarf up over its fangs, returning to its face the illusion of determined calm as a single burning eye set itself forwards. Assassin braced their elbow into the pawn's back, powerful legs driving her forwards. "Live a moment longer." Assassin charged the boundary, straight towards the gunmen at the front of the hotel. A spirit could have ran from most bounded fields, but this spirit wanted to know just how well it would stop a body. A crowd of ordinary people had no chance at breaking the barrier. A sane person can't throw themselves into a wall without regard for the crash.

But her victim was going through one way or another. Whether it broke the threshold or took her closer to the caster or did nothing at all no longer mattered. Bystanders, other pawns, bullets, plenty of distractions pelted her human ram as Assassin raced straight for the doors of the hotel.
Howdy everyone, this is your tank for tonight.
Boston Park Plaza

She had made it back safely. Her chest still ached, her body felt empty and tired no matter what she ate or drank. That was the cost, the wraith had said. Hollowness. The only reward for a struggler. The wraith had taken her gun back, folding the weapon into her torn coat and smiling for the first time as she had broken down. The day was barely a haze remaining in her memories, the clarity of the morning replaced with the fuzziness her sight had taken while a distant battle with nothing to do with her slowly drained away her life. Somehow it had been even more horrifying than the first night. She'd felt more resolve standing face to face with a monster beyond her comprehension than she did knowing that specter was somewhere fighting on her behalf. The car ride home had been silent. They said nothing, they tried not to say much around her. Even their name had to be withheld. Without fail the reason was the war they found themselves in. Impossibly cruel, irredeemably destructive, inconceivably reckless. Those were the words which had described this "Grail War" to her. Assassin's words dripped with venom when they did come. She had never seen a creature possessed of such simple, pure resentment.

"Here, for you."

Assassin's bandaged hand reached out with a sweating glass of ice water. Luna Harsyke accepted, cradling the drink to pale lips. The inside of the hotel was cool even on this summer eve, but her condition had left her feeling feverish. 'I promse it will go away,' was all they had said while she bawled her eyes out. Being threatened in person was one thing, the feeling of dying to a force that couldn't even be seen had been... damaging. 'Take me with you.' All she had asked, flatly refused.

Assassin mounted the stool next to her. Why were they sitting at the token understocked hotel bar? Luna grumbled as she turned over her shoulder, picking out a number of suitable spots in the mostly empty room behind them. The Assassin had recovered swiftly, even her decimated coat returning to form when she had rematerialized. No matter what healed, they still insisted on wrapping their extremities up and donning that eyepatch. The gloves and heavy clothes covered them up in public, made them look sane, but their idea of unwinding meant leaving the tactical gear sitting in the hotel room. Her Servant drank nothing, bowing their chin and listening to the noise of the building as they waited on nothing. "I'm going for a walk. Remember." The wraith clasped her left hand as they left, stinging the sore seal.

Right. Not even the hotel was safe anymore. They had said that plainly, a few minutes after the two returned. Assassin had tensed, relating through their mental link that an opponent had come to share the same lodgings. It wasn't dangerous, they couldn't feel Assassin until they made the first move, right? The Servant left one door, the woman in black disappearing as a smarmy Austrian host she'd met a while ago entered from another door. Did they not card here? She stole a look at the bartender and pondered the immoral. More importantly: The man was a target. Assassin. She called out with her mind, even her mental voice choked with panic. Their answer... made sense, always. She couldn't look away from someone she was supposedly engaged in mortal combat with. How did he act, how did he move? She paid attention to the things she would have never cared about, like the shifts in his expression as he killed off his drinks. Like looking into a mirror, only more dignified and self assured. A man having an internal monologue. Only they both were freaks that could commune with the dead killing machines at their beck and call.

A blink of an eye, a sharp clack on wood. His eyes were locked with hers. That was awkward. Face to face with a problem for once, Luna did not wallow in silence.

Remember who you are.

"Oh my gosh, you're who I think you are, aren't you?" Her voice tweaked as it overcame nervousness. She cradled her glass, facing the hand that needed to hide away from his interrogating stare. "Habsburg, right, right? Ganivet's announcement party? I- what are you doing here? I was just thinking about that party tonight. Loved the last one, you know, my old man said it was just a big lipservice festival but you sure showed him. I don't think anyone will be forgetting the friends Senator Ganivet has when he runs. I hope our gracious host will be joining us again tonight?" She bit back the urge to ask him if he was on the run from the noise or just pregaming. Her pet psychopath had gotten his house blown up a few hours ago. She missed the gun once holstered at her back.
I'd love to see a character sheet for this! I was thinking of going with temperance or tenacity as a Virtue depending on what else we get.
True to her word, the rear guard stamped along at the back of the trio. Her mind fatigued, dragging her lively new body's step. The bestia turned as they walked, drifting through sidesteps and at times following the party backwards as their eyes dutifully trained themselves across the horizon, always drifting back to the geyser of light behind them for what felt like the maximum safe time to witness it. It left a dreary ghost of brightness across her vision every time she swept it, the echo of that terrifying spire painting her surroundings flickering green-red in her eyesight. Between the hills, glimpses of that horizon revealed... Waves. Rolling waves of green, tall grass pierced through with trees radiating from the storm, expanding outward as the fields swelled with life.

Irene scratched at her eyes, the backs of her gloves falling away to reveal that this was in fact not a complete hallucination brought on by the odd tingling the blue light etched into her skin. Even the grass at her feet seemed to recoil from the storm, tips curling as the lush carpet moved with unreal vigor. That was barely even worthy of recognition, though, because something far more fantastic pulled her mind on her next robotic sweep of the landscape. The way she felt she doubted if she would have noticed something actually approaching across the plains, but there was no missing the conspicuous darkness floating atop the continuous explosion. Was that one of them? Some kind of rock thrown up by the blast? It was floating, maybe even surfing the constant gush of whatever that light was.

"Um," Her voice grumbled, catching her by surprise again after having fallen silent for so long. She definitely need to tell the group about that shape. The interruption was enough to invite a deeper rumble from another voice. Ye mucks? Her head snapped instinctively to Jyu-Ni, wondering if two people with the same accent would get along by default. As her head turned to check her party member her jaw dropped as she saw the stranger. Easily the tallest creature she'd ever stood under, several meters at least. Wearing robes of leather, the scent of tanned flesh striking her senses at once, like he had any business to be acting like just a normal guy at that height. He, at least she assumed by the voice, wasn't running at them, wasn't waving a weapon around. Was this a native? Was this the dominant species of this planet, some kind of shepherd of floating boxes they'd stumbled across? Wooden crates hovered along in his presence. Just like Jyu-Ni! But with boxes instead of threatening mecha arms.

"Uh," She cleared her throat, deepening her tone as she eyed the stranger from the back of the group. Just enough silence for her to speak first. "Got no clue and got no inclination to find out, we've just been walking straight away from... That mess." She hung over her feigned indifference, a fresh pang of remorse lancing through her stomach as she emphasized her words by pointing first in the direction they came from and then openly towards where they were going. The wolfman wavered before continuing. "Erm, good day though. How... do you do?"
The Habsburg Ruin

"No, she didn't say anything, I didn't even hear shouting during the... Fight? Now you mention it, someone had to be shooting back and none of us called it. Fuck." Realization shot up his spine. Maybe that was just one of the scratches from the dust shower he'd gotten. The shock that came with piecing together his fragmented memories was just as painful. The guardsman flinched, the cabinet behind him dinging as he laid his head back against it. "She left the same way she went, but she trashed the only vic she brought. So I guess that woman and Habsburg both have some friends we didn't get to know about. I only know what I heard, I got splashed almost as soon as the shooting started." He briefly indicated the stains up and down his black suit. Aah, at least the gig being over meant they didn't have to dress like henchmen anymore. If he could even find the guys back in town. A bitter frown came over him, his eyes falling to the radio left on the floor as he cursed the incomplete hand he'd been dealt.

"You're what?" His moping was cut short as powerful arms scooped him off the floor. His numbed body still hurt as his wounded, sore leg was jostled but it wasn't as bad as he was expecting. The strength of the silver eyed woman caught him by surprise though. Especially with how familiar it was. The awkward sensation of being hefted around without any resistance. Play along. It felt like the only play to make. He'd... followed the rules they set, right? Were these exceptional folks the cleaners he'd been warned about? A cold sweat boiled the dormant CS particulate on his skin. "Oh, yeah, sounds great. Hey, I know a little about running a kitchen. Be a Marine in peacetime you learn a bunch of dumb shit... Sure sure, stayin' right here."

And then she shut the door on him. No quiet escape. What could he even do, the way he was? The guard laid back and waited. The cold floor of the food truck at least smelled different. His eyes fluttered easily in the comforting aura of something approximating a home. Make it easy on yourself. The voice that commanded him to sleep had a pretty good point. He was a twig in that woman's arms, his handgun was toast and... His hand fumbled on his pantleg. He'd dropped in the shack anyway. "Whatever..."

Drowsy eyes fluttered open as the duo reboarded, bringing with them an intimidating looking box of spoils from the rubble. He shifted on the ground, eyeing it quizzically before the one that almost called EMS approached him. 'Work.' You didn't usually stitch people up if you were going to kill them. He almost managed to crack a smile at her approach until his head began to spin. There was a soft thud as his head reclined against the floor plate, control gone from his body as consciousness suddenly faded away.

Gemstone Ash Collection/Clear
Old State House

The look of idle amusement on the Guide's face sprang into one of moderate shock as the cat underneath her hands revealed itself in short form to not be a cat after all, but a blue haired man. Still, her hand retreated only reluctantly from them as they righted themselves and joined her in bringing the saliva covered hat wearing man to his feet.

"Oh right, the war. You must be Servant and Master then, I had not supposed as much. Unfortunately I am not currently equipped with the faculty to discern much difference between the two." She spoke plainly with a constant sort of enthusiasm, carrying on the even tone that had addressed the tourists outside and anyone who passed close enough to catch a lecture. Finally, though, it was her turn to listen. She nodded, hmming at appropriate times as the two of them related a string of information about their occupation of the State House.

Glasses flashed in the warm lighting as her head came back up. A swift finger adjusted them on her face after they had fallen. "I have never known Magi to be concerned with ethics until they simultaneously seek to advance their own selves by enforcing them, but what you say is indeed heartening news. I have no reason to doubt it from your conduct thus far. However, you are a Caster, then? That would explain the degree of drain I have measured lately, and would certainly indicate that the discrepancy stems from this building and this building alone. The spellcasting capabilities of a Heroic Spirit are of course a plausible explanation."

The Guide began to walk away from the duo, deeper into the building, standing in its looming corridors and casting glances over some of the smaller... Differences that had emerged with the building's new occupation. She ran her fingertips across the wallpaper, peering into the grained texture for a moment before she continued. "Pleased to meet you, Giuseppe and Caster. I am a mere Custodial Ghost Liner, without a name to provide. Like you, I am a familiar of the grail, only without a Class Assignment or corresponding Container."

"I must correct you on one point however, I am not the same as you, though it is certainly flattering to be lumped in with you 'allies of justice' so early on." She turned on her heel, back to facing the dissonantly colored duo. "My purpose in arriving here is to caution you, as participants in the Grail War, that you have every right to claim this leyline and with it the risks involved. As expected of an ambitious Magus and his magically inclined Servant, you have positioned yourselves at the best possible terminal to draw in magical energy for the Holy Grail War. One of them, at least, on this auspicious Trail."

Their eyes flashed over to Caster, focusing on the Servant entirely as they droned on. "As common sense would have it, the same nexus is home to the node feeding the foundation of both of our existences, the spiritual machinery that encapsulates the Holy Grail. A destabilization will not be tolerated, such is the design of our Grail's benevolent sponsor. There's no bother in you using this place, but you should be aware that damage to these grounds will not be taken likely. Do be careful not to make this structure a target. Punishment will likely fall on shoulders other than your own, of course... But any conditions that jeopardize the completion of the Grail will be corrected."

They walked forward, placing themselves in arms reach of the pair and simply attempting to move towards the door. Their peace said, the Liner made no movement of their arms, no shifting of their eyes as they saw fit to extricate themselves from the interaction. But they stopped, turning to look up at Giuseppe. A tiny glimmer for the former persona of Guidance returned to them, a smile cracking on their doll like face as they regarded the detective. "You refer to the serial killings of the North End, they've been bad for my business. I would caution you against the belief that you can do anything about them, but the simple truth of the matter should not be too difficult to find with the presence of a skilled Magus."
The Habsburg Ruin

Don't shoot.

Powerless to even say the words that scorched in his head the decrepit guard could only mouth them, lips cracked and bleeding as his sore jaw forced them to part. Of course it was too good to be true, of course there was no second chance. The reaper had changed their mind, come back to collect, the dark shape in his eyesight kicked the door in like it was made of tin, leveled the silhouette in their hands at him as they swept the room. His tired body lurched in place, remembering the feeling of being shot at as death loomed. How long, how long, how long...

The shadow lowered their weapon. Eyes nearly swollen shut struggled to watch as they took a step forward and knelt down. A cool hand swept his residue matted hair from his sight, pulled down the darkness over their face to reveal a soft color. Even though it was dim, color was all that he could remember. It was the green that had terrified him, the void he felt in himself while staring into something without a soul. Two eyes. Two eyes of gallant silver stared at him, a noble color, wisdom, warmth... The regal shape of her face swam in his burnt-away vision but he was looking at someone he didn't know, and that was the most comforting feeling he'd had in years.

He could hear just fine. Perhaps a weak pulse made the world sound far away and dreamlike, perhaps they were words his mind was not set to receive, but he could hear and not answer. Hands covered in blood shook as they reached up to the teacup, gingerly accepting the out of place vessel without wondering why someone would carry such a thing. It stung his lips as he turned it up, trying to drink as much as he could without spilling any. He felt every drop he did, the rivulet running down his chin reawakening the diminishing sting of the chemical agent lingering on his skin.

"Thank you, thank you... Thank you." His voice came on weak, croaking through the phlegm and inflammation until he finally came to resemble a human, hoarse but alive. "Somebody shot the place up, just drove through the gate and... Got me pretty good. Are you guys robbing the place? I won't say shit, I won't say shit..."

The guard felt compelled to go on speaking for the voice. A series of blinks cleared his eyes. The grim reaper was kind of a looker, actually. And there were two. A different girl had crept into the scene, wrought in brighter colors, but the two wore the same kind of accessories. A burglar team? Fuck it, he'd happily empty his wallet for a glass of water delivered with such aplomb. The second one was holding out a flask. He'd heard of smelling salts, there was some ammonia in the response kit under the desk. Why hadn't he thought of that? Before he could even worry about the horrible smell his mind felt sharper, the pain in his leg rescinding into a dull nervous throb. They stood up, leaving him to the questions of the silver woman.

"I don't know what happened next. The woman just got out of her car and started shooting. I couldn't see much, there was gas everywhere, and then... Fuck I dunno, everything was exploding and I was getting thrown around like a baseball. By the time the smoke cleared the building was leveled, nobody was on the radio anymore, and I heard Principal Detail's truck, uh, the guys who are supposed to watch Hapsburg, driving out from the garden. I guess he's alright, fuck him he'll just cut us loose after this, I just hope the guys made it out with him." He lingered, glancing up at the window and the absence of the estate's front face. His hands twitched emphatically in his lap, his arms feeling too numbed to do it themselves. Talking took his mind off the aches. "They, the, uh, her... The shooter came back around, missing an eye, really cut up, still carried me around like a kid. Threw me in here, bound up my leg and told me the pain would keep me awake. They told me to run for the country when I could-"

"Hey are you calling the cops?" He bolted upright at the sight of a phone, staring up at Naoko with the widest eyes he'd managed yet. "Hold- hold on. They said if I went to the hospital or the cops there'd be people trying to kill me. Please, don't, don't."
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