Avatar of Evil Snowman
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Evil Snowman
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1239 (0.34 / day)
  • VMs: 3
  • Username history
    1. Evil Snowman 10 yrs ago
  • Latest 10 profile visitors:


Recent Statuses

5 yrs ago
When you have the urge to update your bio to something newer. But are to lazy to do it.
5 yrs ago
Merry Christmas to you all.
6 yrs ago
I really must get to posting for my RPs. But procastnating is much easier.
6 yrs ago
Just got home form seeing infinity war. Gotta say I wished I seen it sooner.
6 yrs ago
Shit when did it become my dam 25th birthday? I'm sure last time I checked it was at least a week a way.


Hello I'm Evil Snowman or Snowy as some have taken to calling me.
I'm a 27 year old baker living in Australia. I also work nights so I'm up at some weird hours.
Let's see I'm into Writing/RPing, Video games, anime, Sci-if stuff (to lazy to list what.) computers, cats and a lot of other stuff.
I spend a fair amount of my free time on the net so I tend leave tab open for the guild so I'm normally around if not I'm mostly likely working or passed out somewhere.

If you want more know more you'll have to talk to me and get to know me (don't worry I don't bite... too much) so send me an PM and I'll talk with you.

Most Recent Posts

Yes cause clearly a robot is what we need leading humans in to battle. If we going to have robot commander I'd rather have Paladin. XP
True it's going to be a bit on an adjustmeant for her. Question is who will step up and be the secondary comnander.
Heh I just reread the post and realised Katya now the field commander. It's going to be a bit of a surprise for her and make her stress.
I'm reopening this thread as I can take one more partner.
@Mr Rage Discord pretty easy use and in my opinion for instant message is one of best programs out there. Pretty much sign up for it and download the program. Then use the invite to get into the server the boss man has set up. If you can't download the program it's works in most net browsers and it works on most smart phones too.
@DarkRecon Also I would like to post be currently I need to wait for some else before I do so. Unless you wanted to do some sort of collab. Which to me at least seems lIke the best way to go about it as we could drag @Jasonhero into as well if he's willing.
@Ariamis A discord sever sounds fine by me. Having a diffrent means of being able to communicate sounds like a good idea.
@ArkmageddonCat Don't lie. We all know you just want it all for yourself.

Katya had gotten herself change before heading the mess all. Wearing standard issue cold weather fatigues she had been given when she had been transferred to squad Sigma. It no secret those form Kromm found most place to cold for comfort. Something she still hoped she would eventually adjust to but had her doubts.

But it was a minor matter and right now Katya had something she deemed far more important on her mind. That being what Elora had said about Killing the Son. Katya still have no idea what the young pilot meant by those words. Although that did not stop her again letting her mind ponder the meaning as she entered the mess and acquired something to eat and sat in the corner of the room on her own.

There she stayed slowly eating as her mind wondered. Failing to notice both Jake and Maria approach her. Only looking at them and paying them any mind when they started to speak. Only just hearing their request for her to come with them to Jasons room as there was something they wanted to speak to her and Jason about. Katya giving sigh as she was only halfway through her meal. But she could not say no. After all, she was their superior and she could not recall a time either Jake or Maria had approached her and ask her to come with them. So was pretty sure whatever they wanted had to be important. So saying no was not really an option.
“Alright give me a minute put this away.” she spoke before taking one last bite of her food. Before throwing the rest out. Feeling a little annoyed she didn’t get to finish it. But the thought was quickly pushed aside as she joined the pair of them.
“Lead the way. Meanwhile one of you care to tell me what this is about. I can’t recall a time either one of you have come to me like this. So whatever this is I get feeling you both think its important.”


As Zim looked at Valéria she her posters shifted showing a small amount of discomfort at the short man gaze. But it quickly faded as Zim said he as pleased to meet Valéria. Who gave him a bow of the head to thank him silently.

“Thank you brother Hero. I’m pleased to meet you as well.” she spoke tilling her head down to look at the shorter pilot. Adjusting her hood in an effort to make sure it covered her head correctly. Feeling Zim’s short height might let him see things she was not allowed to show at this time.

As Zim spoke of the XO which she already knew was Lorenzo having already had made herself known to the man. But that was more of a she was escorted to him when she arrived so he knew he had another pilot under his command. Valéria was pleased the meeting was short and he seemed not to care less that she had arrived and was ready for duty. Valéria finding the had a creepy feeling about him. As Zim spoke of Ritsu Valéria made note of what Zim said. The woman feeling a slight frown appear as it meant she’d have to officially report in later. When the Ritsu was free as Valéria’s order stated clearly to report into Captain Ritsu. Which to her meant the Elise was not an option although it would have made thing so much easier for her if the young Sargent was.

As Zim spoke of Elise Valéria could not help but glance over. Having heard of Sargent Elise Steinhart although Valéira was surprised to see she was someone so that looked so young. Was center of several tales of valour and bravery. To Valéria to have someone so that looked like she was still a child fight and not to mention lead was unnatural. But Valéria had undergone some education courses to make sure she was aware some worlds had did things differently and that she needed to accept such things.

Zim kept speaking Valéria making a mental note as Zim said not to call them Heros of Leviticus IX. The woman giving a nod of the head to say she would comply with such a request. Although she had not intended to refer to the squad in that way again to them. Only her Haath brothers and sister at the base she was sure she’d end up spending time with and swapping war stories with. As it was common pass time for Haath troops was to share the stories of war when they came back from the front. Valéria positive she’d end up having more than a few all she hoped is most of them were tales of victories.

The moment Zim asked the new pilots to share some information about themselves. Valéira nodded and was about to answer the questions Zim had asked. However, Elizabeth spoke first. Valéira listening closely to what the young woman had to say. Although she could not help but be a little distracted by the woman's bountiful red hair. Valéira again wondering how did she tolerate it? Surely washing and brushing it must be time-consuming.

Once Elizabeth had finished speaking Valéria cold see several use’s for Elizabeth and her werk and expected the two of them would be working together at least a little bit. When Zime offered a tour of the base while they talk Valéira pondered the idea of a moment before gesturing for him to lead them. Valéria not about to say no even if she had partly familiarized herself with bases layout. After all he might show her something she had missed that and she didn’t want to be seen as rude. Zim had made offer out of what she assumed was kindness. So it would be impolite to not partake of his offer.
“I’ll will take up on your kind offer brother Hero. As for the werk I operate it is called Redeemer. A heavy melee werk. If you wish to see it you’ll find it in the werk hanger. Look for the large black werk with a mace on it left arm and claw on the right. Can not miss it. As for prior deployments, I have been protecting my peoples home for roughly 4 years. I have seen one battle against the Cruxi but … it ended in defeat. The Cruxi drove my kind form our second home.” Valéria spoke rubbing her left arm feeling a pang of phantom pain run through it. Her tone becoming one of anger and hate as she spoke the word Cruxi

As they walked Valéria was quickly to notice how Elizabeth spoke to Zim finding it to be quite rude and uncalled for Zim so far seemed like a nice enough person. For a time Valéira merely didn’t utter a word. However, her tolerance for it in the end, wore out.
“If you will excuse me. I can’t tolerate the rudeness of Sister Fullbright any longer. I think I will hunt for the captain and report in. My thanks Brother Hero for showing me around.” she spoke giving a bow of the head. With that she walked off on her own adjusting her as she went.
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