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Caleb Walker

The protest girl’s face passed through a complex expression after Caleb made his introductions, which Caleb noted with very little concern. He had an excellent sense of people though it could sometimes take a couple minutes to get a good read on them. One of the reasons he had been doing so well in his fraternity pledge was due to this, so using it to figure out the best way to get the protest girl’s good side was likely to be a piece of cake assuming she was interested in men. It just took patience on his end. In the meantime, Rowan seemed far more open to his advances.

He felt a heavy arm wrap around him “What’s up Val?” Caleb greeted her with a genuine smile. Val was a hell of a human being, doggedly pursuing her dream of breaking a world record in lifting. From what Caleb had seen in the gym, she never gave up and would never take the easy way out. Spotting the bruising on her arms though, it looked like she had pushed herself too hard. He frowned at them and gave her a faux-upset look, before pulling out his cellphone. Quickly, he accessed the shared google calendar the BCC gym staff shared and set an appointment for her with the massage therapist for tomorrow. He was allowed a certain amount of free monthly amenities and this seemed simple enough. He shared the appointment details to Val’s phone before storing the phone away.

In the meantime, the cute slightly older man had started up talking to him introducing himself as Rowan as they began walking to Poor Yorick’s. “Rowan, huh? I like it.” The other member of the group Rowan had attempted to talk to, began blasting music and moving away from them, which suited Caleb just fine as it gave him to talk to Rowan more. Behind him, he was vaguely aware of some conversation between Val and the angry girl, but Rowan was quite distracting at the present for him to pay it much mind.

“So tell me, how do you keep your dreads looking so nice? I have seen a lot of people try and pull these off and just fail so completely.” Caleb eyed them appreciatively as it was a difficult look for many to pull off. The sound of a nearby car horn demanded his attention as a driver shouted at the odd kid who had stopped in the middle of the road and was staring at him. Then a rat of all things leapt out of the sewer and chomped down on the exiting driver’s hand, who began shouting for help. Caleb hesitated for a moment, before inspiration struck as he glanced slyly at both Rowan and Kalama for a split second before running right at the driver. Quickly, he used enough strength to pry the rat’s teeth out of the man’s hand and then tossed the rat away underhanded in case either of the pair was an animal-lover. The task was easy enough given all his time spent training the only difficult part being the rat’s rapid motions. He briefly considered just healing the wound, but quickly decided against it as it would be rather obvious.

He gave the man some rapid directions to the nearest urgent care and told him his name, just in case his help here today had some potential positives in the future. Turning back and walking to the rest of the group, he took some water from his water bottles and rinsed off his hands. Glancing at the rest of the party with an upraised eyebrow and a small cocky glint in his eye, he asked, “Does anyone have any Purell or something?” He glanced between Rowan and Kamala to gauge their reactions to his “heroics.”

Glancing down, the goth kid before had doubled over and was leaning against a lamp post. Caleb looked back to where the rat had been and the goth doubled over in pain. What had just happened was bizarre and suspicion began to form in Caleb’s head. He squatted down slightly and slid the goth’s headphones off his ears, making sure to look him in the eye with a serious expression that the others may take as somewhat caring and asked “What did you say your name was again?” Caleb wasn’t sure what he was looking for quite yet, but Ben’s response after the odd event seemed… familiar.
Just finished an evening shift and its 12 am here. Will post in morning should still be within 24 hr zone
So next is @Laser Kiwi if I am not mistaken yes?
@sassy1085 looks like Sanity hasnt posted, you are up if you feel ready to post!
@Blazion For sure, lemme know if you want them to be something like friends, possibly Caleb acting as a wingman, or whatever else. I'm open!
@Blazion Funnily enough, I think my ass of a character would actually like and respect yours. He works at a trainer at the BCC gym so they may have met or even worked out together before if you are interested in any pre-existing relationships
@Kenshi my character might also be really mean to yours sorry! Lemme know if it is ever too much and I will adjust! Promise i am not nearly as mean as Caleb lol
@Kenshi haha perfect then! I am sure our characters will have a really fun arc!! :)
Caleb Walker

Caleb adjusted the ice pack he had strapped to his thigh before class and let out an exasperated sigh. Most of the ice had already melted in the long wait for class to be over and it hadn't exactly helped with the pain, probably he wasn't actually suffering any real injury. The other people in them room were making there way out, and Caleb glanced around to realize he was one of the last people inside. He shoved his belongings into his bag, roughly pushed his chair back and left.

Caleb blinked as his eyes adjusted to the sunlight after the class which felt like it took a month. Bed was the most appealing option next, but he knew it would be sometime before he could sleep and even if he did his dreams were odd recently. There weren't any pledge activities going on today and he had already seen there wasn't a work shift to cover today. Maybe a couple reps at the gym would be just the thing to take his mind off his leg through. Honestly, his newly discovered gift was a potential gold mine, but he had to get his shit under control. No more pain when healing people, and he was totally uninterested in starting another fire. He could still hear Daria's gentle moans of pleasure transforming into the a screech of pain...

He shook himself out of his reverie, and was about to commit to his plan to go work out, when he heard the girl's invitation to head to Poor Yorick's. He glanced over and saw a fairly attractive pair standing together, one of the gave off the vibe of being one of those modern day hippie types and the other of a woman who had been to many a protest. He had forgotten their names immediately after they had introduced themselves on the first day. More importantly, both were hot as hell, and Caleb considered that taking either of them down or preferably both would have a far larger chance of improving his mood. Not just their looks though, he felt compelled to go where they were as something about them called to him. Maybe it was the fact he had not actually taken notes today.

Giving an internal shrug, Caleb casually took off the light denim jacket he'd been wearing, revealing the athletic tank he wore beneath which better showed off his powerful toned body. He moved towards them, and noted another had joined their group. He was dressed like a goth or emo kid and stood in a way that gave Caleb the impression he would have perfectly happy to sink into the floor. Caleb quickly dismissed him from his attention writing the boy off as pathetic. The sense of being drawn in had definitely increased though.

"Hell, I'll come along, spending an afternoon with you both sounds good." He waited till they were looking at him and slowly moved his eyes over both of then giving a confidently slow and wicked smile showing his approval. He paid no attention to the other boy in the group at all. His leg ached, but he ignored it.

Next: @sanity43217
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